Je t'aime

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James spent the majority of his summer trying to forget Phoebe Griffin. But The scene at platform 9 3/4 made worry grow deep in his being, rooting itself in his heart. Sirius shared the same concern, especially when Phoebe only replied to every other letter he wrote. He tried to not press, asking James to do the same. They struggled, but held each other accountable and kept each other busy. They visited Remus and Peter, wrote to Marlene and Lily and Alice. James thought constantly about the drunken kiss he and the Veela shared.

Euphemia Potter, despite the boys warnings about Phoebe's reluctance to response, wrote to the Veela. Sirius and James were rightly furious when the older woman got a speedy response. It didn't matter today though, because the boys were finally going to get to see her in the flesh.

"How do I look, Padfoot?" James asks as he messes up his hair in the men's washroom at the train station. Sirius snorts and replies easily, "Like shit."

James elbows his friend and turns to leave, but not before he checks himself out in the mirror once more. He couldn't tell why he was nervous, but explained it away as anticipation for his last year at hogwarts.

Sirius, however, knew exactly why his best mate was nervous. He'd caught him staring into space as he wrote his letters far too frequently over the summer. He knew when James fancied someone, and he had it bad. The black haired boy chuckles to himself, following his friend out of the restroom.

Unbeknownst to them, Phoebe is just up the road from the station. She sits across from her mother at a muggle coffee shop, listening half heartedly as she drones,

"You should see your cousin, Bridgette. She's put on at least 10 pounds since she's moved to London with that boy," Her mother wrinkles her nose. She does pause when Phoebe sends her a warning glance.

After the scene at the end of term, she and her mother had a massive brawl. And if there was one thing Phoebe Griffin inherited from Dominique Griffin, it was stubbornness. It had taken the majority of summer to mend the relationship, only when Phoebe realized and accepted that her mother didn't even understand the damage of her words.

Because her mother had heard the same awful things from her own mum her entire life. If anyone was to blame, it was Phoebe's grandmother and the awful expectations passed down to Veela for hundreds of years.

Her mother hesitates before adding quickly, "Please do watch your sweets this year. You're absolutely perfect right now. And no cutting your hair, for the love of Merlin."

Phoebe forces a smile and nods, saying softly, "Oui maman."

Her mother's usual stoic face softens slightly and she says gently, "Ma petite fille a grandi. I know I've not always been a good mother. But I hope you'll someday realize I want only what's best for you. I'm proud to call you my daughter."

Phoebe, certain that her own mother had never heard her grandma tell her the same, wells up with tears.

"Je t'aime maman," She whispers, reaching across to grab her mother's hand. She didn't expect hear her mother say such kind things again soon, so she held onto the words dearly. The older woman discretely wipes a tear of her own, quickly sitting up and composing herself. She felt immense pride when she looked at her daughter, unfortunately blind to the damage her lecturing had caused. The lecturing she'd learned at the hands of her own upbringing.

"Time to go," The grown Veela quips, her face void of emotion again. She sighs, standing and gesturing for her daughter to do the same.

Phoebe stands, allowing her mother to dust off her clothes and brush back her hair. The young witch smiles softly and says, "restez en sécurité. je promets de t'écrire."

Her mother nods, cracking a tiny smile. They kiss each others cheek before Phoebe turns, her sadness at leaving her mother turning into unbridled excitement at the prospect of seeing her friends. As soon as she's sure her mother won't see her she breaks into a sprint, dragging her trunk and her poor hooting owl behind her.

Sirius whistles happily as he waits at the foot of the train's steps. He'd sent a very reluctant James to find a compartment big enough for everyone. Sirius looks around slowly, trying to see his friend. He perks up when he spots blonde hair push through a crowd of rotten slytherins. He's too far away too hear what's said, but laughs loudly when he sees the blonde flip them off.

"Phoebe!" He yells, hands cupped around his mouth. The girl looks up, eyes nearly as bright as her smile. She drops her stuff and sprints towards him, hurling herself into his body. Sirius grunts at the force of the hug, but relief runs through him. She was okay.

"Sirius!" Phoebe shouts, laughter bubbling deep from within her chest. Her best friend, her brother, was finally in front of her. She wraps her legs around him, squealing as he spins them in a circle. "I missed you, you bloody git!!!"

"Merlin, Pheebs," He breathes, unable to wipe the grin off his face. "I missed you too." The Veela is suddenly pushed back a little, enough for her friend to see her. He frowns and says firmly, "You need to eat."

"Not this again. I just came from the cafe with Maman." She groans, untangling herself from him. His eyebrows shoot to his hairline at her words.

"You were at a cafe with your mum?!"

Phoebe shrugs and smiles a little, saying, "We've seemed to reach an agreement. She still nitpicks...but she's getting better."

Sirius smiles and pulls her back into his chest for one last tight hug before going to grab her trunk and owl, saying scoldingly, "You could've at least written me more. James and I were worried half to death."

"Oh please," She says playfully. "James doesn't worry about me. Besides I was busy at the beach avoiding my grandma the whole summer. Owls don't regularly visit the ocean."

Sirius mutters something about 'lame excuses' which earns him a smack upside the head. He winces dramatically, tugging her luggage onto the train where it's magically whisked away.

"I did not miss your hitting."

"ne mens pas, mon cher ami!"

Sirius rolls his eyes and leads her to the compartment full of their friends. Before he can open the door, it swings open at the hands of a disgruntled looking James.

"Padfoot, what are you—"

Sirius grins and steps aside, revealing the twiggy blonde behind him to his friend.

"Phoebe," James breathes, eyes wide.

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