chapter fifteen

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"Are you excited for the O2 show?" the interviewer asked me. This was my fourth interview of today, the questions are mostly the same. "So excited, it is a dream come true. I can't believe that in three weeks I will be standing there on that stage performing in front of 20.000 people." I instantly got excited thinking about that day.

"Speaking of the O2, the Sidemen posted a photo with the caption 'big things coming' but it was taken in the O2, at the same time that you posted a photo, what is happening" she smiled, proud of her discovery. "Well, I can't say anything about that, it is a surprise for the fans" I took a sip of my drink nervous that I will say too much. "Fair enough, I can't wait to see what you got in store. Since you've been back, you've been spending a lot of time with them" I knew exactly where she was going with this. They are always trying to figure out if I am dating one of them.

"Yes I have, but that's because I have been friends with them for five years now. I love spending time with them" she smiled at me ready to ask the next question "Just friends?" I laughed knowing this question was coming "Yes just friends, sorry" But this time it was different from before, I was lying. Harry and I are more than friends, but I am not about to reveal that to the world.

"You did wonderful, Nova" Cindy and I are walking back to my dressing room. She always watches my interviews. "Thanks, I am exhausted now" Arriving at my dressing room I sat down on the little couch that was in there. "One question though, are you in a relationship with one of the Sidemen?" I looked up to here in shock, how did she know? Even though I am not even in a 'relationship', how does she know that there is something going on? "How did you come up with that?" I asked her, not really looking her in her eyes. "Your answer, if you are just friends with the Sidemen, usually you react a bit annoyed, but now you looked nervous" She sat down next to me "You can tell me if something is going on"

"Okay, maybe Harry and I are a bit more than friends know" I fiddled with my fingers, nervous for her answer. "I knew it!" She grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me "I am so happy for you" the age gap between me and Cindy is small, so sometimes our conversations turn really personal, like we are best friends. I am glad that she is my manager, I know she wants the best for me. "Thanks Cindy, but I have mixed feelings about it" She looked at me confused "Why?". "Well, right now everything is perfect, I really love spending time with Harry and I really like him. But I am so nervous when it will be in the public eye, so many opinions. I just want to stay in this bubble and not leave it" I laid my head on her shoulder trying to get some comfort. Cindy grabbed my hand "I get you, this will be your first relationship in the public eye, but nothing will change once you are. You are both used to the public eye, you will get used to this".

"I don't know Cindy" My head was coming up with loads of scenarios. Harry leaving me because the hate gets to him,  me leaving Harry because of the same thing. Not having any time alone with him, every question that I get will be about him, every question on his social media will be about me. I just don't think I could handle it.

"You will be alright love, just keep talking to Harry about it, and you will figure it out" She said standing up grabbing her bag and her coat. "Let me know how it goes, and have a nice day" I waved at her saying goodbye. Once she was out the door I laid down on the couch, checking my phone.  I felt a headache coming, and my throat was burning. After scrolling a bit I decided it was best to go home and rest, not wanting to get sick.

Harry: Hope your interviews are going well, do you want to come over to Simon and JJ's flat after? Talia, Freya, Ellie and Gee are here too.

I smiled, it was so sweet that he was inviting me.

Me: The interviews went well. But I am going home, not feeling to well.

I grabbed my coat, quickly leaving, longing for my bed. Once I was home I quickly grabbed some tea and comfy clothes getting comfortable in bed. After finishing my tea, I checked my phone before going to sleep.

Harry: I'll come over later, so I can cook something for you x

Butterflies were dancing around in my stomach, Harry is too sweet. I decided to not answer, he knows where my spare key is, and he will wake me up once he is here. I closed my eyes, letting the warmth of my bed take over.

I woke up, feeling a hot breath on my neck and a hand wrapped around my waist. I turned around, seeing Harry sleeping next to me. Smiling I place my hands on his jaw, rubbing my thumb on his cheek. He looked so peaceful sleeping. He woke up, smiling too. "Hi" my voice cracked, my throat sore. He shuffled closer to me, holding me tighter. "How are you feeling? I made some soup for you, but decided not to wake you" I nuzzled my head into his neck "Not feeling that great, and thank you, would love some soup right now" His hand was rubbing circles on my back. "I'll warm it up, I will get you when it is done" He gave me a kiss on the forehead getting up from the bed. "Thank you, Harry" He looked back grinning at me. Not long after he called me saying the soup was ready. I grabbed a big sweater, trying to stay warm. I saw Harry standing by the stove, stirring the soup. I went to stand behind him, wrapping my hands around his stomach, laying my head on his back. "You are really hot" He said to me, a bit worried. "Thank you, Harry, you are not to bad yourself" obviously knowing he did not mean that, I let go of him grabbing two bowls. "I am serious Nova, I think you have a fever" He placed his hands on my forehead. "Yeah fore sure, your forehead is burning" I smiled up at him "Thanks for making some soup" I sat down ready to taste the soup he made. He served me some and sat down next to me. "I hope it is good" He was a bit nervous, I could tell by his little smile on his face. "It is really good Harry" I told him once I tasted it.

After we finished the soup I went back to bed, ready to sleep some more. "Try to get better, we have practice tomorrow at the O2" Harry was sitting on the edge of my bed with his coat on. He had promised his fans to stream tonight, so he had to go back to his own flat. "I will, I'll see you tomorrow" Harry gave me one last kiss on my forehead, making sure that he wasn't getting sick.

The next morning I felt a bit better, well enough to practice. I drove to the O2 stadium excited to practice in the O2. Noticing that the boys were already there, judging by all their cars in the car park. I was dressed in loads of layers, also wearing a big scarf. I still had a slight fever, but I really wanted to practice. JJ texted me that they were in a dressing room, letting me know which one. Taking a while to find it, I opened the door to the dressing room. "There she is" Ethan said standing up, wanting to give me a hug. I put up my hands stopping him from hugging me. "Sorry Behz, but I am a bit sick, better to not hug me" He stopped "Wait you're sick? Boggo is sick too" He pointed at Harry sitting alone on the couch snuggled under a blanket. Oh no, Harry is sick because of me. "Ah really, what a coincidence" I took a seat next to him, grabbing the blanket and snuggling under there. "Wait Harry, where did you go last night? You said you had to take care of something" Josh asked Harry, looking at us confused. I started to panic, hoping that they are not making the connection. "You went to Nova, didn't you" Simon said with a big smile on his face. I got red, lifting the blanket up to my face covering my cheeks hoping that they would not notice that they were burning up. "Yes I did, just taking care of a friend" Harry said shrugging his shoulders. "Suuuree, a friend" Tobi wiggled his eyebrows "And now you are sick too? How bizarre" Everyone was laughing now, I was looking at Harry with big eyes not knowing what to say. "Guys, we know that there is something going on between you guys, I mean I caught you almost kissing" Ethan said still laughing. Harry laughed grabbing me, making me lean against him. "Well, stop teasing us then if you already know" I said hiding myself under the blanket, hating the attention. "Oh c'mon Nova, we are happy for you both" I heard Josh say. Slowly dropping the blanket, I saw that everyone was looking at us, smiling. We started talking about anything and everything, slowly moving on from Harry and I. Harry's hand was draped around me, my head snuggled on his shoulder. "Well that wasn't that bad was it" Harry whispered to me. It wasn't, and I did not know why I was feeling nervous still. "No it wasn't" I said smiling to myself, reassuring myself that it was not a big deal.

After a while the door of the dressing room opened. "Sorry that I am late guys, are you ready to start dancing?" Eric said a bit out of breath, he probably rushed here. "Yes let's go" Vikk stood up quickly excited to start.

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