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James smiles proudly as he hands in his exam to Professor McGonagall.

She too is smiling, something James didn't get to see often. She looks around before saying lowly,

"Welcome to the Order, Mr. Potter."

More pride runs through him and he nods, replying quietly,

"See you soon, Minnie."

James winks and waves as he leaves the classroom. Sirius, Remus, and Peter are waiting outside the large doors. Peter grins when he sees James and says excitedly,

"We've just put dungbombs all over Slughorn and Binn's offices!"

James snickers, saying cheekily, "Not bad, lads. Not bad at all"

The four Marauders walk down the corridors slowly, kings amongst men one last time.

Sirius throws his arm around James' shoulders, wondering loudly,

"Do you reckon that we'll ever see the castle again?"

"Of course! Someone's got to visit Moony when he's a teacher," Peter replies happily. James isn't so sure, but he keeps the thought to himself, saying instead,

"Have you seen the girls? I thought my exam was the last one?"

"Marlene said they'd be outside," Sirius says grumpily. James quirks an eyebrow at his tone, Remus jumping in to say cheekily,

"Her exact words were: this is our last chance to flirt with boys, so we'll be out by the lake."

James disguises his snort of laughter as a cough when Sirius glares his way. For a moment James feels a bit of worry. He certainly hoped that Phoebe wasn't out there flirting with boys.

Just as he goes to ask Remus if he's seen the Veela, he sees familiar blonde hair up the hallway.

"Gentlemen," James says happily. "I think we've found our last victim."

The four share matching smirks as James draws his wand and wordlessly casts a spell in Phoebe's direction.

The unsuspecting Veela is suddenly yanked upside down, hanging in the air by her ankles. She lets out a scream, her bag falling from her hands as she scrambled to keep her skirt up. She feels a blip of fear, but then roaring laughter tells her exactly what is going on.

It's rather hard to decipher upside down, but she recognizes the four boys that are walking her way.

"Put me down!" She yells, squealing when the hem of her skirt slips a little and nearly reveals her knickers. She clamps her hands down on her thighs, swaying back and forth gently. James bites down hard on his lip to keep from laughing more. Her eyes are practically bugging out of her head, her hair sticking straight down below her. How she looked cute even in the most compromising positions James would never know.

"Hello, Bee," James says cheerily as he comes to stand in front of her. She's up high enough that they are eye to eye, a scowl on her lips when she says again,

"Put me down. Now, Potter."

James smirks, reaching up to gently poke her nose.

"What do you think, lads? Should we put her down?"

Sirius snickers and the three Marauders say in unison,


Phoebe gasps and moves one of her hands to the middle of her skirt, the other one coming down to point angrily at who she believes is Peter,

"Pete! You're supposed to have my back!"

"Sorry, Pheebs. Marauders rules." Peter says sympathetically.

She frowns, but then an idea pops into her head that nearly makes her laugh out loud.

"I'm warning you," Phoebe says in a sing song voice.

The Marauders all laugh, James scoffing at her warning and waving it off. He notices her smirk far too late. Her hand drops from her skirt and it slides down her legs, giving an uninhibited view of her rather racy knickers.

James let's out a squawk of surprise, his hands flying up and trying desperately to reach up and fix her skirt.

"Phoebe!" He yells, quickly looking over his shoulder to see his three friends staring with open mouths and wide eyes.

"Turn around!" James bellows. Peels of laughter leave Phoebe as Peter clamps a hand over his eyes and Remus turns his back. Sirius just grins and says appreciatively,

"Right on, Pheebs."

James reaches back to smack his friend, crying indignantly, "That's disgusting, Padfoot! You're always saying how she's your sister."

"Not by blood," He defends, winking at Phoebe before turning his back. James scowls at his grinning girlfriend, his cheeks flushed bright red.

"Go on, love. Get one last good look," Phoebe teases, waggling her eyebrows. James blushes further, but can't help but accept her invitation. He swears at the sight of her black panties, quickly pulling out his wand and reversing the spell.

She lets out a small shriek of surprise when she falls to the ground unceremoniously. James goes to help her up but she swats his hands away, climbing to her feet and pinching him hard on his side.

"Ouch!" He yelps, quickly reaching out and pinching her arm in return.

"You're a git," Phoebe says, trying her hardest to keep the laughter out of her voice. James grins, noting her twitching lips. He steals a quick kiss, mumbling,

"I like the knickers. Sexy."

She scoffs and shoves him away, a smile tugging at her lips.

"You can turn around, Remus."

The rest of the Marauders face her, Peter still bright red. Remus smirks and says playfully,

"I reckon you could've turned me straight had I looked at you much longer, Pheebs."

She gasps, "What a compliment, Remus!"

Sirius snickers at the jealous look on James' face, laughing harder when Phoebe asks sarcastically,

"Do you lot need a cold shower? I'm happy to wait here."

James smirks and grabs her around her waist, throwing her over his shoulder. She squirms and wriggles in his grasp, smacking his back.

"A dip in the lake should suffice," He says mischievously, grinning when she cries,

"Absolutely not, Potter!!"

Remus chuckles, collecting the Veela's bag before he and Sirius and Peter follow the arguing pair out of the castle.

James holds onto her as she struggles in his grip, yelling behind her as they walk across the grounds,

"Sirius! Aide-moi!!!!"

"Désolé, Phoebe. Il n'y a rien que je puisse faire!"

Phoebe groans, reluctantly accepting her fate as James approaches the lake yelling loudly,

"Make way! Thirsty Veela coming through!"

She gasps, "Oh you little—JAMES!!!"

He throws her into the water with a resounding splash, laughing heartily as she surfaces with a scowl on her face.

"Better?" He asks cheekily, grinning widely when she silently flips him off.

He drove her absolutely mad. It's part of why she loved him so much. She fights a smile, her heart doing cartwheels in her chest as he laughs with the Marauders on the shore.

Only James could get away with tossing her in the lake.

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