chapter twenty-six

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* Hey guys! Sorry it has been so long, I am busy with school so writing is a bit hard. But I hope you guys like the new chapter! Only 1 chapter left after this! *

After I took a shower, well, after Harry and I took a shower, I quickly got dressed in some jeans and a cropped top for the after party.

"Why are you applying so much make up?" Harry asked me, wrapping his hands around my waist. He was watching me apply my makeup in a tiny mirror that was on the wall. His head was laying on my shoulder, his chest pressed against my back.

"I am going to take loads of pictures tonight and I want to look good in them" I shrugged my shoulders letting him know that it was obvious. "Speaking of tonight, we need to hurry. I bet everyone is wasted already" Harry spoke making me giggle. Harry and I took quite awhile, and knowing our friends, they were not waiting around for us to show up. I turned around in Harry's arms making me look at him. "I don't mind spending my night here with you" A small smile appeared on Harry's lips, and he tightened his grip on my waist.

"I wouldn't either, but this party is for you" He gave me a small kiss, which I could not get enough off. I smiled into it, enjoying every second. "How lame" I said pulling away and grabbing my coat.

"Well c'mon then Bog, we have a party to attend" I opened the door for him making him shake his head at me. "You're something else" He passed me leaving my dressing room behind. I took one last look, hoping that I will see this room again. I quickly ran after Harry, linking our arms once I reached him. It felt good, not worrying about other people seeing us.

"Are you still scared about what the fans might think?" Harry asked, reading my mind.

I shrugged "I just hope that they will accept it and don't send us hate" I watched our feet walk in sync trying to distract myself from thinking about it. "Have you looked online yet?" Harry asked me, making me shake my head. "Have you?" I asked him, hoping that he didn't. "No, I just want to enjoy tonight. We will look tomorrow" I smiled at him, agreeing with his plan.

After a short taxi ride we arrived at the flat. The lift took us up to the right floor and I could hear the music once we reached it. We tried to call some of our friends letting them know we were almost there but none of them picked up their phones, so now we were knocking as hard as we could on the door.

"Nova!!! Harry!!! What took you so long??" Simon asked us once he opened the door. Before we could answer he spoke again "Never mind, I don't want to know" he waved his hands and turned around walking into the living room. I could feel my cheeks burn up a bit not being used to those comments.

Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me along to the living room where everybody was dancing and drinking. They moved their couch and their dining table leaving enough space for everybody to stand.

"There you are!!! Come take a shot with us! You need to catch up!" Talia spoke, dragging me away from Harry. I looked at him, he smiled and winked, making my heart skip a beat. He walked to Freezy and Ethan, grabbing a beer on his way.

I, however, was being dragged into taking loads of shots. The girls all took one, but they insisted I took five to 'catch up'. I disagreed with them, but they would not have it. So now I am five shots in, feeling quite tipsy already because I've had a long day. But I was loving it, I was dancing with my friends, and I was not worried about anything.

After some dancing I somehow got involved in a game of beer pong with JJ. We were playing against Callux and Vikk, an easy pair to beat. I was quite good at playing beer pong, but JJ however, was not that good. "C'mon then!!" JJ yelled at them ready to play the game. He was a bit drunk already which made me laugh. "Oh, shut up, JJ! You're going to lose!" Vikk yelled back, stumbling on his feet. I smiled at Callux who look defeated at Vikk. He probably knew they were going to lose already.

Because JJ was shit at this game, I ended up drinking a lot because Callux was doing good. JJ was already drunk, and he let me drink everything, but we won, so it was all worth it. But because I had to drink so much, I was now sitting on the couch next to Ethan trying to concentrate on our conversation. The room was spinning, and I get very giggly when I am drunk. But Ethan found it funny and kept talking to me. "I really enjoyed today" Ethan smiled while taking another sip of his drink. I smiled back at him "I am glad you did, I could see you were enjoying yourself." He looked proud, grinning at me.

Ethan continued talking about today, but I was not concentrating on our conversation anymore. I saw Harry watching me from across the room, taking a sip from his drink and watching me straight into my eyes. I could feel tingles rise on my body and my cheeks beginning to burn.

I craved his touch, but I was talking to Ethan. I think Harry craved me too, because his eyes could not stop looking at me even though Freezy was nudging his shoulder.

"I want what you guys have" I heard Ethan mumble. I blinked and turned my face towards Ethan. He looked a bit sad. I placed my hand on Ethan's knee, comforting him. "I know you will Ethan, you are such a sweet and loving man, you just need to find the right person" Ethan smiled and nodded at me.

"But how do you know? When it's the right person?" He asked me leaning back on the couch. I leaned back too and connected my eyes with Harry again. "You just know" I smiled at Harry before turning towards Ethan again. "But you could always join me and Harry" I giggled leaning my head on his shoulder. "Oh fuck off" He said laughing hard. I could feel his chest vibrate which was a funny feeling. Well everything felt funny at this moment.

I saw some people dancing and I decided it was a great time to dance too. I grabbed Ethan's hand and dragged him towards the others. He stumbled a bit when he stood up, making me stumble too. But we made it in one piece. I started dancing, feeling the music. 

My dance moves were probably all around the place, but I didn't care. I spotted Talia dancing behind Simon and Freezy, so I pushed the two tall guys away and grabbed Talia by her waist. We laughed and danced together. Everyone was dancing around us, making it feel like we were in a club..

Talia and I were swinging our hips together when she suddenly backed away, she winked at me and turned around walking to Simon. I looked at her confused, but I wasn't for long, I felt two hands wrap around my waist and a familiar scent washing over me. I leaned back into his chest, pressing my whole body against his. It felt amazing to not worry about anything.

Harry softly placed a piece of my hair behind my ear, and moved his lips close to my ear. Goosebumps appeared everywhere, and my heart was racing. "Just like Paris" he whispered in my ear making me melt away in his arms. He was doing exactly what I asked him to in my song, he was taking me back to Paris. Dancing like we did there. 

I turned around in his grip, leaving almost no space between our lips. "I love you" I whispered against his lips. I could not think about anything else than kissing Harry. So that is what I did.

I crashed our lips against each other, making the whole room disappear. We could not keep our hands to ourselves, I needed him close. My hands were running through his hair, stroking his cheeks and digging in his back. I could not care less what our friends thought. We were in our own little world, craving each other so much that we could not hold back.

His lips were soft against mine, but this kiss was full of lust. He grabbed my waist, pulling me as close as possible. One hand moved down to my butt, squeezing it hard. This made me gasped, which deepened the kiss. I felt like I was floating, surrounded by loads of emotions.

But a bright flash brought us both back to the living room. "Damn guys, maybe you should get a room" Simon spoke his hand draped around Talia's shoulder who was pointing her phone at us, grinning. She was probably the one who took the photo. "Shut up" I mumbled leaning against Harry who wrapped his arms around me.

My cheeks were burning, not quite comfortable with people noticing us. When I am kissing Harry the whole world around us disappears, but when we stop I am pulled back into reality and I need to learn to not care so much. Harry laughed at my red cheeks and pulled me close.

"You are so cute" He whispered making my cheeks burn even more. 

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