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"Gentlemen," James says nervously.

He's been waiting for this day, this moment for a long time. He'd always known he would do this, sit them down and have this conversation. Especially since it's her. And they know her almost as well as he does.

Remus, Peter, and Sirius all sit at the table, across from a very anxious looking James. He hasn't touched his breakfast, and whenever he sits he gets up seconds later to pace back and forth. They hadn't seen him like this in sometime.

"I've gathered you here for a very important meeting," James continues, rubbing the back of his neck as he paces. He couldn't sit still. He was ill from the overwhelming emotions he was feeling. Fear, apprehension, excitement. Love. He was in love and it was terrifying. Almost as terrifying as taking this next step.

Remus sips his tea and asks calmly, hoping to relax his friends nerves and satisfy his own curiosity, "Where is Pheebs?"

"Her mum's house. Cleaning up or collecting mail," Pete answers like he's not sure. He furrows his brow and says, "Actually she might be cooking. Or baking. I can't remember what it is she said."

"Hopefully not knitting," Sirius grunts, still not exactly sure how the thing she'd knitted for him was meant to be a scarf. But he'd worn it anyway, despite the itchy yarn. Marlene asked him to have Phoebe knit her one as well, despite his encouragement not to.

Remus laughs at Sirius' words, nodding in agreement. He and Gideon reckoned yesterday that Peter could knit better than the Veela. He goes to add more, but James cuts them off,

"I have something important to talk about!" He cries loudly, throwing his hands in the air exasperatedly.

"Merlin, Prongs," Remus sighs. "Spit it out!!"

James flushes slightly and mumbles something under his breath. Sirius furrows his brow, asking,

"What did you say?"

He mumbles a little bit louder, but they still can't hear.

Peter is so confused by what is occurring that Remus doesn't have the heart to do anything other than pat him on the arm. Sirius sighs,

"Louder please, prongs. I know I'm a dog but I can't even fucking hear what you're saying."

"I-I..." he takes a deep breath and stares at his friends. His brothers. Then he says firmly, "I'm going to ask Phoebe to marry me. Soon."

Remus grins broadly, Sirius looking much the same as happiness consumes them. Peter looks like he may cry, his hands clasped tightly below his chin.

"Our Prongs," Sirius chuckles. "All grown up."

James smiles at his friends and continues, "Phoebe...she doesn't have anyone for me to ask. Except for that horrid old woman that lives in France. So, I was hoping that you all would give me your blessing. To ask her. To marry her"

Sirius feels an embarrassing surge of affection for his friend, his cheeks hurting his smile is so wide. Remus speaks up first, saying happily,

"Of course, Prongs. You're made for each other."

Peter is too overcome with emotion to say anything so he tearfully smiles and gives a thumbs up. James turns to Sirius, grinning at the now stern look on his best friend's face. Sirius sighs, sizing him up quietly before saying,

"Fine. You have my blessing."

James goes to speak, to tell them thank you. That he loves them. But Sirius interrupts, his smile smug as he continues,

"On two conditions."

James sighs and nods, waiting patiently for him to speak. Sirius is firm when he says, "If you hurt her, I get to be first in line to murder you."

James laughs, "Yes, Padfoot. And the second condition?"

Sirius can hardly contain himself. He grins at his friend—his brother—and crows, "I get to be the godfather of your first child."

Remus and Peter immediately let out disgruntled scoffs, Peter saying hurriedly, "How is that fair?!"

James glances at Remus, smiling when his werewolf friend gives him a subtle nod and a wink. James grins broadly, reaching to grab Sirius' outstretched hand, saying happily, "Deal."

The boys all cheer, laughing and clapping James on the shoulder, Remus pointing out jeeringly, "Remember when we wrote Phoebe Potter on that rock just to piss you off 1st year?"

James flushes slightly and nods, shoving his friends hands away as they try to ruffle his hair. Peter pipes up, "How are you going to do it, Prongs?"

James chews nervously on the inside of his cheek. He had no idea. He wanted to do something big and dramatic and grandiose, but he also wanted it to be small and simple and not make her freak out. He was still scared of her freaking out. He was freaking out.

"I don't even have a ring yet, Wormtail," James admits, earning wide eyes from his three friends. He sighs and says frustratedly, "It's hard! I don't know what to get her! She doesn't really wear that much jewelry, just the earrings and the ring she and Sirius have!"

Remus nods and smiles sympathetically, offering, "We'll be happy to assist you, Prongs."

Sirius nods happily, wondering, "Have you asked her?"

James looks at him like he's grown a second head, Remus not far behind him.

"What?!" Sirius cries, furrowing his brows at his friend's disapproving looks. "If it were me I'd want to be asked what I like!"

"I don't—I can't scare her off. She freaks out whenever it comes up. You've seen how she is when babies get mentioned!"

Sirius stifles his laughter, saying amusedly, "It's not like she's going to say no, Prongs. She loves you. She may be scared, but she'll say yes."

James feels a twinge of relief, smiling gratefully at his friends. He was so glad they were here. He needed them now more than ever. His throat grows tight as they all begin shooting out ideas of where to find Phoebe Griffin's perfect ring.

His Dad would know.

He feels a pang in his chest at the thought. He wishes his dad and mum were here. To see him propose, to see them get married. To see grand babies. He missed them.

And then it suddenly dawns on him, the Marauders laughing when they practically see the lightbulb go off above James' head. He grins widely, his heart growing warm as he says quietly,

"Actually, lads. I think I know just the ring."

{{I love James :) thanks again for being so patient. Updates will hopefully be more frequent this weekend. Just trying to get through midterms!also—note that he didn't ask for their permission! I hate that crap!}}

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