Chapter 8

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Raven woke up feeling kisses all over her neck and face. She smiled before opening her eyes to see Nathaniel placing hot kisses all over her.

***smexy scene***

A giggle escaped from her mouth, feeling Nathaniel's lips on her neck. He kissed her lips, while his hand squeezed her neck. Raven was extremely turned on, just by that.

"You're so beautiful."

He said in between kisses. He was on top of her, still squeezing her neck. With his other hand, he took off her pants and underwear, leaving her bottom part bare. He started rubbing her clit, making her moan. His moves were fast, making her go crazy.

"Are you a virgin?"

He asked, pulling away from the kiss. Raven just nodded and Nathaniel gave her the sexiest smirk she's seen. He pushed a finger inside of her making her, cry out in pleasure. He pushed it deep inside of her, curving it.

"More. I want more."

She breathed out.

"You want more? Such a little slut."

He pushed two more fingers inside of her. She was feeling both pleasure and pain. She was moaning while Nathaniel squeezed her neck so hard, that she almost ran out of air.

She started feeling a knot into her stomach, getting dizzy. However before she could release herself her phone rang.

"Yes, hello?"

She said picking up the phone completely out of breath.

"Hey I'm going to drop Joey when you're done with your shift. My mom's back at hospital yadi yada yad."

Kristina said from the other line of the phone.

"Raven, can we go have breakfast please? I'm hungry as fuck."

Nathaniel complained.

"Yes, just a minute Nate."

Raven answered with a small smile.

"Yoohoo Raven's got a man. You need to spill the tea sis."

Kristina said excitedly.

"Goodbye Kris, see you when you bring Joey."

Raven said before hanging up the phone.

"Who was that?"

Nathaniel asked.

"My best friend."

"Female I hope."

"Yes she is a female."

Raven answered, before she herself got up. She put on a flowy dress, that looked absolutely gorgeous.

"So where do you wanna get breakfast from sunshine?"

Nathaniel asked kissing her cheek.

"I have like an hour till I have to be at work, so somewhere near my job."

She answered with a smile. She and Nathaniel made their way downstairs over to his motorcycle. They both got on top and Nathaniel started driving. After some time they came to a stop, at a beautiful small cafe.

They got off, going towards the cafe. The little bell on the door dinged, drawing the attention of the people working there. Raven's eyes immediately went to the provocatively dressed waitress, who was looking right at Nathaniel. They however kept walking to a table beside the window. The waitress came to their table swaying her hips, presumably trying to catch Nathaniel's attention.

"What can I get you?"

She asked, winking at Nathaniel.

"I'll have a black coffee, Nate?"

Raven said. She didn't want to mention anything about the waitress, since she would sound like an extremely jealous girlfriend. They had only gone out like twice.

"Same as she."

He simply replied, without passing the waitress a second glance.

"Sure thing, handsome."

The waitress said before leaving. It was things like that, that made Raven furious. She could clearly see that Nathaniel was here with a girl. It was utterly disrespectful to hit on him. She gripped the chair lightly, not wanting to make a scene. She didn't handle abandonment well, which resulted in a possessive behavior.

"You okay Raven?"

Nathaniel asked, seeing her almost turning red in anger.

"Yeah let me just head to the bathroom real quick."

She simply replied. She felt bad for what she was about to do, but the fear and mere insecurity of someone stealing Nate away from her, led her to go into the kitchen instead of the bathroom.

"Hey you, gold locks."

She exclaimed, catching the waitress's attention.


The waitress replied. Raven's hands reached to a knife beside her, picking it up. With all the power she had, she stabbed the cutting board it was previously standing on.

"Next time you make eyes to my man, it will be your hand instead of the cutting board. Understand?"

She said with a sick smile. The waitress had a look of both fear and surprise now on her face. All she could was nod.

Raven gave her one last smile before returning to her seat. She knew what she did was wrong and absolutely crazy, however she couldn't help herself. Yes it was early, but that man gave her butterflies he excited her. He had heard her screaming at her mom and all he did was hold her, not pity her like any other person would do.

"Where were we?"

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