Chapter 2

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"Raven? Raven please help me. Raven wake up please. Daddy is hurting me, Raven, please help me. I promise I will never be naughty again, please, I'm begging you."


"Yes Raven, please come help, it hurts, I just want to close my eyes."

"Irina, stay with me, don't close your eyes baby."

"But it hurts."

"Irina? Irina!"

Waking up, the young woman sat up on her bed. The sweat was dripping from her forehead and her black hair resembled a birds nest. She got up from her bed, walking on the cold wooden floor, her steps heard to the whole house. She reached the kitchen, bottles of alcohol were laying around freely, but she learned to ignore it.

After pouring herself a glass of water she went back into her room. Her back was resting on the bed head while she sat there reminiscing her life, as she did every night she got a nightmare. She reminisced back to a time she was happy, it was only for a little bit but it meant everything to her.

"Raven honey, come daddy and I will take you girls to the zoo. I know how much you love the tigers."

Her mother said and the little girl started running. The middle-aged woman picked her child up while the young girl giggled.

"Every fucking night."

The woman said to no-one in particular, letting out the breath she was holding. She ran her hand through her hair in frustration while looking at the ceiling.

Dawn came faster then the young woman expected. Eye-bags had formed under her big hazel eyes, while her gaze hadn't moved since the time she got up at night. Her alarm clock went off, which meant she had to get to work.

She got up, applying concealer under her eyes and then brushed her hair which was back into its straight form. Once she was dressed she made her way back to the kitchen she was the night before.

"Raven, honey is that you?"

A muffled voice was heard from the living room. There stood a woman, looking beautiful for her estimated age, wearing a suit.

"Good Morning mother."

Raven whispered back, her eyes landing on the wine her mother was drinking though the time of the day. Raven wasn't a closed off person, she tended to tell whatever is on her mind and very extroverted, except when it came to her mother.

Her mother, was an elegant woman. They had some money due to the fact she was a respected archaeologist, however that didn't quench her mother's alcoholism.

"Where are you headed to so early Raven?"

Her mother asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

"To work. Now may I leave?"

Raven replied, sounding extremely annoyed, which earned her a glare from her mother.

"Why do you even work? We have money."

Her mother said getting closer to her daughter, with a disapproving look.

"Well, dear mother, your salary only covers rent and your alcohol. There are more bills."

Raven said but quickly covered her mouth after. Her mother that was before turned around, looked back at her daughter. She went close to Raven once again, their noses even touching a bit.

"Well, if your asshole of a father was here, I wouldn't be drinking. "

Raven didn't even have the strength to answer. She turned her back on her mother, walking out the door. A vain popping on her head, due to her anger. Her mother always blamed her for her father's ''take off". Her steps were fast and firm, while her mind was occupied. Before she knew it, she had bumped into someone.

"Watch it, asshole."

She immediately said, looking at the stranger she bumped into.

"You were the one that bumped into me, bitch."

The stranger spat back. Raven just rolled her eyes, something that wasn't greatly appreciated. He grabbed her arm violently, which caused Raven to roll her eyes again. She kicked him in his private parts, the guy falling on the floor.

"Oh I'm sorry Mr. Alpha Male, did I hurt your peepee?"

She said, faking a sad expression. She passed a smile to the rude stranger and kept walking towards her work. She worked at a cafe-bar. She usually took double shifts, not because she needed the money so badly, but she wanted to get out of her mother's house as soon as possible.

"Good Morning gorgeous."

A young man's voice was heard as soon as she entered. She tried to pass him a forced a smile, which he was too happy for.

"Seriously Clive, lay the flirting a little thinner."

An old woman said from the booth.

"Good Morning Mrs. Angela. "

Raven chirped. She gave the old woman a kiss on the chick and put on her apron. She started taking orders from customers, when motorcycle engines were heard. Everyone looked outside just to see, a dozen or more motorcycles parking right outside the small cafe.

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