Chapter 15

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"What do you mean your apartment burned down? "

Kristina yelled at her friend over the phone.

"Let's just get drinks tonight and I'll tell you everything that happened. "

Raven said and hang up the phone. After Raven's apartment burned, Nathaniel and she had moved in his. It was surely bigger than hers. However, she had no clothes with her and until she had the time to go shopping she only wore Nathaniel's.

"So you going out with that friend of yours? "

Nathaniel asked.

"Yes I am, pumpkin. "

She said smiling. Nathaniel raised an eyebrow at the nickname and Raven started laughing. He playfully rolled his eyes, pulling her closer by her waist.

"You're so gorgeous, Raven. "

He said, looking into her eyes. Raven tip toed to reach his height, kissing his lips softly. Nathaniel's phone started ringing, he gave her an apologetic look and picked it up. The expression on his face morphed to one of anger, immediately making Raven worried.


He said, hanging up the phone and running a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated.

"What happened, Nate? "

She asked, wondering as to why her partner was this upset.

"We still haven't figured out who Edward is exactly working for. We don't know his big boss. However it seems that they know all about us. They have invited us to a party. You included. "

He said. Raven was utterly confused for a minute, it wasn't that they were hiding their relationship but she didn't expect to  be specifically asked to attend.

"When is the party? "

Raven asked. She wasn't going to back down front their relationship now, she knew that what Nathaniel did was dangerous, it was her choice to keep dating him. So, whatever it was that was happening, she was going to stay by his side.

"You aren't coming Raven. "

"Excuse me? I was asked to attend and that is what I shall do. "

"No fucking way. It's too dangerous I'm not risking you dying. "

He said, having a serious look on his face.

"Nate if you haven't noticed I'm fucking crazy, especially when it comes to you. I can take care of myself. "

She said, placing her hand on his cheek, an attempt to give him insurance that she would be there.

"For the first time I have something to lose, that something being you. I just don't want to take any risks."

"But Nate you aren't even taking a risk. I will be there with you and all of your guys. Stop being so dramatic, they would never hurt me whilst you're all there. "

She said, now a little annoyed that he couldn't believe in her. Nathaniel noticed her dismay and grabbed her arm pulling her as close as he could.

"If you leave me I'll go crazy. You leaving me, includes your death."

"Jesus Christ Nathaniel. I have proved to you that I am strong, I'm sure I can beat up half of those guys, so stop being a little bitch and let me come with you."

She said pulling away and pointing her finger at him, like a mother scolding her child.

"After that speech I truly would let you come but you have plans with that Kristin girl. Too bad my love. "

He said faking his sadness.

"It's Kristina asshole but hey I'm bringing her with me."

"Fuck no. "

"Try me Nate. "

She said in a challenging manner.

"You don't even know where the party is held Raven. I will tie you to the bed if I have to. "

He spat back. Raven went closer to him, placing her one hand over his pants, giving his dick a little squeeze.

"I can be very persuasive, my love. If you won't tell me, I bet a lot of your men wouldn't deny my request. "

She said seductively, into his ear. Nathaniel groaned, however he pushed her hand away from his dick and pulled her towards him by the back of her neck.

"My sweet little Raven, it's true that you make men fall on their knees. But remember that you only get on your knees for me. So anyone who even tries to touch what's mine, will wish that their mother had aborted them. "

He said, really slow, never taking his eyes away from hers. If this was a sci-fi movie Raven would see little flames dancing around in his eyes. It was true that Nathaniel was quite possessive but so was she. They were a perfect match, was it one made in Heaven? Perhaps not.

"Cat got your tongue now princess? "

He asked again, with a devilish smirk on his face. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her hormones, that were going crazy with his possessive gesture.

"Remember when God told Adam and Eve not to eat the forbidden apple? Eve didn't listen to God, she didn't listen to fucking God. What makes you think that a woman would ever follow a man's command when she simply doesn't want to? "

She asked him, shrugging afterwards. Nathaniel didn't say anything and just stared at her. She raised an eyebrow and Nathaniel groaned again.

"You and your friend should be ready by 8 I'll pick you up both from her house. Text me the adress later. "

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