Chapter 32

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The two needed some fresh air so instead of going back to the club, they went to a small hill, where they could see the whole city. They stopped, getting off the bike and sitting at the single bench. Raven put her head on his shoulder, while he wrapped his arm around her shoulder holding her closely.

"We pulled it off, Stef, we did it. "

Raven said, making Stefan chuckle and place a kiss on her forehead.

"We always do Raven, we always pull through. "

He mumbled.

"What's on your mind sweetheart? "

She asked. Stefan seemed to be deep in thought the whole time, being completely out of place, but still doing what he was meant to do.

"Have you ever questioned your sexuality Rae? "

He suddenly asked. Raven's eyes widened since she didn't expect him to ask such a question.

"No I haven't because I don't feel attracted to the same sex and let me tell you I hate myself for it. Women are smarter, hotter and more reasonable therefore I'm a supporter of kill all men, you idiots are useless. "

Raven replied, laughing a little at the end, making Stefan chuckle too.

"I'm just really confused right now, like extremely confused. "

He said, pulling out of the hug and rubbing his temples. Raven placed her hand on his back, making circles with it, trying to comfort him.

"I just... I have no idea what to label myself as, I don't know what I am, I just know that my dick goes hard when I see a hot dude. "

"You don't have to know Stefan, there's no one pressuring you, you can take all the time you want until you figure it out."

"Do you think the guys will see me differently from now on? "

He asked quietly. Raven grabbed his chin, making him look at her.

"These guys love you, you are family. It doesn't matter if you suck dicks or eat pussy you're still the same. "

"But what if they think I'm not man enough for the club? "

"Then I'll have their heads on sticks. If you haven't figured it out by now I'm one crazy bitch. "

She said making him laugh, he passed her a small smile and wrapped his arms around her again.

"You know... Nate is very lucky to have you, even though you two are pieces of a shit, you work. "

"I love him more than my own life and I miss him so much, I just hope he'll wake up soon. "

"I'm sure he will soon, sweetheart, he wouldn't leave you here with us for the rest of your life. "

"We had a deal Stefan. We die together or we live together and I broke it. "

"No Raven you didn't because he isn't dead. "

He said, a tear rolled down Raven's cheek as she snuggled more into his embrace.

"I love you Rae, don't forget that. "

Raven looked at him, kissing his cheek.

"I love you too. "

She said. The two just sat there for many hours, the sun had come down, the city lights had appeared. The city looked like a Christmas tree, small lights popping up everywhere.

"Let's go Stef I'm hungry. "

She said getting up. Stefan shook his head and got up as well. They went back to the club where they saw everyone laughing and drinking. Kristina run towards Raven giving her a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay. "

Kristina whispered. They pulled away, smiling at each other.

"Good job everyone today, now let's party. "

She yelled out and everyone cheered. Loud music started playing, the smell of cigarettes and alcohol, soon took over the whole club. Most guys we're making out with hookers, others were throwing punches at each other.

"Boss lady come do shots. "

Christian yelled. Raven laughed but went nonetheless. They counted to three, downing shots after shots Raven felt her phone buzzing, she made a signal to Christian telling him that she'll just take a minute.

"Hello? "

She yelled, since the music was too loud.

"What? Huh? I can't hear you? "

She was basically screaming at the phone. She hang up, rolled her eyes and went back to the table with Christian. They kept taking more shots till they were drunk.

Raven's mind had gone completely blank the only thing she recalled was throwing up, many times.

"Come on all out, you can do it sweetie. "

James said, as he held her hair back. She was throwing up again, at the club's bathroom. James was rubbing her back and holding her hair, as she emptied her insides.

"Damn is she okay? "

Jonas asked, coming in the bathroom.

"Yeah she just drunk too much, can you go get potable water?"

Jonas nodded, leaving to go get the water.

"Do you think tequila empregnanted me? Am I throwing up my tequila children Jimmy? "

She said, starting to cry.

"No honey tequila didn't get you pregnant and I'm James not Jimmy. "

"James Bond? Bitch you an agent, get away we are illegal here. "

She said trying to push him away, Jonas also entered with the water.

"Ew Jimmy did you invite Matt Donovan?"

James was trying to hold in his laughter due to the seriousness of the situation, whereas Jonas seemed confused.

"Who the hell is Matt Donovan? I'm Jonas. "

Jonas asked.

"You wish you were a Jonas Ratty Matty. "

Raven said giving him a death glare.

"What's going on? Do we have a freaking meeting in the bathroom? "

Marcus' voice was heard.

"Oh shit, Raven are you okay? "

He asked as soon as he saw her on the floor, with James standing next to her and Jonas still holding the water.

"Marcus! Jimmy Neutron and Ratty Matty are boring. Can we go get more drinks? All this vomiting made me thirsty. "

She said wiggling her eyebrows.

"Why can she know who Marcus is but not us."

Jonas complained under his breath.

"Because she loves me more. "

Marcus replied giving him a wink. Suddenly Raven started throwing up again, James grabbed her hair again. After she was finished she sat back down. The boys took her to the room that was in the club, putting her to bed.

"You guys are my favorite people. "

She smiled, before sleep engulfed her. The boys took shifts the whole night to make sure she wouldn't throw up during her sleep and choke. Plus they wouldn't leave a girl all alone during a party where anyone could enter and hurt her or rape her.

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