Sun's Wrath

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I materialized fourteen swords which surpassed the usual amount that is caution I use the skill [Elemental Sword Formation].

I focused all of my mana into the swords that I materialized and I launched it towards the giants.

It didn't damage the giants that much and it only left minor cuts on their bodies.

Loudrashing noise can be heard. It sounds as if someone huge jumped up and landed on the ground which caused the loud sound.

A gigantic giant that is as twice as big as the giant that I'm currently fighting shows up.

The said giant is twice as huge as the world's tallest skyscraper.

'What is this? AoT? Why the hell there are giants in this forest and why didn't I notice the giants before since they generate loud stomping noises when they walk!?'

'Is that ginormous giant the boss? Why did it appear that fast?'

'The gods must have envied my talent so they befall me with this trial. It feels good to be envied by the gods.'


*The host has unlocked a new title. Envied By The Gods title is obtained. The effect of the title is that it can multiply the host's stats by two.*

'It is extremely useful! With the help of this title, I will have the chance to defeat the boss giant.'

I vast ruthless Sun] then a gigantic ball of fire appeared in the sky.

I launched the gigantic ball of fire into the boss giant then a huge and loud explosion occurred when the gigantic ball of fire hit the giant.

The sound of a loud explosion can be heard and the smell of roasting skin can be smelled.

The gigantic ball of fire burned the arm of the giant leaving it with only one arm.

I was expecting that [Ruthless Sun] could obliterate the giant but my expectation was wrong.

Since one [Ruthless Sun] can't obliterate the giant, then what about two? three?

I have an insanely large mana pool so even if I cast a hundred [Ruthless Sun], I don't need to drink a mana potion.

I casten [Ruthless Sun] and ten gigantic balls of fire appeared in the sky all at once and I launched it towards the giant.

The ten [Ruthless Sun] caused a bigger explosion than the previous one that it even destroyed the surrounding forest and the giants near the boss giant.

It didn't take long before the boss giant was defeated.

After the boss giant was defeated, the other giants suddenly disappeared since in most games that if you defeated the boss then its underlings will disappear.

This forest had the same function as a game dungeon so there should be loot.

I flapped my rainbow-colored dragon wings and flew towards the place where the boss giant was defeated.

I found a thing that was shining so I flew down and landed on the place where I found the shining thing so that I can check what it is.

I found a huge shining wooden club on the ground where the boss giant was defeated.

I picked the shining huge wooden club and after I picked and held it in my hand, the glow that was on the giant wooden club disappeared.

I don't know what kind of weapon this is so I used the system to show the information about the huge wooden club.

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