Chapter 36

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"Good morning to my favorite girl."

Marcus said, giving Raven a small kiss on the cheek. After what happened at the orphanage, Raven and Nathaniel went to the club, killing the disgusting man, that had touched Jasper. Now the morning after the whole club was having breakfast together, including Kristina and Joey, celebrating their President's return.

"Has anyone seen my sneakers? "

Christian yelled.

"I've told you a thousand times Chris, keep them on the shoe rack. "

Raven said getting up from her seat, she went behind the bar counter, already knowing where Christian would have left the shoes.

"You're an angel. "

He said, kissing her cheek and grabbing the shoes from her hands. She rolled her eyes and sat back down. Nathaniel was looking at her with a smile on his face.

"What? "

Raven asked, putting a pancake into her mouth.

"Nothing, tiger. "

He said still smiling.

"James and I have an announcement to make. "

Kristina said standing up. Everyone stopped talking waiting to find out what had happened.

"We're getting married. "

She said again, showing off her ring. Everyone started cheering and clapping, Raven hugged her friend tightly, then taking a look at the magnificent ring. They kept eating their breakfast, talking to one another and generally having a beautiful peaceful morning.

"Nate baby I'm going out for a little while. "

Raven said kissing Nathaniel's cheek.

"Where are you going? "

He asked looking at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Put that eyebrow back to it's place before I wax it off. I'm going to get some fresh air, I have some things I need to figure out. "

Nathaniel rolled his eyes, kissing her sweetly on the lips before she left. She found her motorcycle parked out back and got on top of it, driving to the place she'd gone with Stefan. It was the most peaceful place she knew, she needed to gather some thoughts of hers.

When she reached her destination, she parked her vehicle, keeping her helmet at hand. However, she saw an old man sitting at the sole bench, holding a lily. She took a deep breath and sat next to him. Neither of them spoke, they just stared at the view.

"What's a young woman like you thinking about so intensely? "

The old man asked laughing a little at the end. She looked at the complete stranger whose voice was filled with sweetness and smiled.

"I saved a kid yesterday, a man was trying to rape him. He was an orphan and as soon as I stared at his beautiful chocolate orbs, my motherly instincts kicked in. You see... My husband and I aren't exactly ready for a kid, we're young and I just don't know what I'm supposed to do... "

She looked at the man's wrinkled face, that still had a sweet smile plastered on it.

"I'll tell you a story, sweetheart. I met my wife when we were 14 years old, I loved her with everything I had in me. I got her pregnant at 16, these were different times so I of course had to marry her right away. The day that our daughter was born, was the best day of my life. What I'm trying to say is that when love is pure a kid will not ruin that. "

Raven looked at him, she didn't know what to respond. From an aspect the man was right a kid wouldn't ruin their love but they were too immature, too bad, too dangerous for a child.

"I have to leave darling but remember what I told you, a kid intensifies the love between two people, if that love is real. "

He got up from the bench, but forgot to take the flower he was holding with him. Raven whistled making him turn around as well.

"I promised my wife that I would bring her a lily every single day, I'm sure she saw our conversation and wouldn't mind if you keep it. "

"Oh I'm sorry... Maybe I shouldn't... "

Raven said feeling guilty and sad, due to this man's wife being dead.

"Don't apologize, my Lillian is probably teaching those angels a thing or two. "

He said with a small wink before leaving Raven alone in her thoughts still holding the beautiful flower. She brought it up to her nose and inhaled the majestic smell. Time passed by as a blur and suddenly the night had taken over, a motorcycle engine made Raven aware of her surroundings. She'd just been staring at nothing, drowning in her thoughts the whole day.

"Jeez Raven are you okay? We were worried as fuck. "

She heard Stefan, who was almost immediately next to her.

"I'm a big girl Stefie I can take care of myself. "

She said patting his back.

"I thought you were Nathaniel when you came. "

"Bro I'm not snitching on our place. "

"Remember that snitches get stitches, I'll kill you. "

Raven threatened him, but it was done in a not so serious tone, making Stefan burst out laughing.

"Rae... Is something serious going on? Is there something you need help with? Something you can't talk to us about... If that's the case I'll find you the best psychologist in the whole world. "

He said wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"No, nothing like that Stefan. I just wanted a day to myself to figure out some stuff."

She let out a breath and snuggled into Stefan's chest, he was stroking her hair, just then she realised what she wanted to do. It was clear as day, there was a single choice.

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