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The group was alarmingly shocked by the days after their drunken night. The girls expected James to be awkward and the boys expected Phoebe to be weird...but the two of them were rather nonchalant about the whole thing. It helped that they didn't see eachother leading up to exams, but James took Phoebe's lead on not being weird about it.

Instead they ignored that the entire thing happen. For Phoebe, she was glad to save face. James however...James was mad. He was irritated that the blonde acted like everything was okay in front of their friends and then would avoid looking at him as soon as they were left alone. He was absolutely fuming over the idea of the two of them sharing something so good and it just being left behind in that broom closet.

James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus were walking down the corridor on the way to their next exams, talking aimlessly.

"Who's that?" Peter pipes up as they stroll pointing further up the way. Sirius peers ahead and scoffs, "That's Lockheart and Pheebs."

James zeros in on the pair they're discussing, feeling something ugly claw at his chest like a monster at the sight of her and the Ravenclaw twat. He nearly loses it when the git puts his hand on her arm.

"Oi, Lockheart!" James calls, startling his friends. Phoebe looks over her shoulder, surprise written on her face at the outburst. James fumes, saying angrily, "No loitering in the hallway during exams."

"And What are you doing, Potter?" Gilderoy Lockheart asks arrogantly. Phoebe stiffens slightly as the boys get closer.

"I'm on my way to my next exam. You're here chatting in the hallway. See the difference?" James replies curtly, coming to stand next to Phoebe. Gilderoy glares at him before turning back to the Veela and saying, "Consider my offer, Phoebe. I hope you have a wonderful summer."

Phoebe smiles faintly and nods to the boy, observing the way he glares at her friends before he departs. Phoebe let's out a sigh of relief and looks up to see James watching the Ravenclaw walk away, anger written on his face.

"James," Phoebe says quietly. His eyes snap to hers instantly. He's met with a beautiful smile and warm eyes. It makes his heart do a cartwheel in his chest.

"Thanks for that. He was getting a bit too forward."

James nods and mumbles, "It's no problem. Don't consider his offer. He's a wanker."

"You don't even know what he's offered," Phoebe says, grinning slightly. Before James can respond she peers over his shoulder and says,

"Ah! There you are, Rem. Ready for our last exam?"

Remus nods, smiling at the girl. She slips past James to join her werewolf friend. They say a quick goodbye before they head off. Peter departs for his exam, leaving just James and Sirius to trudge to the dungeons.

"What was that all about?" Sirius asks pointedly. James shrugs and replies, "Nothing. I just don't think anyone should have to subject themselves to Lockheart's company."

"You weren't scared she was gonna snog him?" Sirius asks.

"What?! No! Like I give a shit who Griffin snogs."

Sirius smirks and says cheekily, "I dunno, mate. You seem awfully pissed. I know after I kissed her third year I decked Roger Davies for standing to close to her. Must be her Veela magic crap."

James remains silent, ruminating on his friends words.

'That's it. I'm just recovering from her magic.' He thinks to himself as they walk into the potions classroom and take their seats.

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