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The days following the death of Lily's parents left a grey cast on Hogwarts. It was almost as if the deaths doubled amongst half bloods, muggle borns, and muggles with each passing day.

Phoebe and James held each other tighter at night, refusing to go far without one another. Fear crept into every open space in the students minds, causing rumors and chaos and confrontation.

Today was no exception.

Herbology was relatively quiet, the students working individually on their plants. Phoebe had been humming quietly along to the songs her earrings were singing softly, pointedly humming louder when a Ravenclaw sent a nasty glare in her direction. She goes back to work, smiling to herself at the obvious irritation of her peer.

Phoebe snaps her head up from pruning her flutterby bush when she hears something over her humming that makes her blood freeze.

"That's not the only thing you're hiding, Lupin.
Don't think I haven't noticed you and Gideon Prewett."

Phoebe whirls around to see Remus' pale face at the rather loud words. Severus Snape was standing next to him, his beak like nose poised high in the air. Like he was better than Remus Lupin.

No one was better than Remus fucking Lupin!

"What did you just say, you fucking grease ball?" Phoebe asks lowly, her grey eyes narrowed dangerously. Remus gulps loudly and rushes out,

"Phoebe, it's fine."

"It is not fine, Remus," Phoebe insists. Snape turns his black eyes on her, and she briefly realizes it's the first time she can recall him looking her in the face. She scoffs, saying cuttingly,

"You're a prick, Snape. And the dark wizard you worship is responsible for Lily's parents murder. Does that make you feel good?"

Snape flinches like she's hit him. He frowns and glances at his fellow Slytherins, his nasally voice sending another course of anger through her veins when he retorts hurriedly, "Like I care what happens to that mudblood."

"You're pathetic," Phoebe spits. "You're just a bitter little boy that is pissed he never got his way."

Snape goes to interject, his face turning red when Phoebe cuts him off, taunting,

"Poor Snivellous. Never got the girl he loved to love him back. Never got to tell her that she was everything. The only thing you'll ever get to kiss is the feet of the sodding wizard you're so obsessed with. You disgust me."

Snape finally blows his top, pointing his wand at her and growling,


Phoebe deflects the curse before he can even get it out of his mouth, smirking as Remus watched on with apprehensive eyes. Snape scowls, embarrassment rushing through him as more eyes turn to watch. He glances disgustedly at Remus before he brings up something he knows will hurt her the way Lily Evans' name hurts him,

"Your mother deserved everything she got, you filthy harpy."

That does it alright.

Remus lets out a shout of surprise when Phoebe's fist goes flying and smashes into Snape's face with a loud crunch.

"Pheebs!" He cries, anger rearing its ugly head when Snape spits the blood from his split lip in her face.

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