Chapter 28

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"Can we not do anything for the rest of the day please? "

Raven asked, Nathaniel who was sitting next to her at one of the chairs, in the dining room.

"We can take a nap and then spend the rest of the day in bed. "

He suggested. Raven started clapping, completely loving the idea. The two run to one of the bedrooms and dropped on top of the bed. It didn't take long for both of them to fall asleep. After some hours of sleep, Raven's eyes fluttered open. She watched Nathaniel's chest moved up and down, as he peacefully slept or so she thought. Suddenly with a fast movement Nathaniel had her underneath him.

"How did you even manage to look asleep while you were awake?"

She asked utterly confused.

"One of my secret talents. "

He said, placing kisses all over her neck, making her giggle.

"I love you Nathaniel, more than anything. "

She said with a smile.

"How did I get this lucky? I got myself the craziest and baddest bitch out there. It pleases me to think that you're mine and anyone who goes near you will end up dead somewhere. "

He said placing a peck on her lips.

"I'm going to get a glass of water. "

He said, getting off her and then to his feet. Raven stayed on the bed, patiently waiting for him to come back. Some minutes passed and Nathaniel hadn't returned. Suddenly she heard a loud thud coming from somewhere in the house. She was immediately to her feet, going out the door.

She started running from door to door, checking each and every room, to see if maybe someone was there.


She yelled out his name, but never got an answer. She went down the stairs running to the kitchen, however he wasn't there.

"Nate, where are you? Nate! "

She kept yelling, but still no response. Worry took over her body. She continued running around the house, looking for her lover, until she finally went into the living room.

A huge scream escaped her lips, as her eyes filled with tears. In front of her Nathaniel was laying on the floor, a bullet through his stomach, the white carpet turning red. She run to his side, putting pressure on his wound, her mind to her fallen lover, not noticing the man that was sitting on one of the chairs.

"Nate. Nate please tell me you can hear me I'm calling an ambulance, hold on for me, I beg you hold on Nate. "

She cried out, searching through his pockets for a phone. Nathaniel kept looking at her, not able to find his voice. To tell her to run, to tell her how much he loved her, how he would most likely wait for her on the other side, how it was too late for an ambulance.

"Nate, don't leave me. You promised, you promised that we would be together forever."

She said again, her words coming out as a mumble due to her crying. The click of a gun was now heard, making her take her eyes off her lover. She turned around and finally noticed the man that was standing there, pointing a gun at her, the same gun that had wounded her husband.

"What did you do? "

She yelled at him.

"I told you, you either join me or die with your boyfriend, you brought this upon yourself, daughter. "

The sick man she called father said. All she could do was cry and try to keep pressure on Nathaniel's wound.

"You know, Raven these silencers are one hell of a thing. If only you realised I was here earlier, you know when I first shot him, you could've alarmed your motorcycle buddies. "

He said, his gun still pointed at his daughter.

"How the hell did you know we were here alone? "

She asked in between her cries.

"You see, when you are in a business like this, you always have to have an alliance. Mine happens to be in the police force, something that you've probably realized you know being the smart little cookie that you are. "

He said. His voice was making Raven to want to throw up.

"Now enough chit chat daughter. "

He said and aimed his gun at her. He shot her stomach, making her fall to the ground completely, next to Nathaniel. She was feeling incredible pain and all she could do was scream. After some time the pain stopped for a while.

She fell next to Nathaniel, their fingers touching each other's. She looked into his eyes. The eyes she'd fallen in love with. All she could think about was their pact, the pact that even when they die they will die together. She smiled and Nathaniel tried to smile back.

The time she had spend with Nathaniel passed through her eyes. From him coming into the cafe with his black leather jacket, to their fights, to their toxicity. She couldn't take her eyes off of his. She was laying, bleeding on the floor, next to the love of her life. Soon enough they would both be dead.

Did peace and heaven exist? Even if heaven did exist would they go? Would God forgive all of their sins? The way they treated each other, or the way they treated other people. Raven laughed thinking that wherever they went, they would go together.

The carpet had now turned into a deep red colour. Her father had left the scene immediately after he shot her. She saw Nathaniel's eyes finally close, she was thinking that this was the end. She didn't want to die, she was scared of death but as she watched Nathaniel's beautiful eyes close, she felt ready, ready to be with him forever with no more pain, no more torture, just the two of them for the rest of eternity. Soon enough, she felt herself loosing conscience, the last thing she heard were sirens that were soon muted as well.

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