What just happened?

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Phoebe stares out at the rain pounding the London pavement, her nose crinkling.

"It's supposed to be summer," She complains, glancing over her shoulder when Molly Weasley laughs, pausing her knitting to playfully chide, "There's still summer left! August will be drier, dear."

Phoebe groans, muttering to herself, "I doubt this rain will disappear by tomorrow. It's been like this for a week."

"Cheer up, Pheebs," Gideon Prewett insists as he waltzes into the living room, joining the Veela at the window. Remus doesn't look up from where he's reading on the sofa, saying in a mumble, "Let her brood."

Phoebe grins when Gideon rolls his eyes, turning to face the werewolf and say appreciatively, "Thank you, Remus for respecting my moods!"

He barely lifts his eyes, just enough to flash a subtle wink before burying his face back in his book. Gideon sighs, muttering to Phoebe, "I swear he loves that sodding book more than he loves me."

"Books aren't nearly as much fun," Phoebe replies, laughing when Gideon nods his head up and down rapidly. They both turn back to peer out at the dark clouds. The red head jumps in surprise when there is a sudden crack of thunder, a lighting bolt appearing in the dark grey clouds just ahead.

Phoebe smirks, teasing, "Scared, Prewett?"

The ginger starts to throw out a mocking reply, but stops short when the Veela suddenly stiffens, her face screwing up in a grimace and her hand moving to grasp the back of the couch they're stood next to.

"Are you alright?" He wonders quietly, noting how flustered she looks, her cheeks pinking as she replies quickly, "Yes! Sorry, he's been moving an awful lot today."

Gideon's eyes narrow but before he can say something about the moment of obvious discomfort, Remus interjects, saying pointedly, "Or she!"

Phoebe grows tense at the comment, turning back to the window. She watches the raindrops race to reach the bottom of the panes of glass, smiling slightly when she hears two arguing voices suddenly join them.

"Prongs, I swear to Merlin—"

"You're simply wrong, Padfoot! The holyhead harpies—"

"They suck!" Sirius cries, throwing his hands into the air. "You know the chuddley cannons are better! I mean the bloody Kenmare Kestrals are better!"

James scoffs, retorting, "They do not suck! Need I remind you of their seven day match against the Heidelberg Harriers?! A match that they won!"

Phoebe grins behind her hand as James walks over to her, her heart warming when he slings his arms around her and mumbles lowly in her ear, "He's driving me mad, love. Absolutely mad!"

"You only like them because you're married to a harpy!" Sirius says pointedly, earning flat looks from the Potters. Phoebe rolls her eyes, and looks at Remus, wondering, "Do you think they'll ever shut up?"

James let's out a scandalized gasp, looking down at his wife in horror. Remus just sighs, shaking his head and replying to the Veela with mock sadness, "No. I've been trying for years."

Molly interjects, smiling mischievously as she ads, "Yes, you've failed to shut Gideon up as well, Remus."

Remus grins, replying cheekily despite the playful glare he's getting from his boyfriend, "An impossible task, Molly."

Phoebe feels another jolt of pain in her lower belly, her face screwing up slightly at the sensation. She nearly mentions it, finally says that she's starting to get concerned, but then Fabian Prewett walks in and she's easily distracted by his presence.

He looks pale, his eyes cloudy with sadness and his usually smiling lips pressed into a frown. Gideon freezes at the sight of his distraught brother, asking quickly, "What's wrong, Fabian?"

"Mary," The twin responds faintly, a haunted look taking over his face. Phoebe blinks, realization dawning on her as the room grows tense. Her eyes water as she asks, "When?"

"Just now," Fabian replies, his face crumpling with dismay. "We just spoke yesterday about our upcoming mission. And now she's..."

His voice grows shaky and Gideon hurries to stand by his side, James glancing down at Phoebe. She has a heartbreaking expression of grief and frustration, her grey eyes narrowed. He knows what she wants to know. He does too. So he asks quietly, "What did they do, Fabian?"

Phoebe feels sick to her stomach, an overwhelming sensation of guilt crushing her lungs. She should've spent more time with Mary, should've tried to protect her after Benjy's death. The with had been distraught, inconsolable. And then she'd wanted to fight, to make Benjy's death mean something. And now she was gone.

"Mulciber. I think Rosier helped," Fabian replies, grimacing and shaking his head. "He used to pick on her back at school. I reckon he's rather pleased with himself. Apparently he...he imperiused her. Made her—"

He chokes on the last words, shaking his head quickly. He can't look at the Veela, can't look at James either. And Phoebe feels a growing sense of dread when Fabian says shakily, "He—it said halfbreed. Mary. He wrote that she was a halfbreed."

"But Mary was a pureblood?" Sirius questions, brows furrowing in confusion. Molly nods her head, glancing at Fabian before looking at the others for answers. James frowns as he ponders why Mulciber would say that about Mary. Even if she wasn't a death eater, she was still a pureblood.

Remus stares at Fabian, his eyes slowly growing round as he concludes what the message is. Or rather who it's for. His head whips to the side, finding that Phoebe is standing completely still. Her eyes look in to the distance as she relives a very painful memory. One that Mulciber and Rosier had a hand in. His voice. Their voices. It rings in her ears, the only sound louder is the memory of her own screams.




Her heart drops at Remus' voice, and she refuses to look at them. Refuses to acknowledge the message that Mulciber left behind. Because Mary had died for a senseless reason at the hands of someone so evil. So dark. Mary had died, because Mulciber used her as a stand in. A stand in for Phoebe. A warning that he would always be after her. That they hadn't forgotten the incident at the edge of the dark forest. They hadn't forgotten her.

James' face twists into an expression of anger and distraught as he looks at Remus, fuming that just when Phoebe was starting to feel better, there was yet another reminder that she wasn't safe. He wondered if she would ever be safe.

He goes to open his mouth, to say something, anything to comfort the Veela that was shrinking in on herself. Because he could still hear it too. He could hear the things that people used to say about her at school, can still feel the pounding against his skull that appeared when he heard her screams of pain.

But he can't speak, because something happens before he can even begin to get a word out.

The room freezes, a rather unfamiliar splashing sound causing them to pause. James slowly turns and finds Phoebe standing by the window, her grey eyes round and reflecting panic as she asks stiffly, "What just happened?"

Molly Weasley is the first to speak, breaking the silence in the room full of men. They're all still frozen in place, James' face one of complete and utter shock.

Molly puts on a very encouraging smile, saying gently, "Phoebe, that would be your water breaking."

The Veela looks down at where there is a rather unfortunate dark mark on the green rug under her feet.

Kreacher would not be pleased.

{{sorry, I meant to update yesterday...but I went to a party instead. Oh well! A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU THAT CONTINUE TO READ AND SUPPORT!!!!! We just hit 1mil reads and I couldn't believe it when I saw it. I adore all of you and I love how much you love Phoebe and James. They have my heart, and it means everything that so many of you enjoy them too. I LOVE YOU!}}

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