Chapter 18

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Raven was back at Nathaniel's apartment, she sat in the living room, looking at nothing in particular. She didn't go to the hospital to see him, she hadn't washed off the dried blood on her face and hands.

The silence and guilt, were suffocating her, her throat was dry, but her palms were sweaty. Her mind replayed images of her stabbing her partner's parent. She didn't shed a single tear, she felt numb. She now had a real person's blood on her hands, both literally and metaphorically.

She thought of Nathaniel, what would he even do? Was he going to leave her? It would be only logical thing to do, she couldn't imagine him staying with her after that. Sure he didn't like his mother, but she had still given birth to him. He once told her that her possessiveness and issues were what attracted him to her. However she had taken it too far.

She hadn't killed his mother only because her words spiked her. She just didn't want the one she loved to keep feeling what his mother made him feel. She was tired of the irresponsibility of parents. Her parents gifted her with nothing but pain. She knew it wasn't her place to get involved but her thoughts got the worse out of her.

The smell of the blood was now getting to her, she could smell nothing but it. Was she aware that she was no longer alone? No she most definitely wasn't. Nathaniel had previously entered, leaning on his side carefully to not put too much pressure on his hurt leg.

Her eyes landed on him, her eyes still held no emotion to them. They didn't talk, they only kept looking at each other. At this point Nathaniel didn't know what to think.

"I'm sorry. "

She blurted out, averting her gaze away from him. She didn't look at the floor, which indicated her lack of remorse or guilt.

"Get a shower, the whole apartment smells like blood. "

Nathaniel said before leaving the living room, walking towards the kitchen, or at least trying to. Raven got up, she took a step and stopped.

"I think we need to break up. "

She spat without turning around to look at Nathaniel. She heard his steps coming towards her, he spinned her around roughly and looked into her eyes.

"What did you say? "

He asked through gritted teeth.

"Nathaniel I said you need to get the hell away from me. "

She said calmly. He grabbed her face bringing her closer.

"Don't say that shit Raven. "

He said, before pushing her away again.

"I just killed your mother Nathaniel, I should be locked up right now. I'm sorry, you deserve someone better. "

She said now raising her voice a bit. He took a step back, inhaling deeply.

"You're a real fucking problem Raven. "

He whispered. Raven's eyes now started glossing, tears threatening to escape.

"But you're my fucking problem, so if you think you are getting out of this, I mean us so easily, you're beyond stupid. "

He said, gesturing between him and her.

"Oh my fucking God Nate. I just killed your mother, get that through your head. That time at the diner on our first date I threatened the waitress that hit on you. This isn't normal, I'm not normal. You have issues I do too, believe me I know. I want you to do better, better than some psycho like me. "

She said now her tears spilling from her eyes. He passed her a death glare before walking back at her. He grabbed both sides of her hips and pulled her to him.

"Nothing of that matters to me. That woman you call my mother, was nothing but a cheap whore, she meant nothing to me. The only thing that matters to me is you and nothing you do will ever take that away. When you told me you loved me I felt like the happiest man alive. I know what we have isn't even near to perfection but that's who we are, no matter how hard we try we'll never be plain and normal. I would kill everyone and anyone on this earth for you. If anyone touched you they would wish they had died. If someone made you cry I would tie them to my car and drive around. You're mine, I am the only one that gets to see you hurt, you have the right to waste your tears only for me no one else. If you died or got hurt today I would kill myself. Raven I can no longer live without you, you're like a drug to me. "

He said. It was the sweetest thing he had ever said to her. She looked at him, she grabbed his face and kissed him. Once they pulled away she looked at the gorgeous man in front of her.

"Nate. If you ever die, I'll die with you, we live or we die together. "

She said now looking into his eyes, a small smile made its way on his face.

"Raven Malarkey, I will die or live with you. I love you for infinity. "

He said pecking her lips.

"Always and forever, only with you Nate."

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