Chapter 31

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Raven watched the guys, testing their motorcycles. They were making sure that they worked perfectly before the attack. The plan was simple, drive the truck with the shipment off road, kill all of the riders and then burn the truck. She was going with them as well in a car a little behind. Kristina was at the club as well, wanting to wish good luck to James.

"Guys, come here for a bit. "

She yelled, catching everyone's attention. All men as well as Kristina walked towards Raven.

"In this period of time, I've become part of your family and I'm really greatful. I'm sure everything will go by plan today, if any one of you assholes gets hurt I'll murder you. I love you all. "

She said with a sweet smile.

"We love you too Raven. Now guys we have to go, time to kill some bastards. "

Stefan said. Kristina hugged Raven tightly, before Raven got into the car. They started driving towards the main road, the club members way ahead. They came to a stop, hiding their motorcycles as well as themselves behind bushes, on the side of the road. Raven parked the car, diagonally, blocking the street. Soon enough members of the other MC started appearing, a truck was following behind them, whereas more motorcycles were behind them.

With guns blazing, everyone started shooting at the Pumas, making them fall off their bikes, dead. The sound of bullets was the only thing heard, as they slaughtered each and every member of the Pumas. The huge truck had fallen off the cliff nearby later catching on fire. Once all of them were dead, Raven and the others started checking the bodies to make sure they were all dead. She came across her father, a bullet through his head, a sight that made her chuckle.

"Say hi to mommy in hell for me father. "

She whispered.

"Raven we gotta go before cops get here."

Stefan yelled at her, she run towards him, getting on top of his motorcycle, as all of them drove away. However, Stefan and Raven took a different course from the rest of them, who were returning back to the club. After a while they came to a stop outside a house. They got down from the motorcycle and stood next to each other looking at the house.

"Are you sure this is it Stef?"

"Yes, sweetheart and he's home right now as well. "

Raven nodded and the two walked towards the door, they knocked on the door and as soon as the man opened it Stefan punched him, making him fall to the ground.

"Hello detective, it's been some time since we last saw you. "

Raven said. Stefan picked him up from the collar of his shirt, throwing him on a chair.

"What do you want? "

The detective asked.

"I'm sure you know why we're here. Nathaniel is in a comma because you are a little dirty bastard cop. "

Raven spat angrily. The detective started laughing, making her even more angry.

"So your father really went through with it? "

He said in between his laughter.

"In about 15 minutes, your colleagues are going to enter this place, arrest you, they'll take you to jail for a crime you didn't commit and then you'll be brutally murdered by some of our friends there. "

Raven said with a devilish smile. The detective immediately stopped laughing and glared at Raven.

"What the fuck did you do you bitch? "

He asked trying to get up but Stefan was holding him in place.

"My friends and I took care of my father and his crew, leaving a small souvenir in the crime scene. You see Nathaniel is way smarter than you, he kept tabs on you, he even stole a gun of yours with your fingerprints all over it. He kept it somewhere locked in case he ever wanted to blackmail you. When I found it, it got me thinking, don't we have guns that take the same bullets? Yes, yes we do. But something was missing, we couldn't put this on you with only a gun. But then another brilliant idea popped into my mind, in your file, which I of course read, it said that your mother has Alzheimer. So we paid her a small visit, we told her that her son, tried to kill her and then took her car. The problem was that she would forget it, so Stefan over there told her to write it down, in order to remember what to tell the cops. "

The detective was glaring at her.

"Next thing you know the car magically appeared at the crime scene, the gun with your fingerprints inside it. "

"That will never work bitch, I wouldn't be able to take out a whole motorcycle gang just by myself. "

"You idiot, do you think they will care? All they care about is that outlaws died, they see them as criminals and nothing more. So basically you did them a favor, they will only arrest you because people will want the killer to be inside bars. "

The detective was trying to get up, most likely to attack her, but Stefan was keeping him in place.

"Raven we got to go, right now, we're running out of time. "

Raven passed the detective one last wink, before she headed out with Stefan. As they were driving away Raven looked back to see the police pulling up at the detective's house, a smile now covering her face.

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