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{{Lowkey cannot believe that people are reading this. Hope you're enjoying! I'm not gonna lie I have like 40 more chapters written so I'll keep them coming! If you have anything like particular scenes you're dying for me to write let me know!}}


Phoebe cannot wipe the grin off her face as she watches James try to choke down a sip of her warm butter beer.

He gags theatrically and pushes the mug back across the table to her, wrinkling his nose.

"How can you drink that warm?" James asks incredulously, taking a gulp of his cold one.

"How can you drink that cold?" Phoebe shoots back, raising a brow at him. He smirks and teases, "Not everyone is as cold as you are, Griffin. It's no wonder you like it hot!"

Phoebe sighs, shaking her head, "You're awfully dramatic. I'm not even that cold."

Phoebe looks up from their table, a question popping into her head as she surveys the three broomsticks.

"Did you bring Lily here?"

James nearly choked on his butter beer, sitting up straighter to look at her confusedly. He quickly shakes his head and answers, "No. I took Evans to the tea shop."

Phoebe felt a hint of relief, parts of her still fearful that James still had an infatuation with her red haired friend. Her shoulders were still stiff though, especially when she noticed more than one girl glancing her way angrily. James Potter and his blasted fan girls.

"I talked about you the whole time."

Her eyes fly back to James, wide in surprise. He's smiling slightly, running a hand through his hair and then rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He eyes Phoebe's shock silently, desperately wishing that she could see herself from his perspective. Her shoulders seemed more relaxed at his words so he continues,

"Poor, Evans. It was terrible. I didn't listen to a thing she said unless it had to do with you because I was fuming that you were snogging Gideon Prewett."

Phoebe cracks a smile at his admission, leaning in to ask, "Are you kidding?"

"I wish. You pissed me off, walking off with him. And then I just couldn't think about anything else."

Phoebe brings her drink to her lips, smiling behind the mug. James grins, nudging her leg under the table with his sneaker clad toe.

"That's funny to you, Griffin?"

Phoebe nods and replies cheekily, "It's hilarious, Potter. And no need to be jealous of Gideon. He's got his eyes on someone else."

James raises his brows and tilts his head, asking, "And who might that be?"

"It's a secret."

"What's a secret?!"

James and Phoebe both jump, startled by the boisterous and loud words from Sirius Black. James sighs and narrows his gaze, noticing that Remus and Peter are standing just behind him.

"Padfoot, go away," James says firmly, watching Phoebe out of the corner of his eye. He's terrified that one thing is going to spook her and then they'll be forced to start over this whole dance. James was willing to be as patient as necessary, but he could feel her opening up to him and was terrified she'd shut it down quickly.

Sirius smirks and pulls up some chairs to the table, Remus and Peter evidently in on the joke. Before Sirius can take the spot between him and Phoebe, James snaps his arm under neath the table and pulls her over to his side by her hip.

Phoebe grins, slightly dizzy from her quick change of seating. James throws his arm around her shoulders, sealing her against his side much to her delight. She bites on her lower lip to keep from smiling as Sirius huffs, his plans foiled. It doesn't take long for him to bounce back though.

"How are you love birds? The date is going well?" Sirius asks, smirking as he looks between the two of them. James has an unfortunate disgruntled look on his face. He knew Sirius would try to pull something funny. He had hoped Remus wouldn't involve himself.

Phoebe surprises them all when she says, "It's going quite well."

James perks up, grinning down at the girl and raising his brows. She smirks and says quietly, "Unless you disagree, James."

He winks and says playfully, "Second best day of my life."

"Oh really? What's the first?"

He smirks and leans down to whisper in her ear so only she will hear, "Our wedding day."

Phoebe blushes furiously and elbows him hard in the ribs. James winces but can't wipe the smile from his face. Sirius, Peter, and Remus just stare in surprise. They knew the two fancied each other, but seeing them get along like this was a whole new world. Sirius feels slightly protective of the girl he's come to know as family, saying firmly, "I can walk you back, Pheebs."

"I'm not finished yet," The Veela points out, her eyes narrowing at her friend. She smiles inwardly, flattered that she had someone watching out for her. Although she really did want to continue her date in peace.

"You can go," Phoebe offers, sinking into James side further. Sirius elbows Remus and the lanky boy jumps up, remembering that he too was supposed to be acting as a chaperone of sorts.

"No no, we'll stay," Remus says hurriedly, ignoring the eyeroll he gets from James. Sirius and Peter nod in unison at their friends words. Phoebe can sense how irritated James is getting and begins formulating a mischievous plan in her mind. She turns to the boy and says cheekily her thumb coming up the tap gently against his lower lip,

"You've got something there."

James raises a brow, looking down at the Veela, he goes to lift his hand to wipe his face but she stops him with her cheeky grin.

"I've got it," She murmurs, leaning in and pressing her lips to his, her tongue swiping his lower one to rid it of the tiniest bit of foam from his drink. James' arm around her tightens, pushing her shoulders to face him squarely as they kiss. Phoebe sighs and grips his sweater tight in her free hand as he nips at her lower lip teasingly.

"Bloody hell!" Sirius cries, abruptly scooting back his chair. Phoebe grins into the kiss, pecking James one last time before she pulls back to eye the now standing group of three.

"Go," She says, her voice curt. Sirius flips off a smug looking James while Remus and Peter mumble a quiet apology before they leave.

James looks down at her, pupils blown wide from lust as he mutters, "You're a tease."

Phoebe laughs heartily, bringing a bigger smile to his face as they continued their afternoon, completely wrapped up in their safe little bubble in the three broomsticks.

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