chapter nineteen

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I woke up to Harry snoring in my ear. A very nice way to wake up in the morning. Carefully I slipped out of bed to go into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and saw that I did not take off my makeup yesterday. Everything was smudged. After some scrubbing with some water I got most of it off.

Harry was still fast asleep, so I decided to wake him up. I crawled on top of him, giving him some soft kisses in his neck. He shifted a bit, but didn't wake up. I took it one step further and gave him a love bit in his neck. How was he still asleep? I decided to just give him a kiss to wake him up, but before I could kiss him he twisted us around. "I really like waking up like this" Harry said in his morning voice making my insides tingle. "Do you now?" I grabbed his face and pulled him close. "I like waking up next to you" I whispered against his lip making him smirk. He kissed me softly, but it quickly turned into a full on make out.

His hands were underneath my shirt caressing my naked skin. My body was on fire, making me want him more. I turned us around again, straddling his body. Harry was leaning against the headboard eyeing my body. He lifted my shirt, taking it off and throwing it away, giving him a full view of my boobs. "You are so beautiful" He said giving me another kiss. I was pulling at his hair making him groan into the kiss. I pulled my body as close as I could, closing the little space we had between us.

Suddenly the door slammed open, making Harry grab the sheets to cover me. "Yo Harry want to film a video?" Freezy yelled, his eyes slowly landing on Harry and me. "Oh shit dude! I forgot that Nova was here!" He quickly closed the door and probably walked away really embarrassed.

I rolled of off Harry, laughing at what just happened. "Why did he have to do that?" Harry mumbled shuffling out of his bed and walking to the bathroom. I walked after him, cuddling his back while he was brushing his teeth. "Well, this is nice too" Harry mumbled with his toothbrush in his mouth. "You just like that I still don't have a shirt on" I mumbled into his shirt pressing my head against his back. He quickly turned around making me face him. "This is even better" He winked at me and turned around to spit out his toothpaste.

I laughed and walked away to put my shirt on. "Noo! What are you doing" Harry said tackling me onto the bed. "I am hungry I want to get some breakfast!" I mumbled into Harry's neck as he was laying on top of me, crushing me with his weight. "Can't we just lay in bed all day?" Harry mumbled, not moving a bit. "No Harry, I have things to do" I pushed against his chest trying to get him of off me, but I had no luck. He places his hands next to my head, pushing himself up. "Don't forget, we have a date tonight" His eyes twinkled, making me smile. "I can't wait to see what you have prepared" I kissed him quickly and rolled out from under him. "Now we are going to get some food" I ran out of the room being greeted by Freezy and Lux sitting on the couch.

"Look who finally came out of bed" Freezy said looking up from his screen. "Yes thanks to you!" Harry said sitting next to him. "Yeah sorry, but I am glad I interrupted otherwise I had to sit here and listen to you guys" Freezy said looking disgusted. "Oh c'mon don't act like you wouldn't enjoy it!" I teased him sitting next to Lux. I leaned against Lux making him wrap his arm around my shoulder. "You guys are disgusting" Freezy mumbled but I could see the smile on his lips. "Did you guys already have breakfast?" Harry spoke up looking at his phone. He was probably looking up some place that delivered breakfast to the apartment.

"No we haven't, but I would like some pancakes please" Lux said looking up from his phone. "Oh yes pancakes! Me too please!" I looked at Harry making sure he heard it. He smiled at me and shuck his head. "What do you want Freezy?" "Just a bagel please" Freezy stood up getting some water. He looked at me and pointed at his glass, asking me if I wanted some to. I nodded at him. It felt so nice waking up here with Harry and just chilling with these guys. I am so happy that I can call these guys my friends.

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