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Phoebe laughs, both of her hands occupied by two small ones.

She smiles down at Charlie and Bill, Marlene insisting on teaching them her favorite line dance, the one she'd drunkenly taught Phoebe back in 6th year. Charlie let's out a bubbly laugh that makes Phoebe's heart swell, deciding to forgo the dance moves Marlene is trying to teach them. Instead she scoops him up and holds Bill's hand tight, spinning the three of them until their all laughing.

"Alright, lads," Phoebe finally says, setting Charlie down and squatting to peer into their flushed faces. They both sling their arms around her for a hug and she pats them on the back, chuckling, "Go find your father. I bet he'll find you an extra slice of cake."

The boys look at each other excitedly before running off the dance floor. Phoebe watches after them, letting out a huff of surprise when hands suddenly pull her to her feet.

"It's our turn, Pheebs," Remus teases, holding her close and then spinning her into the arms of a very flushed Peter. She smiles and pecks his cheek, earning a bashful grin before she's spun again, right into Sirius' waiting grip.

She wraps her arms around him, grinning as he lifts her feet off the floor and spins them around like she had for the boys. One she's back on the ground her eyes cross slightly and Sirius barks out a laugh, teasing, "Marriage looks good on you, Potter."

She smirks and shrugs, teasing, "I bet it would look even better on Marlene."

Sirius flushed at her words and rolls his eyes, replying, "McKinnon and I aren't in a rush. We've got time."

Phoebe smiles knowingly but doesn't say anything more, just hums along to the music as she sways with her brother. When the song ends they peck each other's cheeks, Sirius murmuring softly,

"I see you."

Phoebe' heart melts. She grabs his arms and squeezes, replying in kind, "I see you."

Sirius grins, chuckling, "You better go eat something, Pheebs. Fortunately for you Prongs is stuck talking to Kettleburn."

She looks across the tent and spies James listening politely as Professor Kettleburn waves around his remaining hand, boisterously talking about something that James clearly didn't care to hear. He suddenly looks up and catches her gaze, a boyish grin taking over his face. Phoebe looks away first, embarrassed by how warm she suddenly feels.

"You guys are gross," Sirius groans from next to her, wrinkling his nose before leaving her to tend to Marlene as she jumps up and down with Lily and Alice.

Phoebe smiles at the sight of her friends enjoying themselves, trying to ignore the voice in her head that wonders if they would ever be this happy again.

She turns away, heading towards a table with drinks and food. Gideon and Fabian suddenly appear, cheering in unison, "There she is!"

Phoebe laughs, grabbing onto their outstretched hands and pulling them into a group hug. Gideon grins over her shoulder at his brother, saying cheekily, "Can you believe it, Fabian? I've snogged a married woman!"

"You snogged her before she was married," Fabian counters, unable to see the Veela rolling her eyes.

"Okay fine—I snogged Potter's wife. Better?" Gideon asks exasperatedly, sharing a wry smile with Phoebe when she pulls back.

"Consider yourself lucky, Gid. The only Prewett I've ever snogged," She teases. Fabian snorts, injecting, "I still think that's unfair!"

She rolls her eyes for the umpteenth time, saying, "I've snogged Lily before. So by association, I've snogged you."

"You did what?!" Fabian cries, eyes growing wide as he sprints away to find his girlfriend. Gideon claps his hands together, eager to watch the scene. He pauses, presses a quick kiss to Phoebe's cheek before running after his brother.

The Veela smiles softly before turning back to her intended destination. She perks up at the pretty champagne, deciding to have a glass. She'd yet to drink anything besides water and nibble half heartedly on some greens. She'd been too nervous to truly eat anything.

She grasps one of the thin flutes in her fingers, smiling at the golden color before she tips it back to her lips. She sputters as soon as it hits her tongue, pulling the glass away from her to see that the champagne she'd been looking forward to had turned into tea.

She blinks confusedly, staring at it like she'd gone mad. She sips it again. Definitely tea. She jumps when a voice suddenly says,

"Apologies, Miss. Potter. I've been told tea is best for calming nerves."

Phoebe whips her head up, startled to find Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall standing behind the table. She hadn't noticed them when she'd walked over, either too dazed and happy or they'd slipped in without her noticing.

She frowns slightly at Dumbledore, quirking a brow at his content smile before setting down the warm glass and turning to Minerva. She smiles slightly and says, "Thank you, Minnie. For the ceremony. It was lovely."

"Please," The witch says primly, waving a hand. Phoebe catches the hint of a warm smile when her old Professor continues, "You and Mr. Potter are a rarity. It was my pleasure."

The Veela laughs and nods, reaching for another glass of the bubbly drink. She watches in horror as the drink turns to tea yet again. She glances up frustratedly at Dumbledore, scowling at the headmaster. He at least had the decency to look slightly sheepish when he tugs at the silver sleeve of his robes.

"I've heard it's bad luck for the bride to drink at her own wedding," Dumbledore says simply, peering at the young woman over his glasses. Phoebe let's out a frustrated huff, nearly telling him to piss off as she tries for the third time to have a glass of the damned alcohol. She misses the elbow that Albus shoved into Minerva's side, only looking up when the older witch splutters, "I-It's true!"

Phoebe looks at her exasperatedly, close to giving up on her attempts. Minerva clears her throat and says pointedly, "Nobody likes a drunk bride."

"But I've—"

"Have some tea." Dumbledore insists, this time conjuring a proper tea cup to give to the newlywed. Phoebe reluctantly takes it in her hands and takes a sip, eyeing the smiling Professors. She narrows her eyes and says suspiciously, "You two are weird."

Minerva gasps indignantly, "Miss Griff—Miss Potter!"

Phoebe smiles behind her tea cup, hiding her laughter. She looks longingly at the champagne out of the corner of her eye, setting her tea cup down and insisting, "I don't see why I can't just have one glass!"

"Perhaps just take the advice of two old teachers. Humor us, Phoebe," Dumbledore says, his eyes twinkling with something she can't quite read. Phoebe sighs, saying sourly, "It's just as well. I probably would've thrown it up in an hour anyway."

She bids them farewell, missing yet again a happy shared look between the wizard and the witch.

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