Chapter 9

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It had been a week since the incident at the cafeteria. Raven and Nathaniel had gotten significantly closer. They stayed together most of the nights and spend as much time together as possible. It was a saturday morning, Raven was laying in bed while Nathaniel showered. His phone started ringing, making her groan.

"Nate! Your phone is ringing, it's getting on my nerves. "

Raven said annoyed, putting a pillow over her ear.

"Can you just pick it up?"

Nathaniel screamed from the shower. Raven snorted, due to her thoughts being interrupted.


She said picking up the phone without looking at the name of caller.

"Who is this?"

A female voice said from the other line. That woke up Raven immediately.

"Raven, Nathaniel's apparent newly found Secretary, what can I do for you?"

She said, in a sarcastic tone.

"Tell him I'll be waiting in the club for him tonight. "

The woman said before hanging up. Raven's thoughts were running wild. Who was this girl? Was Nathaniel cheating on her? Just then, Nathaniel came into the room.

"Nate what are you doing tonight?"

She asked, looking into his eyes.

"I'm going to one of my clubs."

He simply answered before starting to get dressed.

"Oh which one, I have nothing to do, I might come as well."

She said, getting up from the bed. There was a long silence in the room, however she didn't budge.

"Aren't you going to tell me Nate? Don't you want me there?"

She asked, acting as if she was hurt.

"Didn't take you for the club type. Uhm it's the one called Mayhem. "

He  answered hesitantly.

"Why so hesitant? Perhaps, your lady friend will think we are a couple or something."

She said, now raising her voice a little.

"What lady friend?"

He asked, stopping what he was doing, getting closer to her.

"The one that called you, she seemed very fond of you going."

Raven said, not looking at him. She was now dressed and put her hair in a bun, while waiting for Nathaniel to answer.

"And you think I'm cheating on you?"

Nathaniel asked, his voice also raising a bit.

"I don't know Nathaniel, you tell me. Isn't it kind of weird, how you don't really want me there and then a female calls your phone, saying she will be waiting at the club for you?"

Raven said, now practically yelling.

"First of all don't you fucking yell at me. Can't I have women friends? You have that fucker from the cafe, did I ever tell you not to be friends with him?"

Nathaniel yelled back.

"Oh so I guess that now, I am the crazy one. You're absolutely right, Nathaniel, why didn't I think of Clive who isn't even my friend?"

She said turning her back at him. His hand violently turned her back around.

"Fuck you Raven."

He said looking into her eyes. He turned around, putting his jacket on and leaving the apartment. Raven was left dumbfounded her legs stuck on the spot. She found her phone, calling Kristina.

"Hi, Kris. I fucked up with Nate, I need advice."

She simply said and hang up. In about half an hour Kristina and Joey were at her door. They let Joey play in the living room while the two women talked in the kitchen.

"So spill the tea Rae, what happened?"

Kristina asked.

"First of all why are you always saying spill the tea? You watch too much youtube. Secondly, today Nate was showering, his phone rang he told me to pick it up blah blah blah. It was a woman, I freaked out, I accused him of cheating, he got mad, curse words were exchanged and then he left."

Raven said, rethinking the whole scene.

"So why did you get so mad about a girl calling him? She could be his friend or maybe his cousin or something. "

Kristina asked. Her words were completely logical, but when it happened Raven felt like he was doing to leave her.

"Look, she told him she would wait for him at the club, which he didn't tell me about. He was hesitant when I asked him about it and I kind of felt threatened. Like he would be another man to leave me."

Raven said the last part quietly. She was now looking at the floor, she felt ashamed of what she did.

"Hey, look at me. I can't promise you that all the people in your life will stay forever. People go Rae, but new people come to. I know you're scared, but you have to take some risks. Call him Rae. "

Kristina said. Raven gave her a small smile, and Kristina hugged her tightly. Raven dialed his phone number, fidgeting, she wasn't used to this.

"Nate, your phone is ringing. Oh shit I picked it up."

The same female voice she heard before on the phone said. She furrowed her eyebrows, not saying a single word.


It was now Nathaniel's voice heard. Raven couldn't reply, he had left her house to go over there. She heard some shuffling from the other line, but she still didn't say a word.

"Fuck. Raven?"

He asked and Raven just took a deep breath and hang up the phone. She wasn't sad, she was pissed off.

"Ayo Rae what happened?"

Kristina asked, worried due to her friend's reaction.

"Nate was with that girl."

She said looking at nowhere in particular.

"Well, what are you going to do Rae?"

Kristina asked, trying to understand herself what was going on in Raven's head.

"I'm going to go get my man back."

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