Chapter 1

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Love is such a peculiar feeling. Many say they love someone but are they really in love? How would one ever know what love feels like? Is parental love enough?

They say women fall in love with men that resemble their dad and men accordingly tend to choose women that have similar traits with their mothers. Is that a good thing? It is quite different for each individual.

Example number 1: The father is a drunk that abused and later abandoned both his wife and child, it couldn't be beneficial for one to choose such a partner, could it?

Example number 2: The mother is a prostitute that works on the streets and brings different men, home each day. The child's father is unknown, that isn't ideal for a relationship, is it?

However, here she was, Raven, the girl that everyone wanted, the one that everybody loved and cherished as if she were a gift to man kind by God himself. Here was the girl that everyone thought had it all, bleeding on the floor, the man that loved her, the man who would kill and equally get killed for her, was next to her.

He was trying to stay awake for her, his so called other half, that's what he said she was to him. She was the one the great Nathaniel had chosen. The man that every girl desired, he was like a Greek God that had come to life. They  were both trying to stay alive, stay alive for a moment more.

Nothing they did or say could erase their troubled past. Their actions towards each other. They had convinced themselves that this was love. It wasn't love if it didn't hurt.

All the jealousy, the screams, the violence, everything they ever did to each other in the name of love. They thought that they would only survive if they had each other. But do two immature young adults know that much about life?

Do they know the real pain? Or is theirs as many adults would say superficial? Is everything just superficial?

Their damaged family situations brought them together, they were two broken souls that just needed mending. They found peace in the other's chaos. Was what they had healthy? Definitely not, but now a step before their death, they were still looking into each other's eyes.

A small smile on their faces that at least they would die together in peace, they were holding each other's hand as their blood pooled all around them. The carpet had turned a deep red, sirens were heard and then everything became dark for the couple.

The light went out, they could no longer look into their partner's eyes since the darkness had taken over but till their last heartbeat they knew they would always be together.

It was a relationship based on toxicity, it was radioactive. Maybe it wasn't pure or true love, but that is not something anyone has the ability to judge.

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