Chapter 21

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Nathaniel stared at her for a minute after he opened the door. His eyes landed on her dried tears and red eyes. It didn't take a genious to find out she had been crying. He just wrapped his arms around her, while all she felt was comfort and security. He pulled back and just picked her up bridal style. Without saying anyhting he let her on top of the couch.

"My mom is dead."

Raven said, pulling a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of vodka from the brown paper bag. Nathaniel still didn't talk, he knew there was more she wanted to say so he decided to stay silent until she was finished.

"My father's alive and basically plotting our death. He also killed my mother, God knows why."

She opened the bottle of vodka and drank straight from the bottle, not bothering to get a glass.

"What do you mean plotting our death? How do you know all that?"

Nathaniel finally asked, getting a cigarette from the packet that was placed right in front of him.

"Detective Douche is on my mom's case. He basically told me that she and my father were together again and plotted how to take you down. Which basically involved taking me down as well. Nate my father owns an MC club as well, what if he's the one Edward works for? We never found out the real  boss, the dude we killed might have been the underboss or something."

Nathaniel looked into her eyes as she spoke. He had a lot on his mind right now but he had put it all aside. His queen had been crying and he wasn't there just because of some petty fight they had. 

"Raven, I love you more than anything in the world, you know that right?"

Nathaniel declared, getting up from his chair and sitting beside her on the couch. She put her head on his shoulder, as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm gonna marry you someday, you should know that as well."

He spoke again, Raven looked at him again. She loved him more then her whole life, which she would give for him so easily.

"I thought that was obvious, honey. "

She said, smiling a little at him.

"Do you want to have some sort of funeral for your mom? It's your choice tiger. "

Nathaniel asked her.

"No, can the two of us just go to the cemetery when they place her in her grave?"

Raven said, to which he just replied with a smile. They stayed there for a while just staring at the walls of the apartment.

"You know what Rae? Let's fucking move. I have money I don't spend, let's buy a mansion. "

He said getting up. Raven let out a small laugh not taking him seriously. He got in front of her, kneeling.

"We've had some of our worst memories both here and in your old apartment. We have the choice to go somewhere new. "

He said, trying to persaude her into moving somewhere fancier.

"Nate, first of all you sounded like such a little posh brat. Secondly, honey we don't need a new house. We are fine here. How about we spend the money on something more to our style? Let's buy a new motorcycle or we could go get large tattoos? "

Raven suggested, not really interested in living life in a huge mansion.

"I don't need your money, honey to be happy with you. I love you with my whole heart and I want to live a simple life, I know that's what you want as well. For now let's just arrange my mom's funeral."

She said again, kissing his cheek lightly. The couple was sharing and connecting more on a spiritual level instead of fighting like they always used to. They both enjoyed moments like this in between the chaos they called life.

"I know I don't say this often, but you are all I ever wanted. I also got you something while you were angry with me."

Nathaniel said standing up, he searched through his jacket and found a small ring box. He pulled out a simple yet elegant ring that had a small red gem on it.

"As long as you wear this you'll have me with you everywhere. "

He said placing it on her finger. She gave him a bright smile and kissed his lips.

"Nathaniel will you please do something for me before we continue this? "

She asked pulling away for a minute.

"Anything and everything you want my love. "

He said stroking her cheek with his thumb.

"Could you maybe ask for them not to place my mom near my sister? I just... "

She said, her breathing starting to become uneven, making her stress evident.

"Hey, hey it's okay. It's completely logical for you not to want them near. I get it and I will specifically ask for your mom to be placed far away. "

He said pecking her lips again. She gave him a sad smile and placed her arms around him once again.

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