chapter four

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I wake up next to someone, in a bed that I don't know. I turn around and see a lot of blue hair laying across the pillow. Gee. I wipe my eyes trying to wake up, getting a headache straightaway. I sit up straight looking outside, where I see the sun shine above beautiful Paris. Moving the blanket off of me and standing up, so I can get some water to try and fight my hangover. "Good morning babes" I hear Gee mumble. "Good morning sunshine, how did I end up here" I question. "To be honest, I have no fucking clue" I laugh a little and decide to shower.

Drying off I realize I have no clothes here. "Gee do you have some spare clothes I can borrow?" I yell at her hoping that she hears it. Before I know it, I get sweatpants, a sweater and some underwear. "You are the best" I say to her.

"Fuck I need to go to my own hotel room to get all my stuff" I mumble to myself. "No you don't, Dave said that he got all the stuff already and that he will be waiting for us at the airport" Gee answered, somehow hearing me. "Great that he told me that too" I answered annoyed at Dave. "He tried, but he could not reach you he said" I looked at her with a confused look. How could he not have reached me I thought to myself. I walked to where my phone is laying. "Ah, my battery is dead" Gee snickered at me. "Could you say thanks to him?" "Already did babe".

It was time to say goodbye to Paris and fly to London. With Gee her clothes, a wig from Talia and some sunglasses I was prepared to not get recognized. Sometimes I will do this if it is necessary, not really in the mood to get stuck in the airport.

"Damn who is that hot girl" JJ said hugging me "You look good with pink hair" He smiled letting go of me. "You think? Will you dye it for me then?" I said joking, but when I said it he smirked at me as if he was already planning it. I walked with him to the car to go to the airport. Tobi was already in the car and greeted me with a tired smile. "Why are you tired, you didn't even drink" I questioned him. He looked at me with annoyed eyes "Well I am the one who has to take care of your drunk ass" I laughed at him, hugged him and said sorry. He waved me off as to say, no bother. And I knew it wasn't.

Once at the airport we found Dave who was waiting for me with my suitcase. I said goodbye to him, he was staying because his wife was coming to Paris to have a little getaway. "See you in a couple of days, we need to start rehearsing for the O2" I smiled nervously at him, in 5 weeks I will be standing in the O2. "You will be fine kiddo" Sensing my nerves and hugging me again. "If you say so"

Finally, everyone else arrived at the airport. When I saw Harry I remembered our little moment yesterday. I really enjoyed it, never thinking about Harry in that way, but the feeling he gave me still lingered. Once Harry saw me he came up to me engulfing me in a hug. "How are you feeling" He asked still holding onto me. I really liked his hug and I relaxed in his warmth. "Tired, but I am alright, and you?" He let go of me and smiled "not too bad myself"

Did he remember yesterday? Maybe I am just overthinking it, and it was just a normal moment between two friends. I walked with everybody to check in our bags, we got trough security and went to get some food. Talia was walking behind a bit, checking her phone. I decided that I could talk to her about it. "Hey" Talia looked up from her phone "Hey girlie, what's up?" Walking and biting my nails at the same time I was not so sure anymore if I should tell her. "What is it? Did something happen?" Talia looked worried now. "No, no nothing happened it's just uhmm.. It's Harry" I quickly glanced at her looking what her reaction would be. She did not look surprised "Oh you and Harry dancing yesterday?" She linked her arm with mine to stop me from biting my nails. It was a bad habit of mine to do that when I am nervous. "Uh yeah, how did you know" "Well maybe because I was the one that pulled you away, you looked happy though" She smiled at me and nudged me, raising her eyebrows. "It was nice, but I don't know what to think now. I mean I never danced like that with him. And I also don't know if he remembers it." I felt kind of sad. Even though I don't even know my feelings for him. "Maybe you should just let it be, see how he behaves around you." Talia is probably right, I should not jump to conclusions straight away.

Sitting next to Ethan on the plane, we decided to watch a some episodes of friends together on his laptop. I did not like flying one bit, so having a distraction is great. Before we could finish a third episode we were already landing. "Well that was quick" Ethan said shutting his laptop. "We need to finish it another time then" I winked at him. "Finish what another time?" A head popped up in front of us. "Omg JJ finish watching Friends you dumbass" I laughed shaking my head. "That's what they all say" JJ said sitting down.

Sitting back in my chair I laughed to myself, how did I end up with these guys.

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