Side Story: Aerin's Engagement

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[Elven Continent, Kingdom Of Sylmys, Inside The Palace]

[Aerin's PoV:]

I am in my bedroom while lying in my bed. I felt tired from learning etiquette and at the same time improving my magic skills.

What's worse is that my parents, the Elf King and Queen have decided to bestow me the role of becoming the Elven kingdom's hero which I am opposed to. I find it troublesome because of the responsibility the title holds.

I can manage to be a hero but to battle, the demon lord is another thing. I don't have any confidence in lasting against the attacks of an archdemon let alone the demon lord.

Even though I'm granted with 2 God Rank skills, they are rendered useless against the demon lords who have plenty of God Rank skills in their arsenals.

I wouldn't even be surprised if they have a Beyond God Rank skill which is hard to obtain.

I only have been blessed by two Gods: The God of Archery and the God of Judgement.

I wished I was blessed by the God who governs the world balance, the one who invented the worldly system which balanced the world. He is known as the God of Systems.

As far as I remembered, he ranks third in the God rankings in the Heaven Realm since the God of Creations ranks first while the God of Destruction ranks second.

The reason why he ranks third is that he is the one who balanced Creation and destruction which led to the implementation of the cycle of life.

The blessings he grants are unfathomable in terms of power yet it has a lot of the cost to be able to use it.

But those who can successfully obtain and use the God of Systems' blessings are beings who have a lot of potentials and can easily defeat the demon lord if given the time to train and gain experience.

Unfortunately, I wasn't strong enough to obtain such a blessing but was still fortunate to obtain the blessings of two Gods which is still considered to be rare.

I'm tired as heck right now and I am becoming drowsy but a loud knock on the door of my bedroom made me snap out of my drowsiness.

"Your highness! His Majesty asks for an audience with you and it is very urgent. It is an utmost priority since the fate of our kingdom depends on it!"

A voice of a man said in a hurried and worried tone while knocking on the door.

I still want to take a rest and better yet sleep since my princess duties are stressing me.

But it seems that I can't even take a break. Damn those demons!

I got off my bed and opened the door and went outside.

I walk towards the throne room since it's where my father is staying whenever he meets visitors from other kingdoms.

I have arrived at the throne room and I saw that my father is currently wearing a green robe with gold markings and a golden crown with a red gem on his head.

"Aerin, you should know why I asked you to be here?"

"I do not know why father. Mind telling me?"

"The situation of our kingdom is becoming hard to control. Even though we don't have any rebels in our kingdom, our soldiers lack combat experience so some of them perish whenever they defend the kingdom from the demon armies."

The Elf King said while opening a scroll and reading the contents of it.

"How old are you, Aerin?"

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