chapter nine

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Walking into Cindy's office, with my tea into my hand, I began to feel nervous. Cindy wanted to talk with me about the one I was going to dance with. I'd honestly be fine with everyone, but secretly I hoped it would be Harry. Maybe this could be a good step in our relationship. First I thought it would be a disaster if I had to do the duet with Harry, but seeing as me and Harry are growing closer and closer, this could be the reason for something more.

"Sit down, Nova. We have some things to talk about" Cindy said pointing at the chair opposite her. She smiled at me, calming my nerves a bit. "As you know we still had to choose your dance partner, we looked at all the possibilities, of course also keeping publicity in mind" I nodded at her, I did not expect anything else from Cindy. "Well, because you and Harry have been in the media together several times, we thought it would be the best choice. The media and fans will go crazy, asking themselves if you are a couple or not" Omg okay, I was going to dance with Harry. Deep down I could have known it would be Harry, especially with this reason. There are multiple accounts on Instagram that are shipping #Hava, interviewers who keep asking about him and paparazzi that would love to take a photo of me with Harry. I hoped Harry would be alright with this, he was nervous already. Now he has the biggest part in the choreography.

"Speaking of Harry, the fans are already going crazy over this photo that was posted yesterday by a fan" Cindy said showing me a picture on her phone. It was taking yesterday at Nando's. The little girl that I met, was standing beside me, and just at the edge of the photo you could see Harry sitting next to me. Of course everybody would go crazy, nobody could see that I was there with Ethan too.

"Okay, I hope it all goes well then" I said already biting my nails. "I will tell him when they come to rehearsals this afternoon. Cindy had already spoken to their assistant Tanja. I was surprised that it wasn't that big of a deal planning some dance hours. Usually the guys had an hour or two that they could dance. This afternoon would be the first rehearsal.

I was dancing my ass off. The things that Eric had in store for me were hard. I was sweating in places I did not think I could sweat. Even my dancers were looking tired. We have been practicing all songs, but mostly Shine, the number that I will be doing with the Sidemen. I wanted to be prepared for when the boys would come. Luckily that song wasn't that hard, but it required some skills. I made a mental note that I had to go to the gym more, maybe I could ask Ethan to go with me. Just as I was about to start another dance I heard my phone go off.

"Hi babe! You ready for rehearsal with the boys?" I heard Talia ask through the phone. She was so excited to see Simon dance. Simon had showed her a recording that they made the first time they saw the dance. She called me straight away and just laughed the whole time, she found it hilarious that her boyfriend had to dance like that. "Yes I am! I am curious to see how fast they will pick it up" I said looking at Eric who was explaining something to a dancer. "Do you already know who is going to do the duet with you? It better not be Simon! Although that would be hilarious because he will get so awkward. Okay maybe it should be Simon, I am really hoping it is Simon now!" Talia rambled on, me laughing at her. "No it is not Simon, sorry! It is in fact Harry". It was silent on the other line "Talia, hello" then I heard her whisper "oh my god, this is perfect" I let out a little giggle, Talia was rooting for us after what happened in Paris. "I don't know Talia, is it?" I questioned her still not sure if it was a good idea or not. "Of course it is, the amount of sexual tension that this dance will create... you be fucking in no time" I laughed so hard that Eric jumped a bit. "omg Talia you can't say that" I said to her, a bit embarrassed.

"We are ready to learn this dance!" I heard JJ yell behind me. Shit was it that time already? "Sorry Talia, I have to go, the guys are here" I quickly waved at the guys letting them know I was hanging up. " Alright, have fun grinding on Harry" Talia said laughing and then hanging up. My face became bright red. Why did she have to say that when I was a couple of meters away? I turned around and walked to the guys, giving them all a hug and asking them if they were ready. "Hell yes, I can't wait" Tobi said already dancing a bit where he was standing.

"Okay, well you guys can go to Eric, he will explain what we will be doing first. Harry could I talk to you for a second?" Harry looked up surprised and nodded at me. I walked with him to the hallway, just outside the dance studio. "Okay I will go straight to the point. They choose you to do the duet with me" I looked at him, biting my nails, looking at his eyes. He looked a little surprised and started scratching his left shoulder. "Oh uh okay, you sure about this? What if I am not good enough?" I could sense that he was nervous, so I grabbed his hand. "Harry, you will do great. Eric and I will guide you the whole way making sure that you will be perfect when we are performing" I smiled at him giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. He smiled back and nodded. "Well okay then, let's get to practicing" He hugged me and walked straight to the other boys, now excited to start learning.

Eric decided it would be best to learn the guys the basics first. I just decided to learn my other dances with my headphones in. Every time I looked over at the guys I had to started to laugh. They were all over the place, Eric looking at them with a panicking look. The camera man was also laughing, probably enjoying this as much as I did.

At the end of the practice sessions the guys were all sitting against the mirror, sweating and out of breath. "I thought I was in good shape, but I am knackered" Ethan said taking a sip of his water, clearly tired. "Can you imagine how I feel, I am not even in shape" Simon exhaled, now laying down on the ground, JJ laughing at him. "Sorry guys, I hope you still enjoyed it though!" I said to them sitting next to Vikk. "Well I am knackered, but I did enjoy it" Vikk said placing a hand on my shoulder. "We just have to go to the gym a bit more" He said again taking away his hand. "Well I am coming with you guys, I am knackered too" reaching forward to grab my water bottle. I looked up and saw Harry smiling at me, a gave him a small smile back. I have to admit, he looked quite sexy, his hair a bit wet from his sweat and his eyes tired. I probably stared a bit too long at him because Josh nudged me and whispered "Maybe you should take a picture, it will last longer" I looked at him, shocked, my cheeks burning up. "Shut up, Josh" I pushed him with my hand, him laughing.

"Cal just texted me, asking if you would all like to come over for some drinks?" Harry suddenly asked looking up from his phone. "Oh, I don't know I am exhausted" I said rubbing my eyes. "Ah, c'mon Nova. We should celebrate our first rehearsal!" Simon said sitting up again. "Ugh, alright, but I am not drinking" I said placing my head between my hands.

Okay, maybe I had a bit too much to drink. We arrived at Cal's and Harry's place about two hours ago. The girls were also here, and they prepared some cocktails. And I am not going to lie, I love me some cocktails. So my plan to not drink that much, went straight out of the window. I was sitting on the couch with Freya, Gee and Talia when suddenly my song Shine came on. "We are going to show what we learned today!" JJ yelled, already drunk. He grabbed my hand signaling that I had to dance to. The guys were already dancing, only knowing the first twenty seconds. The rest of the song they just did something. Me and the girls were laughing so hard. I tried to help them, but they were not even capable to follow me. "We could do that line up thing, we don't have to do anything then, and you already know it!" Vikk suggested and pushed the other guys into the line. Me being slightly drunk, I thought it would me a great idea. I played my song again waiting for the right part. Once it started I walked to the guys and laid my hands on the first boy, Josh. Winking at Freya I touched his chest and squeezed his shoulders. Freya whistled and laughed out loud. Josh could not hold in his laugh, and leaned over laughing. I moved over to Vikk, laying my hands on his cheeks, moving them to his neck. He was trying to hold still and not laugh, which made it even funnier. The next one was Ethan, he was a bit too excited. I moved behind him and stuck my hands under his armpits, suggesting I was going to touch his chest. But I decided against that and just tickled him. He screamed and moved away laughing. Tobi just stood there laughing now trying to get away from my touch. I moved over to Simon again winking at Talia. I stood in front of him, facing him. I stood on my tip toes, placing my hands around his neck. Just whispering "hi" Simon laughed and pushed me away. The last one was Harry, he looked nervous. He was not the only one feeling nervous. I moved over to him. Standing next to him, I ran my hands up his chest, moving to his neck. With my other hand I guided his hand to my leg, his hand now on my leg he lifted my leg up, I was now half straddling him. I moved his head, making him look at me. He slowly turned his head looking my straight in my eyes. Why is he so handsome? Butterflies erupted in my stomach, I moved my head slowly closer to his. It felt like we were staring at each other for way to long, but I was held captive in his eyes.

"Woo-hoo!! That was amazing!!" Freya yelled, clearly oblivious of the situation me and Harry were in. I moved away from Harry "Thanks Freya, I am glad you like it" I looked back at Harry, he was just staring at me. My cheeks burning again I quickly went to grab another drink. 

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