chapter twenty-three

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"There you are" I saw Ethan's head pop up behind the door. I gave him a small smile before I looked at my phone again. I have been sitting here for almost an hour. In that hour I have cried four times, called Talia once and screamed in a pillow. I was losing my mind. "Mind if I take a seat?" Ethan smiled. "Go ahead" I nodded at him, I was tired. He sat down next to me and put his hand on my knee. "Bog is really sad, you know" he said hoping that it would make me feel better. I swung my legs up and laid them on his lap. "I don't like that he is sad though, feel like its all my fault" I looked up at Ethan.

He gave me a sad smile "you guys are just in a tough situation". We were, but I thought we could handle it. We're not even together, and it feels like we have broken up, how is that even possible? "Is it though? I have the feeling that I just have to suck it up and tell the world we are together." I closed my eyes and leaned back on the couch. "Look I can't tell you what to do, but I do think that you guys belong together. I mean from the moment that we met I thought you guys would end up dating. You guys are soulmates. But Harry lives in the spotlight, and you live in an even bigger spotlight that I can't even imagine. It's tough, but I am sure you guys can handle it." He looked me straight in the eyes and made me tear up. "I am just not sure if I can handle it though" I sniffled. Ethan wiped some tears away. "Every time I think about it, I feel like I am getting a panic attack, but I feel so stupid because I understand where Harry is coming from. And I want to do this for him" I felt like such a baby, but Ethan made me feel comfortable. "You just have to rip that band-aid right off, love" Ethan squeezed my knee and stood up. I smiled at him "you're right, I will"

"Yes!! OMG I am so excited this plan is amazing!" Talia screamed while hugging me. Talia, Freya, Gee and I were watching a movie at Gee's place. After Ethan left my dressing room I thought of a plan to let Harry know that I am serious about us and that I am not ashamed of him. It is a bold and nerve wrecking plan, but I have to do it. I know deep inside that Harry and I can handle it, so like Ethan said I just need to rip that band-aid off. I just told the girls my plan, and they are so excited for it.

"Do you guys think I can do it?" I asked them already feeling nervous. "Of fucking course you can! You are a power woman" Freya said shaking my shoulders. "And we will be right there to support you" Gee smiled reassuringly at me. "Okay, okay!" I told them feeling good about my plan. "This is going to be so good!! I can't wait!" Freya exclaimed. I laughed at her, hoping my plan will go as planned. "So how many practice runs do you have left before the show?" Gee asked me when she came back from grabbing a drink. "Uh basically I have practice all day every day from now on until the show, but I only have one practice left with the Sidemen." I grabbed some M&Ms from the table knowing I can't be eating those for the next couple of days. "How excited are you to finally perform at the O2" Freya asked me leaning back on the couch. Before I can answer Talia interrupted "I am so jealous that you get to perform there". She started pouting. "Don't worry Talia, you will perform there one day!" I said to her squeezing her thigh. I wasn't lying, she is an amazing singer. "We still need to make a song together" I continued. Talia smiled at me. "That would be the most amazing song ever" Gee squealed. I laughed at her "it will".

The next couple of days were hard. I was training nonstop, although I remember all the dances now I still felt nervous. Each time before and after practice I had a small panic attack, Cindy said it was normal for me to feel nervous about this show. I was my first time in such a big stadium and of course my first time dancing with the Sidemen. The last practice with the Sidemen was yesterday, they were great. We practiced on stage, with lights and music, the whole thing. I could tell they were nervous about it, but I am sure they will rock it. It was awkward between me and Harry, but the guys pushed us through. He did not want to look at me and I could tell he was still mad, but I felt good about my plan. He pulled me aside after practice though.

"I know it is a bit awkward right now, but I promise that I will act normal on stage so no one knows" He mumbled at me, without looking me in the eyes. I wanted to talk to him more, but before I could, he walked away and stepped into his car.

I was now laying on my couch, watching a random movie. Tomorrow was the big day, my performance in the O2. My last practice today went well, and I was excited yet nervous for tomorrow. I only have the soundcheck left and then everything I worked for will be over in just 2 hours. Just when I wanted to make myself some dinner the doorbell rang. I walked towards the door and was surprised when some of the guys and the girls were standing outside my door with some balloons and food. "Surpisee!!" they screamed, I gasped hugging them all. "What are you guys doing here?" I had tears in my eyes, finding it so kind that they came to my apartment to surprise me. "We wanted to wish you good luck for tomorrow!" Josh said smiling kindly at me. "And wish you good luck with your plan" Talia whispered in my ear when I hugged her. Even the two Call's where here, everyone except Harry. When Ethan walked in last he could tell that I was disappointed that Harry did not walk in after him. "Sorry love, we tried to get him here, but he did not want to" Ethan said giving me a reassuring squeeze in my shoulder. I smiled kindly at him, even though I felt awful inside.

They brought so much food, that my whole dinner table was covered with it. "Are you guys nervous for tomorrow?" I asked the guys once everyone sat down. "Kind of, but I am also really excited!!" Simon said. "I think the nerves will come once we see the O2 stadium packed with people" Vikk said furrowing his eyebrows. "You guys will be amazing, and the fans will love it even if you screw up" Freya said shrugging her shoulders, she was right though they will. "How are the videos coming?" I asked them, the cameramen were always with them, but I haven't seen anything. "It is really good, the trailer is almost done, they just need some shots from the show itself" Josh explained. "I am so excited to see those videos" I told them, it will look so good. "Guys I think Nova needs to tell you guys something" Talia said after smiling at me weirdly. "What do you mean?" I looked at her confused. Talia nudged me and wiggled her eyebrows. "Oh" she wanted me to tell them my plan. "What is it?" Tobi said looking at me with big eyes. I scratched my head, not knowing what to tell.

"Okay, well you all know that Harry is mad at me, and why. So I thought of a plan"

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