The Beastman's Kingdom, Eldion

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I am now sprinting towards the beastman's kingdom.

"System, Can I ask you something?", I ask the system.

*As long as the system can answer the host's question.*

"How many heroes are summoned or reincarnated to this world?", I ask the system.

*There are at least 5 human heroes, 2 beastman heroes, 1 eleven hero, and 2 goblin heroes including yourself.*

Wait... So there is another goblin hero aside from me?


Who's stronger? The other goblin hero or I?

*The host, of course.*

*You are currently the strongest hero. After all, you have the systems supporting your growth. But in terms of level, you have the lowest level among all of the heroes.*

What if I kill all of the heroes and absorb all of their status and skills?

*I think that will be an excellent idea if you want to make your whole race extinct. But you might trigger an S+ Rank task if you do so. It will also benefit the system but I suggest hosts prevent fighting with other heroes as it is better to have more allies than enemies.*

I thought so too.

*Host, I detect a level 55 forest bear near you. You will get stronger if you kill it and level up.*

What are the chances of me defeating it?

*Host has a 100% chance of defeating the level 55 forest bear.*

That's good to hear. I was thinking of inventing a new magic skill so I need a test subject and it looks like the forest bear can be my Guinea pig.

*The system is interested in knowing what magic skill the host has invented.*

*The host has triggered a new task. Will the host accept? Yes or No?*


*Host accepts a D+ Rank Task. The task information will be shown.*


D+ Rank Task
Completed 0/2
-Defeat the Level 55 Forest Bear.
Reward: All of the Forest Bear's stats but the Host will not receive any exp. A random skill from the Forest Bear will be awarded if the Host can defeat the Forest Bear in one attack.
-Impress the system with the Host's newly invented magic skill.
Reward: A random epic skill

The task rewards are tempting. It motivates me to accomplish it.

*Of course! The system will provide the hist with a reward according to the task difficulty.*

So I just need to impress the system with my newly invented magic skill? That's easy!

Visualize neverending darkness... Direct it towards the target. Concentrate all of the mana in the magic skill. Cast the magic skill towards the target.

[Abyss Of Darkness]!

The forest bear which is 10 feet tall with orange fur and sharp claws that can tear the surrounding trees is 50 meters away from me.

I cast my magic skill and immeasurable darkness swallows the Forest Bear leaving nothing behind as if it wasn't there, to begin with.


*Host has acquired a new skill.*


*Host has accomplished the D+ Rank task.*

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