chapter twenty-four

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Today was the day. My performance at the O2! I could barely sleep last night, I am so nervous about my performance and even more nervous for my plan. I told Cindy about it, and she is so excited, so that makes it less nerve wrecking.

I was on my way to the O2, Dave is waiting for me there and the Sidemen will come in about two hours. We just need to do the soundcheck/final rehearsal and then go into hair and makeup. I am so excited to see the guys in their outfits, ready to dance. I am also nervous to see Harry again, he promised me that it would not be awkward, but he doesn't know my plan yet.

"Hey Nova!! How excited are you?" Dave said hugging me once I parked my car. Luckily I have blackout windows, because there were already some fans waiting at the entrance, which is mental. "Hey Dave! Good to see you! I am so excited, but I am also so so so nervous" I giggled hugging him back. "That's normal, but you will be amazing" Dave said once we were walking to my dressing room. I smiled up at him, grateful for him. "So, Cindy told me about your plan, you sure about that?" He looked serious now, probably thinking about how this could go horribly wrong. "I am sure of it Dave, it is the only way" I mumbled feeling slightly panicked, but I stopped myself from thinking about it.

I was standing on the stage, finishing my warm-up. We were just about to start the sound check/final rehearsal, the dancers were standing behind me ready to go. "Okay guys, this is it! Give everything you have, tonight has to be perfect!" Eric said to us clapping his hands. I was confident that the dancers knew everything and were going to be perfect. I just needed to get through this, and then I will feel confident about tonight.

Halfway through our final rehearsal the guys showed up. "Let's freaking do this!!" JJ yelled once he stepped on stage. I squealed because I was so excited. I ran towards them and hugged Ethan first, I jumped up wrapping my legs around his hips. "Woah, calm down Nova" Ethan stumbled backwards laughing. I hugged them all except Harry, I just gave him a small smile which he luckily gave back. "Just in time guys! We have one song left, and then it's your go" Eric told them waving me over. I walked over to my place ready to start rehearsing again. It was going good so far, which made me less nervous about tonight.

We rehearsed it exactly how it went tonight, so the guys were ready once I started singing Shine. My stomach was full of butterflies when I saw Harry stepping onto the stage, with his cute concentrated face. But once I started signing I forgot about him, and focused on the performance.

Don't get me wrong, his hands roaming on my body and his eyes staring at me intensely made it harder than I thought. But I was hoping that tonight was different. I am glad that the dance went well and the boys looked good doing it. They were all wearing smiles, even Harry. "I am so proud of you guys, you are going to rock it tonight!" I told them walking up to them. "Thank you so much, Nova! I can't wait to perform it!!" Tobi told me, squeezing my shoulders tightly. I laughed at him, I knew for sure that he was going to get nervous once he sees all the fans sitting in the O2. "Can't wait to see how the fans will react" Josh said making me excited to see all their faces. "They are going to love it!" I said clapping my hands, all excited. "Nova c'mon we have to finish rehearsal!!" Eric yelled at me from the other side of the stage. "I'll see you guys after rehearsal" I walked away waving at them. "Good luck" Simon winked at me, knowing Eric is trying to make everything perfect for tonight.

"Omg you look so pretty!" Talia tolled me once Gee, Freya and Talia entered my dressing room. My makeup freshly applied and my hair styled to perfection. I was still sitting in my soft robe, a bit too lazy to get into my first outfit. "Thank you, you guys look so pretty as well" It was good to have the girls here before I was going to perform, it calmed me down.

"Are you nervous?" Freya asked me plopping down on the couch that I had in my dressing room. "Yeah I am, but rehearsal helped calm my nerves" I looked into the mirror in front of me, checking myself out. I looked good, if I say so myself. I always found it funny how much different I looked when I perform, more make up and glamorous outfits that I would never wear normally. But I liked to dress up. "Shall I help you get into your outfit?" Gee offered, grabbing it off the clothing rack. 

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