chapter twelve

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It was getting colder outside, I shuddered walking back to Harry's car after our dance rehearsal. "It's proper cold, innit!" Harry said unlocking his car, getting into the driver's seat. "You could say that!" my hands were shivering. Harry started his car turning the heat on full blast. He started to drive, humming to a song that was on the radio. "I really liked dancing with you, Harry" I looked at him, hoping that he felt the same. "I thought I was going to hate it, but I quite like it" he looked at me giving me a small smile. "But maybe it is just because I get to dance with you" he looked away his cheeks getting a bit red. My cheeks were burning up too, thinking about him almost kissing me again. "Do you think you're going to get scared doing it in front of 20.000 people?" I asked him, knowing he was nervous about it.

"Well of course, I am going to shit my pants" Harry laughed turning right at the intersection, we were almost at my flat. "I think you will be surprised at how easy it will go up on the stage" I reached over giving his arm a slight squeeze. Harry looked at me smiling, putting his hand on my thigh. "Thanks, Nova". I started to look outside, trying not to focus on his hand. My stomach was erupting with butterflies and my cheeks were on fire. How can someone give you so many feelings?

Harry pulled up outside my flat, squeezing my thigh and removing his hand. "I uh see you later" He said barely looking at me. "See you later, Harry" getting out of the car confused as to why Harry was suddenly acting strange. I closed his door and starting walking to the front door of my apartment building.

"Nova, wait!" I turned around seeing Harry getting out of his car. "Did I forget something?" I asked him while he was walking to me. "No, but I did" He said, smashing his lips on mine. Closing my eyes, I wrapped my hands tightly around his neck. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, while his hands were holding my waist. I stood on my tip toes trying to get as close as possible. He moved his hands to my butt and squeezed it, making me gasp. Harry deepening the kiss, I moved my hands into his hair. Seconds later Harry pulled away smiling, not letting me go. "I have been waiting for that" He said giving me another kiss on my mouth. "Glad that you finally did it" I said stroking his arm.

"Well, I think I should go, we have a long day tomorrow" Harry said taking a slight step back. "Yeah I uh see you tomorrow" I was still shocked at what just happened. Me and Harry just kissed! Harry squeezed my hands, letting me go. He turned around and walked away, just before he stepped into his car he looked at me and smiled.

I looked up at the sky, smiling, the things this man does to me.

Laying in my bed I could not stop thinking about the kiss I just shared with Harry. Does this mean he wants to be with me? Do I want to be with him? It wouldn't be easy, the amount of hate we got when people thought we were together was insane. I could not imagine how much hate we would get if we were actually dating. And what will the rest of the guys think? They would always make fun of us, knowing that we weren't together. Would they mind if we were? What if this is bad for their channel? Fans knowing that Harry had a girlfriend? And what would it mean for me, will I get bad publicity? What will Cindy think?

My head was spinning with questions, maybe Harry didn't want to be with me, maybe it was just one stupid kiss? I had practice with the guys tomorrow, meaning that I will see Harry again. I should just see how he is going to act around me.

When I arrived at the studio, the guys were already there. I probably looked like shit, I haven't slept all evening, to busy worrying about Harry. Harry looked good though, he was laughing with Simon about something. "Hey Nova, good morning!" I heard Josh say to me, making Harry look at me. I waved to Josh saying hi back. But I could not stop staring at Harry. He walked to me, getting his water bottle that was laying close to me. "You alright, you look like you haven't slept" Harry whispered to me while he was reaching to his water bottle. "That is because I haven't" I looked at him with a small smile tying my shoes. "Do you regret what happened?" He looked sad. I quickly shot up "No! No it's just, uh can we talk later?" He nodded and walked away, ready to start dancing again. I decided to practice my dancing in a separate studio, not wanting to get distracted by the boys.

I was dancing for almost an hour, nothing went right, I was too tired to concentrate. Too many thought were running through my head. I sat down against the mirror, putting my head between my hands. A couple of minutes later I felt a hand on my back "you alright?" I looked up, smiling I patted the ground next to me. "Yeah just a bit tired, how is the dance coming?" Simon looked at me "It's going alright you know, I mean it's not perfect, but it is getting close" I leaned my head against his shoulder "I am excited to see you guys dance" He laughed leaning his head against the mirror behind him. "You sure you alright?" "Yeah just a bit confused" I started biting my nails my mind going back to Harry again. "I am sure it is going to be alright" He said taking my hand making me stop biting. I always liked that about Simon, he didn't push for an answer. If I wanted to talk about me, I would have told him. I looked up at him "Thanks, Si" He stood up dragging me with him. "Where are we going?" "Well you wanted to see us dance, so c'mon" He dragged me out of the studio to where they were practicing.

Seeing those boys dance, was the most hilarious thing I saw in a long time. Their faces were super serious not wanting to mess anything up. And to be fair... They did good. Sure it was not perfect, but I was impressed with how far they have come. I applauded when they stopped, making them all cheer. "You guys were great! I am impressed" I said high-fiving them. "Don't worry Nova, one day you will be as good as us" JJ said winking at me. I laughed at him shaking my head. "Eric could I borrow Harry for a sec, I wanted to practice our dance" "Yeah sure! You'll be alright without me?"

"Yes I think so" I looked at Harry blushing. Harry and I walked away going to a separate studio. "Only practice the dance, not anything else!" I heard Ethan yell before we disappeared in the hallway. When we were out of sight, Harry pushed me against the wall. "What are you d" Harry kissed me before I could finish the sentence. He pressed his chest against mine, making sure there was no space left between us. My hands went straight to his hair, curling his hair around my fingers. "Sorry I just could not wait" Harry said pulling away taking my hand. "Oh I don't mind" I giggled nudging him. "What did you want to talk about" He asked sitting down in our little studio. "About us, about this" I pointed at us "I really want to keep doing this, but I am not sure if I want everybody else to know just yet" I said to Harry looking him in his eyes. "Yeah I get that, maybe we should just enjoy it a bit before we let anybody else know" Harry nodded "Shall we practice then?" He said almost standing up. "Wait one second" I climbed on his lap straddling him. "We can practice later" I said to him before I kissed him. 

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