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{{I wrote this in the middle of the night, so definitely some editing needs to be done. Thanks for being patient!}}

"Phoebe, can I get you anything?"

James looks up at the hopeful tone of Gideon Prewett's voice, his own heart clenching when his eyes slide to the subject of the question.

His wife barely spares the ginger a glance and while years ago it would have pleased James that she wasn't paying much kind to her ex snogging partner, today it just makes him sad.

"No thank you," The Veela says quietly, her gaze returning to the cracked window above the couch she's curled up on. Gideon frowns and looks at James for help, both perplexed by the blonde's gloomy aura.

She'd been this way for days, soft spoken and curt. James had tried his damnedest to weasel out of her what was wrong, but she merely shrugged or changed the subject. In an attempt to perk her up, Remus had offered up a fun weekend at his and Gideon's cottage in Falmouth. It rests alongside the harbor, likely the reason why Phoebe seemed so drawn to the window. The light shining through the glass made the dark circles under her eyes look so painfully sad that it physically pained him. But she liked watching the boats. James didn't have it in him to drag her away or force her to go outside.

James sighs and shakes his head at Gideon, both looking over when Remus walks into the room with tea and scones resting neatly on a tray. Lily follows not far behind, a glass of something amber in her hands. She makes a beeline for James, a sympathetic smile on her face as she hands him the drink. Firewhiskey. His shoulders sag and he returns the smile weakly, mumbling, "Thanks, Evans."

James can't help but feel a sharp sting of jealousy when Phoebe perks up as Sirius enters the room. His friend smiles at the Veela and hurries over to her, hands outstretched to help her climb to her feet. Phoebe slings one arm around his back, leaning in to him as Sirius says something in her ear with a content smile on his face. Lily notices the grimace on James' face and she murmurs, "She's not hurting you consciously. They've always understood each other better than the rest of us. It's hard, but it helps her."

He swallows some firewhiskey and nods, muttering in reply, "I know. I just wish I could make it better."

Lily smiles, nearly laughing as she says, "You're blind, Potter. You help more than you know."

James quirks a brow at her in confusion, following her green gaze to where Sirius and Phoebe stand arm in arm. His heart melts when he sees that she's looking at him, her left hand placed comfortably against her bump. Her lips twitch up, the first hint of a smile he'd seen in too long.

"He's kicking, love."

James places his drink into Lily's waiting hands before striding over and placing his hand over her own. For once he doesn't correct her, argue that it could be a girl. He's just grateful that she's speaking. She smiles up at him, whispering theatrically loudly, "Sirius won't leave me alone."

Sirius lets out a snort before dropping her arm and grumbling, "I will force you to ride a train if you keep up the attitude, Moitié."

James chuckles and shakes his head, waiting patiently when Sirius' face grows soft at the Veela's eye roll. They share a few whispered french words before Sirius steps away with a encouraging smile offered to James.

His grip on her hand tightens for a brief moment and he blinks away the heat he suddenly feels behind his eyes. He hated that she was feeling the way she was, hated even more that he couldn't fix it. It felt like a failure.

But then she sighs, small and soft before saying tiredly, "Sorry I've been so blue."

James lifts his head, eyebrows raising in surprise at her acknowledgement of her emotions. His lips twitch and he replies gently, "That's okay, P. You're allowed to be sad sometimes. Even if you don't have a reason."

He watches silently as her eyes widen slightly, her mouth growing tense besides the slight quiver of her lower lip. James pretends not to notice. Whatever it was she was going through was hard enough without him putting her on the spot even more.

James just smiles and strokes back some of her hair, musing gently, "Maybe it's time for another haircut."

Phoebe nods quickly, her free hand coming up to grab onto his arm. James waits, watches patiently as she slowly untangles the ball of emotions in her throat, watches the turmoil flicker across her face. She finally exhales and says shyly, "You'll help me again?"

James chuckles and nods, leaning in to peck her lips. His heart melts when her hand slips up to cup the back of his neck when he goes to pull away, and he can feel her smile, can feel how much she loves him. It soothes away his worry, a bit of the jealousy he can hardly admit festers in his chest.

Phoebe leans back, looking up at him knowingly. James flushes slightly and mutters, "Quit staring at me, harpy."

She shakes her head, her smile still tired but seemingly easier as she replies, "Never."

James decides to not push, not ask again why she'd been so solemn. He didn't want to reverse. He wanted to keep moving forward until her smile was fully happy and whatever is on her mind has faded. He gently runs his thumb across her dark circles, insisting, "I think you should rest."

"Can we go outside?" She wonders, tilting her head. James hesitates, causing the Veela to quickly say, "I'll nap outside. But it looks so warm and the boats are pretty."

"I've already got a blanket out there for you, Pheebs," Remus says happily, earning an exasperated look from James and a rather pleased one from Phoebe. She lets go of him, waddling over to Remus and taking his hand. Gideon chuckles at James, teasing, "Don't worry, Potter. The blanket is big enough for the both of you."

James rolls his eyes but can't resist his smile, following Remus and his wife out to the grassy yard. Lily and Fabian follow behind while Gideon and Marlene take up the rear with Sirius. The Scottish witch and the red haired wizard begin to bicker, pushing and shoving until Gideon glances at Sirius for permission. He quickly nods and Gideon lifts Marlene up into the air, her shrieks drawing everyone's attention.

"Gideon," Remus pleads, wincing when his boyfriend winks at him before tossing Marlene into the channel that connects to the harbor. She screams profanities as she hits the water, Sirius and Gideon doubled over with laughter.

Remus covers his eyes, shaking his head at the scene before helping Phoebe down onto the blanket.

James stands back for a moment, watching his friends with a content smile on his face. It only grows when he hears familiar laughter, his heart guiding him over to Phoebe. He lays down next to her, snuggling in close to her and shuffling around until her head lay on his chest. He smirks at the smile on her face and the tinge of pink on her cheeks. This was better. She was better.

James exhales, running his fingers through her hair and muttering cheekily, "You wouldn't go for a good old snog session right about now, would you?"

Her laugh is perfect, warm and uninhibited and a sign that she can put this sadness behind her. James can't help his relief, even if it is obvious. He grins when she cranes her neck to look up at him, her smile mischievous as she teases, "I might be persuaded, Potter."

James quirks a brow when she laughs again, grunting half heartedly, "Evil minx."

Phoebe just smiles and peers out at the boats in the harbor, and she too is relieved. Relieved that she can let this go, can mourn the loss of Regulus, while still being present amongst the living. He was free.

She turns her face up to the sunny sky, eyes shutting as she lets out a quiet sigh.

She was free.

The Stag and The Harpy | James PotterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang