Chapter 26

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It was now late at night, Nathaniel was parking the motorcycle and Raven was patiently waiting for him. After the tattoo shop they had gone home for a while, later deciding to go to Nathaniel's MC club.

"Where the hell have you been the whole day Nathaniel? You're so irresponsible. Why the fuck are you the boss? Your secretary has been nagging, we got shit to do and you are no where to be found. Really dude? You left me here with these morons. "

Stefan started saying as soon as Nathaniel entered.

"Oh hey Raven. "

He also added once the young woman came in as well.

"Hello Stefie I missed you. "

She said, a little surprised at herself. She didn't expect to bond with Stefan or even miss him.

"Well look at you pretty lady, with our club's jacket and all. "

He said, looking at the jacket she was wearing. His eyes soon landed to the new ring on her finger. He looked in between Nathaniel and her and then back to the ring.

"You didn't... "

He mumbled under his breath.

"You idiots got married? "

He yelled, running a hand through his hair. All heads turning when hearing the statement.

"Yeah, got a problem Stefan? "

Nathaniel asked, moving closer to Stefan.  Raven rolled her eyes and went in between the two of them.

"Can we chill on the testosterone? "

She said, making Stefan raise his hands in surrender and Nathaniel to take a step back.

"Now, let's talk like normal human beings."

She added, gesturing for them to sit at one of the tables. The other members of the club just continued doing what they were doing before, getting back to their conversations.

"Yes we got married, Stefan, I even got the Skull's tattoo on my back. "

Raven said. Stefan shook his head and rubbed his temples.

"What the hell is your problem dude? "

Nathaniel asked banging his hand on the table.

"The fact that she's stuck with us now. Even if we manage to kill her father, we have a shit ton of enemies. She's your woman Nathaniel, she'll be the main target of everyone. "

Stefan said, now in a lower tone.

"Really Stefan? I've been involved in two gunfights with you. Two. I never even once got hurt. I'm not backing out of these, I'm not some innocent whose purity you all will infect."

Raven said, now extremely irritated with the whole situation.

"Stefan I get that you're worried but now Raven is officially my woman. I'm not like her I have nothing to discuss with you, either except it and we keep going like the family that we are or you continue testing my fucking patience. Don't forget that right here I am the boss."

Nathaniel said, getting up. He left, going over to some other guys. Raven grabbed Stefan's hand giving it a little squeeze.

"Stefie we are a family now. Plus you two are like brothers, don't let your senseless fears ruin that. "

She said getting up as well, going over to Nathaniel. She stood next him and he placed his arms around her waist.

"Hello, I don't think we've met guys, I'm Raven. "

She said introducing herself to the two men she didn't know.

"I'm Jackson and this is Marcus. "

One of the guys said politely.

"Well guys you better get used to Rae, cause we'll be seeing her psycho self all the time. "

They heard Stefan's voice. Nathaniel got up and the two exchanged a brotherly hug, indicating that things were back to normal between them.

"Oh come on Stef, you know that I'm your favorite person in existence. "

Raven said giving him a wink.

"Since when did you turn into Gigi Hadid?"

Stefan asked, making Nathaniel laugh which earned him a smack on the arm by Raven.

"You're seriously choosing some girl you haven't even met over me. What if she's a bitch in real life? "

Raven complained.

"You're a bitch Raven, I've just grown to like that about you. "

Stefan replied and Raven just shrugged. Raven sat onto Nathaniel's lap, as Stefan grabbed a chair joining their little group.

"Oh oh Stefan do you remember on my date with the Nathaniel when we came here and I bet you to that race? "

She asked, provoking him.

"Nate your lady beat Stefan on a race? "

Marcus asked.

"And we missed it?"

Jackson said while laughing. Nathaniel rolled his eyes and kept drinking his beer.

"Guess who's back idiots? "

They heard another voice that Raven didn't recognize. Three men entered the bar, all wearing the club's jacket. Raven remembered one of them from the first time she met Nathaniel, he was the idiot that hit on her.

"Hey it's boss' girl who beat Stefan in a race. "

One of them said, making Stefan snort. He must have remembered her from then, however she didn't recall meeting him.

"I'm Jonas. "

The guy said again with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Jonas."

She said smiling back.

"That over there is Alexander and next to him is Christian."

Nathaniel said.

"Oh I remember Christian. Douchebag from the cafe. "

She said loudly making a bunch uh-oh's erupt. Christian just stared at Raven with wide eyes.

"Jeez, my love you need to get men that don't get stuck. "

She said kissing his cheek.

"Anyways since we didn't invite any of you to the wedding, drinks, whores or whatever else you guys want for the night, are on us. "

Nathaniel said, making everyone cheer. Soon enough a party started, music blasting, all the members drinking and after some time girls appearing. Nathaniel and Raven were sat in a more quiet corner just enjoying each other's company.

"Let's go on a vacation tomorrow. I'll take the motorcycle and we'll find a place near the beach to stay for a few days. "

Nathaniel said.

"I've got to work Natey. "

She said apologetically.

"I'll just give them a call and then they'll let my babygirl have the vacation she deserves. "

Nathaniel said kissing her lips.

"I love you. "

She said in between the kisses.

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