What are those?

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"So it didn't work out?" Marlene asks disappointedly, shoving toast into her mouth. Lily chuckles and shakes her head, "No, Marls. James and I are better off as friends. There's just no spark."

Alice glances at Phoebe, noticing the Veela pretending to not listen as she reads the newspaper. Inside, she feels a tiny pinch of happiness. Phoebe had spent the entire day worried that James and Lily would fall in love, though she blamed it on not wanting to listen to them fight all of the time.

"Thank god," Alice says, drawing all three girl's attention. "Frank said Fabian was quite disappointed that you'd gone to Hogsmead with James."

Lily flushes slightly and glances down the table. Phoebe follows her gaze, seeing Fabian and Gideon eating their breakfast. Gideon catches her eye and winks, causing Phoebe to laugh and roll her own.

"How about you and Gideon?" Marlene asks, poking the Veela. The blonde scoffs, "That was just to prove to Potter that I'm significantly more attractive than he is."

"No one is denying that," A voice says from behind Phoebe. The girl jumps into the air, nearly knocking over her orange juice in the process. Large hands quickly grab the glass, setting it upright. Phoebe turns and scowls at James, saying irritably, "What have we said about scaring me, Potter?"

"Sorry, Pheebs," He says cheekily. The girl blinks at the nickname, not completely registering that James has called her anything but 'Phoebe' and 'Griffin'.

"Why are you being nice? And why are you calling me that?" The girls asks suspiciously. James grins and cocks his head to the side, his messy brown hair flopping in his ears. Phoebe resists the urge to brush it aside.

"I'm not allowed to be nice to my friend? And everyone calls you that."

"You don't. Ever."

Lily interjects, playfully scolding, "Phoebe, be nice."

Phoebe gasps and says, "Don't help him, Lily! You're supposed to hate him!"

James winks at the ginger and they share a smile. Marlene hides her smile behind another bite of toast while Alice averts her gaze, extremely amused by the scene unfolding before them.

Phoebe blinks at James and asks, "Why aren't you with Sirius?"

James shrugs. "Because I'm here with you, Bee."

Phoebe feels flustered by his attention and kindness, squeaking indignantly, "Bee?? What is going on?!"

"Everyone else gets to use your nickname, so I figured I could just use a different one!" James says teasingly, secretly enjoying the way Phoebe seems lost for words. She glares and turns back to her newspaper, her hair shuffling in the process. Something blue and purple catches his eye and his playful mood disappears.

"What are those?" James grinds out quietly, quickly brushing the rest of Phoebe's hair away from the side of her neck. Phoebe feels the blood drain from her face. James Potter was staring at her throat, eyes zeroed in on the two love bites Gideon Prewett had left on her skin.

"I burnt myself with curlers," Phoebe quickly replies, glaring at her giggling friends. Lily, Marlene, and Alice share a look as they attempt to stifle their laughter.

"You're hair is straight," James points out, pressing his thumb to the bruise. Red hot anger sweeps through him and the image of Phoebe and Gideon snogging plays over and over in his head.

"Yes well—" Phoebe stutters, trying desperately to formulate a response. James interrupts, saying firmly, "Give me your wand."

"What? Why?!"

"I left mine in my room. Give me your wand, Phoebe."

"No," The blonde scoffs, scooting away from him. James narrows his eyes and holds out his hand, saying curtly, "Evans. Wand."

Lily smirks and hands James her wand, despite the veelas squawk of protest. He quickly points it at Phoebe's neck, making her eyes bug out of her head.

"What on earth—ouch!" She felt a sudden burning sensation on her cool skin, quickly swatting James' hand away to cover her neck with her own.

"There," He says contentedly, far more relaxed at the sight of her neck without hickeys.

"I did not give permission for you to do that."

"I didn't ask for it."

Phoebe and James glower at each other, too deep in their staring contest to notice the appearance of the other three marauders. Sirius raises his brows, taking his seat by Marlene and whispering, "What are they doing?"

Marlene smirks and replies quietly, "Undressing each other with their eyes."

Sirius gags and wrinkles his nose, muttering, "Gross, Marlene. That's my sister you're talking about." Marlene rolls her eyes and turns back to James and Phoebe.

The veela's frown softens slightly at the sight of James' lips twitching. His scowl slowly morphs into a broad grin, drawing up a smile on Phoebe's face.

"You're a git, Potter," She finally says, shoving him roughly and breaking their staring contest. James grins and replies easily, "Takes one to know one, Bee."

Phoebe rolls her eyes at the name and turns to Remus, asking quickly, "Where have you lot been?"

The sweet boy smirks a little and says nonchalantly, "you'll see."

It's not five minutes later that the entire Slytherin table has grown lions manes around their collars, thanks to a clever potion the boys slipped into the milk and juice. McGonagall storms up to the Gryffindor table and grabs James and Sirius by the ears, saying stiffly, "Mr. Lupin and Mr. Pettigrew, if you would follow me."

The marauders grin, despite their impending detention. McGonagall drags Sirius and James, Peter and Remus following behind as they all laugh and point at the Slytherin table. As they round the corner, James yells over his shoulder,

"See you later, Bee!!"

"Mr. Potter!" Minerva cries, tugging him away faster and out of Phoebe's sight.

Phoebe feels an warm sensation in her chest, choosing to ignore the looks her friends were throwing her way. The warmth lingered in her chest until her owl Vincent flew over head and dropped a beautiful looking envelope on her lap. Phoebe stiffens, recognizing the silver wax seal. Her heart sinks as she opens the letter and begins to read. Her friends try to stop her as she stands and leaves, ignoring their words.

Lily looks at Alice and Marlene worriedly, turning over the envelope before sighing and saying quietly,

"Her mother."

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