Care of Magical Creatures

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Phoebe pulls her hat down further over her ears as she walked across the Hogwarts grounds and into the part of the forest she knew was safe.

Mcgonagall and Kettleburn knew she was here so there was no way she'd get in trouble, though she did feel a prickle of nervousness as she crossed the tree line and the sunrise became hidden by foliage. It was light enough now that she no longer needed lumos, but it was still bloody freezing. She only walks a little further before she hears familiar pawing at the ground.

When she appears in the clearing she immediately draws the attention of a startlingly large hippogriff. He glares in her direction and Phoebe bows, lowering her head but keeping eye contact with the creature. She waits patiently until it bows back, and then she's smiling, saying sweetly, "Why hello, Thunderhoof. Remember me?"

The hippogriff comes closer, allowing her to reach out and stroke the grey feathers of its head. The half eagle, half horse reaches around the girl with its neck and begins pecking at the sack on her back.

"Oi!" Phoebe cries, snapping to draw its attention back to her. "Give me a minute, will you?"

She sighs as she looks into his yellow eyes. If he could talk she was sure he'd be calling her terrible names. Phoebe steps back a bit from him, and pulls the sack off her back. Having already put on her gloves, she merely reaches into the bag and pulls out a ferret. Thunderhoof lets out a cry of excitement making Phoebe laugh.

"Here you go, love," She chuckles, throwing the already deceased ferret to the excitable hippogriff. She sighs and relaxes slightly as the faintest bit of morning light streams into the clearing. Phoebe chews on the inside of her cheek as a certain boy pops into her mind. She wonders if James is awake yet, wonders what he's thinking about. They'd left it—whatever it was between them—on a...positive note Phoebe thought. But she was willing to bet her life that James didn't truly like her, perhaps because she'd never truly experienced being fancied before. Lusted after, yes. Harassed, yes. But to be truly liked by James seemed made up.

Phoebe shakes her head to rid him from her mind, throwing another ferret to the hippogriff. She talks to him like he can answer, "Have you ever had a crush before, Thunderhoof?"

The beast obviously doesn't answer but it made Phoebe wonder herself. What she felt for James, could that be a crush? Did she fancy him too? She finds herself licking her lips lightly, just like James had done last term in that broom closet. And last night when he'd snogged her again.

"Merlin," Phoebe groans out loud. She feeds the hippogriff until every last ferret is gone and he's forced to lay down, full from his meal. Phoebe sits next to him, smiling widely when the beast lays its large bird head in her lap. She finds herself gently singing the songs her earrings whisper to her every so often, finding herself entranced with the gentle notes from her mouth.

She'd yet to voice the notes she'd heard, and felt a tiny prickle of magic at the sound. She smiles when she realizes the hippogriff is sleeping soundly, slowly lifting his head and scrambling out from under it. She leaves the sack and her gloves in a nearby box that locks for Kettleburn's later classes to use. Even though he's sleeping, she bows before she leaves, knowing how especially prideful Thunderhoof is.

Phoebe trudges up the hill towards the castle and into the great hall, looking around peacefully as she enters. She's shocked to see Sirius, Marlene, James and the rest of the Gryffindor quidditch team sitting and eating breakfast. They must have had practice. James, Sirius, and Marlene are embroiled in quite an animated conversation. Phoebe hesitates, unsure if she should join them. Before she can tell herself not to her feet are carrying her in the direction of the table. Trying not to think too much she stands behind James and Sirius and says quietly, "Potter, move over."

James and Sirius jump in their seats, but Marlene just smirks, having seen Phoebe approaching from her side of the table.

James feels a confused grin make it's way onto his face at the sight of the girl so early in the morning. Last night had been freeing for him. He knew that he liked her, she knew that he liked her. The weight on his shoulders hadn't lifted completely, but was significantly lighter. To the point where his quidditch practice was a breeze and his worries slipped away. He was a bit perplexed by her presence.

James scoots closer to Sirius and pats the bench on his other side. Phoebe frowns and says, "I meant the other way."

"Oops. Sorry, Bee," James answers cheekily. Phoebe rolls her eyes and just sighs, reluctantly taking the spot that James had presented her with.

"What are you doing up so early, Pheebs?" Marlene asks.

Sirius snorts, "Shes been up kissing Kettleburn's arse."

James raises a brow at the Veela, trying not to laugh when she throws an apple over his head at Sirius. Their black haired friend just winks as he catches the fruit, taking a bite.

"I was with Thunderhoof," Phoebe says, eyeing the foods out for breakfast. "The third years are meeting him today and I offered to feed him so he wouldn't be grumpy."

"Who is Thunderhoof?" James asks confusedly.

"Not a who, a what," Marlene laughs. "He's a hippogriff."

James' eyes widen and he turns to the Veela again.

"You were out alone with a hippogriff?! Are you bloody insane?!"

"Relax, James. I've been alone with him plenty of times."

James stares, slack jawed. Phoebe quirks a brow, her lips twitching up at his dumbfounded expression.

"So you'll wake up early to hang out with a dangerous beast, but not to watch my quidditch practice?"

James asks, narrowing his eyes. Phoebe smirks and nods, saying cheekily, "Sorry, my love for Care of Magical Creatures comes first."

James huffs and shakes his head, muttering, "Perhaps I should've taken that to understand you better."

"I'm a being, not a creature," The Veela points out, smiling as James rolls his eyes and waves her off.

"Tell me about this Thunderhoof then, you being," James teases, grabbing her plate from her hands and spooning some of the strawberries she'd been eyeing onto her plate. Her heart warms significantly at the action.

She grows more and more relaxed as she realizes that nothing is awkward, nothing has to change. But something has changed. She finds herself eager, not irritated, to talk to James, flattered that he's willing to listen to her talk about Hippogriffs while Marlene and Sirius tease her. She scoots closer to him, ignoring the doubting voices in the back of her mind. She feels brave when he's near.

To James, watching the Veela talk excitedly about the beast is a guarantee that his day will be good. She's passionate, hands gesturing wildly as she discusses their history. James was never one for creatures, finding them intimidating, but watching her talk so freely made his heart skip a beat. She usually was so composed, except for when she was mad. It was exciting for him to see her this way...happy about something that she truly liked, not something her mother had forced her too.

When he's sure that Marlene and Sirius are distracted by something else he leans down and murmurs in her ear, "You're very cute when you get excited about this stuff."

Phoebe feels her cheeks warm significantly and she tries her hardest to not shiver from the proximity of him. She glances up to meet his hazel eyes with her grey ones, realizing she only sees honesty and affection on his face. Her heart swells and she replies quietly,

"Keep up the sweet talking and you might just get somewhere, Potter."

James laughs and nods, his smile permanent on his lips.

"Good to know, Griffin."

He gestures for her to continue and then she's launching back into her lecture on hippogriffs. James thinks it's the first lesson he's ever actually liked.

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