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{{I hope you all are excited because next chapter is *steamy* if you haven't already, I posted a Sirius story (the one from the teaser I gave earlier) and would love if you took a look. I'm dying to know what people think. And don't worry—-it's mature as well ;)}}

Phoebe sits anxiously across from James.

They were the first to be ready for the meeting, an awkward silence hanging between them. They hadn't spoken since his birthday. Not since Phoebe had hurriedly passed him his gift as she was leaving, a bashful smile on her face.

Sugar quills. She'd gotten him sugar quills.

And while she thought it was lame, the small meaning behind it made James yell into his pillow and curse the universe. He'd nearly apparated to her mother's house to kiss the life out of her.

James clears his throat, asking rather uncomfortably,

"How are you?"

Phoebe looks up from her tea, startled by his voice. She hadn't thought he'd speak to her. She smiles faintly and nods, saying quietly,

"I'm fine."

She hesitates before asking, "How are your parents?"

James shrugs a little, smiling when he says, "Good. Well, they're a bit under the weather. But mum says it's just a cold." He too hesitates before he adds, "Dad misses you."

Phoebe smiles, her worries about the older couple slightly assuaged by his words.

"Well, I suppose I could come visit. If it's fine with you, that is," She rushes out, nervously tapping her slender fingers on the table. It's a new pattern, one James didn't recognize. A new song. His heart begins to swell when he realizes that she's been playing her cello. The tapping and the tiny callouses are a dead give away. He bites back his smile and says lowly,

"I'd like that."

Phoebe flushes, slightly stunned by his cordial of not familiar behavior. She goes to say more, but is interrupted by a familiar presence making its way into the kitchen.

"Minnie!" James and Phoebe cry, flushing at the unison of their voices.

Minerva McGonagall wrinkles her nose and tuts, "It's no wonder Mr. Black hated it here. This place is so...terrible!"

"Uh, thank you I guess?" Sirius pipes up, having entered the kitchen with Remus and Peter. Minerva waves him off, removing her black hat from her head as she sits down.

She looks around at her previous students silently for a moment before asking incredulously,

"Isn't someone going to offer me tea?!"

Phoebe laughs as the Marauders jump into action, Remus and Sirius racing to grab the cups and the kettle while James passes her the plate of biscuits that was sitting untouched in front of Phoebe. Something that James nearly pointed out when he noted the sharpness of the Veela's collarbones. He knew what a can of worms that would open up though.

Minerva smiles when Peter shakily sets down a glass of water in front of her.

"Um...cream or sugar, Professor?" Remus asks nervously.

"Some of each please—not that much! Merlin, boy not everyone likes sweets the way you do!"

Remus flushes, his chocolate addiction having been clocked by the older witch. Sirius snickers, setting the tea cup and the kettle down on the table right as more people begin filing in.

Phoebe stifles her laughter, sharing a mirth filled look with James. Minerva mutters quietly to herself as she sips her tea, nodding when Dumbledore enters the room with Madeye. Phoebe grins when a wizard she recognizes enters, teasing,

"Long time no see, Fenwick. Been avoiding me?"

"Wouldn't dream of it, Griffin. Fingers crossed we've got another assignment today," Benjy teases, reaching across the table and ruffling her blonde hair. James clenches his fists, stiffening at the boys words. He nearly spits out the terrible things he has to say about their last mission, the main one being why Phoebe was the only one that was hurt.

James is stirred from his thoughts, a wave of calm suddenly soothing his mind. He looks up in confusion, spotting the tiny smirk on Phoebe's face. She was charming him, he realizes. Relaxing his mind. He bites back a grin, shaking his head and mumbling just loud enough for her to hear,

"Bloody Veela."

Gideon and Fabian Prewett take the seats on either side of her, saying a quick hello to Minnie. Gideon winks at Remus, making the werewolf flush furiously. Fabian wrinkles his nose and mutters lowly to Phoebe,

"Found em shagging this morning. Nearly made my eyes fall out of my head."

Phoebe stifles her laughter, shaking her head at the twin as he crosses his eyes playfully. Gentle murmuring fills the room, people greeting and chatting amongst themselves until Dumbledore speaks up,

"We've planned our attack on deadmarsh. Alastor and I were hoping a few of you may volunteer. This will be risky, highly dangerous. I'd request that those of you that excelled at dueling consider going."

Phoebe feels a thrill of excitement, grinning widely when Sirius waves his arm around in the air. Gideon and Fabian follow, then Remus and James, Marlene and Alice and Lily. Dumbledore chuckles quietly at the volunteers, his smile softening when Phoebe also raises her hand.

"Miss. Griffin. You'd like to see this one through?"

"Yes, Sir. Benjy and I both would."

James' eyes fly to her, a deep scowl forming on his face. Absolutely not. No way.

"That's a bad idea."

He seems just as stunned as the rest of them by his words. Phoebe's eyes flash with anger, hackles raising. She was entirely capable, eager even to finish the second half of this mission. James keeps his cool, clearing his throat and explaining quietly,

"They'll recognize her."

Phoebe let's out an offended scoff, saying quickly, "I hardly doubt—"

"You're not exactly easy to forget, Griffin."

His words are curt, like a slap to the face. Her expression turns sour when Dumbledore makes a sound of appreciation, saying firmly,

"Mr. Potter is right. You'll stay here for now, Miss. Griffin."

Madeye pipes up, saying gruffly,

"McKinnon, Black, Potter, and Prewett, you're coming with me."

"Which one?" The twins ask in tandem, glancing at the fuming Veela sitting between them with sheepish expressions.

"One of you! Pick!" Madeye barks out, sighing exasperatedly when Fabian and Gideon play a quick round of Rock Paper Scissors. Fabian lets out a triumphant cheer, grinning broadly as Gideon grumbles and slumps down next to Phoebe.

"What a pisser," He grunts.

Phoebe doesn't turn to look at him, her narrowed grey eyes like daggers pointed at James.

"Indeed," She replies irritably.

{{eek I'm so excited for the next one}}

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