Chapter 33

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Raven's eyes fluttered open, a headache hitting her like a brick wall. She grabbed her head letting out a pained scream. Immediately her door burst open, Marcus appeared in his underwear pointing a gun.

"What happened? Why did you scream?"

He asked worried.

"My head hurts you idiot put the gun down. "

He did indeed put the gun down and walked towards the bed, throwing himself on top of it.

"What happened yesterday? "

She asked, making him burst out laughing.

"You drunk one too many shots with Christian, sweetheart."

Raven run her hands through her hair. The only thing she remembered was taking the shots and throwing up, nothing else.

"Good morning sleepy head. "

They heard Stefan's voice coming from the door. Stefan, James and Jonas came in, smirking.

"Why do you have that idiotic smile on your faces? "

Raven asked.

"Are you feeling better sweetie? "

Jonas asked sweetly, Raven gave him a confused look, nodding her head.

"Do you want me dead Raven? "

Jonas asked again.

"Bitch no what are you talking about? "

She replied confused by his sudden question.

"Yesterday you called me Matt Donovan. You see I had no idea who the fuck this dude was, so I did some research. Every sane person wants him dead, am I really that awful of a person Rae? "

Jonas said acting as if he was hurt. Raven face palmed herself once she heard what he said.

"I can't deal with that right now but if all of you don't get out of this room, so I can shower, I will pull a Tate Langdon. "

She threatened them.

"Who's this dude? "

James asked.

"A school shooter you uncultured little fucks now out. "

She yelled. They all hurried outside leaving her alone. She checked her phone, seeing a missed call from an unknown number. It was the same number that called her yesterday but she couldn't hear anything. She shrugged putting the phone down again.

She found some towels in a cabinet and got into the shower. The burning hot water was making her skin red, but it made her feel good. After some time she got out of the shower, towels wrapped around her hair and body.

"Jesus Christ! "

She yelled taking a step back when she saw, Stefan was standing in the room, laughing as soon as he heard Raven's exclamation.

"I brought you clean clothes, stop yelling. It's men's clothes but we didn't have anything else here. "

He said giving her the clothes, Raven thanked him, taking all the clothes. She started getting dress not caring that Stefan was there. She put on the boxers under her towels, than wearing the huge shirt.

"I look like one of your hookers, that is wearing your clothes. "

She complained. Stefan got up, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as they walked out the room. They saw some hookers sleeping on tables, with guys' faces burried in their boobs. The place was a mess.

"Raven, Stefan. Did you get any calls from the hospital or something? "

Christian asked appearing in front of them.

"Uh I don't think so why?"

Said Raven truthfully.

"Yesterday during the party, the hospital called. I have the number saved because my mom was admitted there some months ago. "

Suddenly Raven realised that she had two missed calls from an unknown number. She quickly opened up her phone, calling back the number.

"Hello St.Paul's Hospital how can I help you? "

"My name is Raven Malarkey, you called me yesterday but I wasn't able to answer. Is there something you need? "

"Ah finally Mrs. Malarkey, we've been trying to get hold of you and your husband's friends. "

"Is something wrong with him? "

"No not at all, he's awake and asking for you none stop could you perhaps drop by? "

The phone dropped from Raven's hand, she couldn't believe what she just heard. He was finally awake, he was awake and asking for her.

"He's awake, he's awake. "

Raven repeated. She started jumping up and down hugging Stefan.

"We need to go to the hospital Stef, come on. "

She grabbed his hand as they went outside. Stefan started driving full speed going to the hospital. As soon as they were there Raven got off the motorcycle and started running inside not waiting for Stefan. She run through the hallways, finding Nathaniel's room, she entered and saw him.

He was laying on the hospital bed, his eyes open, how she had missed the beautiful color of his eyes. She just stood at the doorway looking at him.

"Nice flip flops, tiger. "

Was the first thing he said. Raven laughed and walked towards him. She placed a kiss on his lips, her hand stroking his cheek. She wanted to make sure that this was real, that it wasn't another one of her dreams.

"God I've missed you Nate. "

She whispered. He kissed her cheek sweetly, a small smile on his face as well.

"Raven you fucker you need to stop running everywhere, I haven't worked out since middle school. "

Stefan's annoyed voice was heard from the door. She pulled away from Nathaniel turning around and giving him a death glare.

"Don't call my wife a fucker. I might be laying in a hospital bed but I'll still beat your ass. "

Nathaniel threatened him. Stefan laughed and went over to the bed, giving Nathaniel a brotherly hug.

"So what have I missed? "

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