Bandits Love To Court Death

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My teammates and I followed the human king and his royal guards while riding a carriage.

Our destination is the holy church and apparently, we still need to perform the ritual performed by the pope to communicate with a God.

Therefore, we were heading to the holy church which is 100 kilometers away from Eldion.

I could have run instead of riding this slow-moving carriage and it would have taken me an hour to run by foot but since I can't bring them with me when I run, I agreed that we would ride a carriage.

Here we are now, riding a horse carriage for an hour but we only covered a distance of 30 kilometers from Eldion to the Holy Church.

We haven't encountered any problems during our travel or so I thought when someone or something stopped our tracks as we had come to a halt.

I opened the curtains of the carriage's window and I found what's the source of our stop.

It was a stereotypical scene to behold.

A group of bandits block someone's path, steal a person's money, and kills whoever opposes them; just like in a fantasy anime scene.

Are they dumb or something? Didn't they notice the royal guards riding on a horse that is behind and in front of the carriage that we were in?

I thought that just was the case but after I used the system's appraisal skill to look at the status of the bandits; surprisingly, most of them reached level 800 and they were not your average low-level bandits.

Maybe they knew that the king was in the carriage so they attacked us? Or was it just a coincidence?

The royal guards are around level 400 and there are 50 of them who went with the king.

Even I found the security of the king lacking.

But I know that wasn't the case, so maybe the king brought a measly number of guards to protect him and left the rest to protect the kingdom because we were with him?

The king's reason must be to have as many guards protect the kingdom while he was away and he knew that bringing more guards with him won't change anything since he was accompanied by us, the heroes.

It was also possible that the king must be on a tight budget because we ripped him of 10 years worth of tax income from his kingdom when I demanded a reward for meeting up with the demon hero which was delayed because of some matters that occurred.

"Hand us all of your expensive belongings if not we won't be lenient to all who don't follow our demands.", Bandit 1 spoke while moving his hand forward and did a hand sign which meant that we will give it to him.

The bandits gathered and unheated their weapons such as daggers, swords, spears, etc.

The bandits consist of 4 levels 800, 8 levels 700, and 10 levels 600.

I wonder if they were former adventurers since it will explain why they have that power since few humans have reached that level considering not many humans fought with monsters to level up.

The bandits remained in their position, waiting for us to comply with their demands.

The royal guards started to confront the bandits while holding their swords and pointing them towards the bandits.

After the bandits witnessed that we opposed them, they launched themselves towards the guards while pointing their swords toward them.

A battle broke out but it only lasted for a moment as the bandits had the upper hand and they defeated the royal guards despite their strength in numbers.

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