Chapter 5

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The next morning, Raven woke up, with something to be excited about. She hadn't been excited about anything since she was 12, which was many years ago. She bought boxes in order to move as soon as possible. To her luck it was her day off, which meant she could spend all day moving .

Her mother had already left for work, making her extra happy. She started packing, she started with her clothes. They were all stuffed in a small closet, which was shortly emptied. Her eyes however, landed on a blue box that was previously covered with clothes. She opened it and found, a picture of her with a young girl.

"I miss you Irina, I wish you were here to see me leaving the woman we once called mother. "

She wiped the tear that freely left her eye, but she kept gathering her things. The house was already furnished so she just had to move her clothes, toiletries or whatever else she needed. She dialed Clive's number, something she wasn't happy to do.

"Good day Raven, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

She fake gaged but she truly needed his help.

"I need help with some boxes, moving and shit. Will you help?"

"Sure, text me your address gorgeous."

Clive said and hang up the phone. After some time her doorbell rang. She opened the door to see Clive waiting. He was a handsome man but not Raven's type.

"Hello gorgeous."

He said in a flirtatious voice and Raven just rolled her eyes.

"Don't make me regret asking for your help please."

She said and Clive shrugged. After their accounter they immediately got to work. They loaded up Clive's car with all her boxes and drove to her new apartment. Once they were there the last person she expected to see was there.

Nathaniel was outside her building with one of his friends smoking and laughing about God knows what. She smiled to herself, while they unloaded the car.

"Hey Raven what floor are you on? Your boxes are heavy and I don't wanna tire these muscles."

Clive exclaimed rather loudly, which also caught the two men's attention.

"Jesus Clive since when are you such a bitch? Man up dude."

She answered with a smile. A chuckle was heard and she saw the two men walking towards her and Clive.

"Good day beautiful lady, can we help you with something?"

Nathaniel's friend asked, who she recognized as one of the guys from the cafe. That question seemed to annoy Clive, since the man seemed to think he was incompetent of carrying some boxes.

"How are you Raven?"

Nathaniel asked, completely ignoring the other two men.

"I'm good thanks for asking. However, Clive doesn't want to get tired so would you mind helping too?"

She said, while biting her lip. Nathaniel agreed immediately, which resulted in all three men carrying boxes. Once they were all set and done, she invited them all in.

"Hey I don't even know your name."

Raven said to Nathaniel's friend who was also as all of then sitting on her couch.

"I'm Stefan but you can call me any time."

He said with a small wink. Raven noticed that Nathaniel gave him a dirty look, that could honestly kill a man.

"Yeah, how about no? But I'm Raven."

She said trying to stay polite.

"Rave I gotta go. The ladies are waiting for me."

Clive said while standing up.

"What ladies you douche?"

She whispered to herself. She however, thanked him for his help, before he left, leaving her alone with Nathaniel and Stefan.

"So, Raven what do you do?"

Stefan asked.

"I'm a waitress. What do you guys do?"

She asked, intrigued by their dangerous aura.

"We own clubs, bars etc, together."

Nathaniel said in his deep voice. Just his voice was sending chills down her spine. She wanted him, which was incredibly weird since she'd seen him like twice.

"That must be..."

Before she could finish her sentence her mother's name popped up on her phone indicating that she was calling her.


She answered calmy.

"Where the fuck are you?"

Her mother asked obviously furious and drunk.

"At my new house."

Raven answered, still keeping her cool.

"You left me? You little skunk. I knew that you were just like your asshole of a father. Maybe you should've gone missing like Irina, then I wouldn't have to deal with your ass."

Her mother yelled over the phone. When her little sister's name was mentioned, Raven stood up now furious. She had started ignoring the existence of the two men currently sitting in her living room.

"Don't you dare mention her name."

She yelled.

"Or what little girl? Or you gonna tell your daddy?"

Her mother said in a fake sweet voice. Raven just hang up the phone. Her mind racing, her heart beating loudly, while tears were running freely from her eyes. Her gaze darted to the two men sitting dumbfounded into her living room.

"Get out. Get out now."

She yelled furiously. Stefan got up immediately while Nathaniel didn't move an inch.

"I said get out now."

She said again through gritted teeth. Stefan got out, closing the door behind him. Nathaniel got up, getting closer to her.

"Do you not know english?"

She asked sarcastically, her voice filled with venom, while Nathaniel just shrugged. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her closely. She started punching his chest but he just stayed there. She stopped hitting him and started crying. She couldn't take it anymore, her mother's verbal abuse, even physical sometimes. Her sister, her father they all ran through her head, while she melted into his embrace.

"Please don't leave."

She said in between her sobs.

"You excite me Raven. I'm not leaving, even if you ask me to."

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