chapter two

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"OMG, you guys what are you doing here?!?" I looked around and saw all my friends, the sidemen, Talia, Freya and Gee.  I could not believe my eyes, I haven't seen them in 10 weeks and I missed them so much.

I felt arms surrounding me, six arms to be exact, all the girls were hugging me. " I don't understand, how? When?" I backed up from the hug and looked at Talia "I facetimed you just before the show!" She looked at me with a cheeky grin "Yeah, I know! Simon and I were in our hotel room" I looked at the boys, and ran straight to them. Hugging Simon first, "You did amazing Nova" I looked up at him "You guys watched the show?"  "Of course we did Nova" I looked at Josh as he walked towards me and hugged me too. "Well what did you guys think?"

"I think it was shit" Turning around looking at Harry hoping he was joking. Everybody started laughing including Harry himself. I ran up to him and hugged him hard. "Of course it was amazing nova, you did great" Harry whispered into my neck. Sending shivers through my body. I backed away and gave all the other guys a hug.

"So Nova, we know that you are probably knackered, but we decided that we need to  celebrate the end of your tour" I laughed at JJ, of course the guys wanted to party. It is what they do. "We booked a table at an amazing club here in Paris. But before that we also booked a table at a restaurant to eat" Tobi smiled at me with hopeful eyes probably knowing that I did not have that much energy left. I sat down next to Ethan on the couch and laid my head down on his shoulder. "Okay guys, but can I go to my hotel room first? Need to freshen up a bit". JJ cheered and gave Ethan a high five. I looked over at the girls, all smiling. "We will come with you, alright" Nodding towards them, grateful that they knew how tired I was.

Stepping into the car, we said goodbye to the guys and went to the hotel where I was staying. "We already brought a dress you can wear Nova" Gee looked at me and gave me a bag she was carrying. Inside was the most beautiful black dress. The sleeves were made from mesh with some dots on them. At the chest the material changed from mesh to a soft velvet black. It was mid length with a tight fit. "This is beautiful, thanks girls" I hugged Freya sideways and kept my head laying on her shoulder. "I cannot wish for better friends than you guys" I felt Talia taking my hand and squeezing it. "And we can't wish for a better friend than you"

Arriving at my hotel, there were a couple of fans standing outside. Gladly not that many fans were there, so I took some photos with them before I walked into the hotel.  

Walking into my hotel room with the girls, I flopped down on my bed with my face into the pillows. "Ugh, can I please just sleep for 100 hours and then go out with you guys" I felt a pillow hit me in the back of my neck. "One night Nova, then you can sleep as long as you want" I heard laughing, and I looked up from the pillows. "Alright, alright, I am going to take a shower then" I grabbed the dress they bought and walked towards the shower. "Grab as many things as you want from the mini bar, even the alcohol, a little present from me" I pointed towards where the mini bar stood. The girls grinning, and saying thank you.

After my shower I dried of and tried on the dress. It fit perfectly. Walking into my bedroom again I found the girls giggling with alcohol surrounding them. "I hope you didn't drink that much, we still have to go eat in the restaurant" I sat down with them on the bed and took a sip from Talia's drink. "Don't worry girl, we know what we are doing" Gee smirked at me while standing up and picking up her phone from a table. "Let's take a photo to remember this night" We all cuddled together on the bed and smiled at the camera. "Talia can you do my makeup?" Walking to the vanity in the hotel room and sitting down "you can do a much better job than me." Talia walked towards me and put her hands on my shoulder "Of course, let's put some concealer on those tired eyes."

After doing my makeup and dancing to some songs we got a call from Simon.

"Girls are you on your way to the restaurant?" We heard the other guys talking to each other, probably already drinking. "Yeah, Yeah we are just walking out of the hotel room to the car" Talia was lying, we were still in my hotel room dancing and singing. We laughed and started to pack all our thing ready to leave. "Sure Talia, maybe you should do less lying and more walking" We burst out laughing looking at a shocked Talia. "Alright Si, we are coming" We patted Talia on her back whilst still laughing "Next time you'll get him" Talia stuck her tongue out and went to grab her purse.

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