Mon soleil

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James groans when he first wakes, unable to open his eyes.

The pounding in his head is so great he feels like he can feel his forehead pulsing against his pillow. He moves his arm around, searching for soft hair and cold skin. He comes up empty. Instead of getting up, he just rolls onto his side and groans again.

"Bonjour, mon soleil!"

James doesn't move, just grunts a reply to the Veela. He can tell she's smiling. He can hear it in her voice. Slowly, he turns onto his back and begins to open his eyes. He winces at the sunlight streaming into the room, lighting up Phoebe's knowing smile.

She stands and quickly shuts them, plunging them into a far more comfortable darkness. James let's out a sigh of relief, muttering, "Thank you."

Phoebe feels a twinge of sympathy. She'd been there, but it was oddly cute. Sick James was a bit of a baby. Much like Sirius. Phoebe and Marlene spent an hour in the kitchen this morning talking about what wimps the boys were. Even Kreacher joined in.

The Veela reaches up and gently strokes back some of his hair, her heart swelling when James let's out a tiny noise of contentment. Her palm was cold against his hot skin, easing the queasy feeling in his stomach. Phoebe murmurs, smiling to herself, "Can I get you anything?"

James shakes his head, reaching out blindly for her. His hands find her hips, resting comfortably as he mumbles, "Stay."

Phoebe scoots up closer to his head, laughing silently when he lifts his head and rests it in her lap, his arms circling her waist and holding her tight. The Veela carefully rests her hand on the back of his neck and James slowly feels an ebb in his pain. A grateful sigh leaves him, her cooling touch and her charm slowly taking away his head ache.


James mumbles quietly, his hands gently teasing the small strip of skin not covered by her shirt, "Much. Thank you."

They sit in silence for a few comfortable minutes, Phoebe's fingers gently stroking back James hair. She finally murmurs, "We have things to do today, mon soleil."

James groans, "What do we possibly have to do today?"

"James, you do know what day it is, don't you?"

She smiles when he responds tiredly, "Yes, love. It's Friday." She waits patiently, laughing when he finally sits upright and says excitedly, "Blimey! It's Friday!!!!"

She lets out a shriek of surprise when she's suddenly tackled to the floor, a groan escaping her from the force of the fall, the air quickly leaving her lungs. James lays on top of her, grinning widely and crowing, "I get to marry you tomorrow!!!"

"Yes," Phoebe grunts. "If you don't suffocate me first!"

James ignores her, instead just cupping her cheeks and pressing soft kisses across the bridge of her nose, her crinkled forehead, and the lines that hint at her smile before playfully biting her cheek over her dimple.

"James!" She cries, hand flying up to wipe his slobber off her face. He just chuckles and finally kisses her lips, nipping and sucking on her lower lip until she moans quietly and opens up to his wicked ministrations. Her hands grab at his bare back, holding onto him to keep her grounded while his tongue teases her until her head is in the clouds.

Phoebe finally pushes hard enough for him to roll off of her, scrambling up to her feet before her mind tells her to stay on the floor with her fiancé all day.

James groans as she chides, "Not today, J. Alice will kill me if I waste time—"

"It's hardly a waste—"

Phoebe cuts him off with a flat look, continuing anxiously, "You and the lads have to pick up your dress robes from Madam Malkin, Remus told Alice that you guys would also get the cake. For the love of Merlin do not forget the cake! Marlene will have a fit! Oh, and don't forget to pick up the gifts for the girls, I've already gotten mine for the lads. And—"

James stands, eyes wide as he says firmly, "Phoebe, If you could take a breath between these things I might remember them better. Breathe, love."

Phoebe smiles sheepishly and does as he says, taking a deep breath in and then out before speaking in a much more calm fashion, "Just talk to Remus. He has the list of things you boys have to do—oh and here."

She reaches past him and grasps his glasses from her dresser, quickly standing on her toes and settling them on his nose. James grins when his image grows less blurry, teasing, "I didn't think you could get any prettier."

"Shove off," Phoebe scoffs, swatting at his hands when he reaches out to pinch her sides. She frowns a little, reminding him, "You're sleeping here tonight and I'll be at the Burrow so—"

"Why aren't we sleeping together again?" James wonders irritably. He'd nearly cried in despair when Phoebe told him that the night before the wedding would be spent with them in different beds. And different homes, so his initial plan of sneaking in was spoiled.

Phoebe smiles a little, replying the way she has every time he's asked, "It's tradition, James."

James' eyes twinkle with mirth as he takes a step closer to her. He snaps an arm around her waist before she can back away, hovering his lips by her ear as he asks huskily, "Why can't the tradition be me fucking you all night so we're too tired for the damned wedding."

Phoebe's jaw drops, her mouth running dry and a tingle spreading up her legs. She swallows roughly, silently cursing herself for being so tempted by him. She clears her throat and forces out, "There will be plenty of time for that later."

She squeaks when his teeth suddenly bite at her earlobe, quickly wriggling from his grasp and scolding, "James! Get dressed and go do the things you're supposed to do!"

"The only thing I'm supposed to do—"

Phoebe sends him a warning glance, quickly causing him to clamp his mouth shut. He offers up a cheeky smile, spotting the way her lips twitch.

Phoebe sighs and shakes her head, smirking slightly as she replies furtively, "Besides, Potter. You've got it all wrong."

James quirks a brow. It's his turn for his jaw to drop when the Veela says simply, "I would be fucking you all night."

She disapparates from the room with a loud 'pop' leaving James to gape at the place where she was standing and wonder how he was going to solve the sudden painful problem in his boxers.

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