Elemental Golem Army, Fuse!

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"[Sun's Wrath]!"

I launch the huge purple ball of fire towards the giants.

Since the giants are 10 kilometers away from us, the huge purple ball of fire was traveling to hit the giants until it made contact with the giants.

A huge loud fire explosion rang throughout the forest and a strong impact was generated that wiped out the surrounding trees near the giants.

Screams of agony can be heard as the giants are being burned alive.

A huge bonfire was generated and smoke arises which caught our attention.

I commanded my elemental golem army to charge towards the giants.

Stomping noises can be heard as the elemental golems marched towards the giants.

The elemental golems attacked the giants by pounding them with their fists.

The attack of the elemental golems was rendered useless since the giants have a higher defense than the attack of the elemental golems.

The elemental golems kept on punching the giants but it was still no use.

I cast [Fusion] which fused the elemental golems and they turned into a bigger elemental golem.

The elemental golem is now as twice as big as the giant and since the giant is 100 meters tall, then the elemental golem is 200 meters tall.

I cast [Enchant] on the elemental golems which improved their defense, attack, and speed.

I ordered the elemental golem to attack the giant and they kept on punching the giant with consecutive attacks.

The giants were pushed into a corner as they were badly beaten up by the elemental golem.

The elemental golem grabbed the giant's arm and tore it which made the giant scream.

A loud screaming sound can be heard as the giant held its amputated arm with its other hand.

Blood dripped from the amputated arm of the giant and the giant started to feel dizzy as it kept on spinning and walking drunkenly.

The giant was left with no choice but to punch the elemental golem with its other hand but it was grabbed by the elemental golem and the elemental golem tore off its other arm which left the giant with no arm.

Another scream can be heard and the giant charges the elemental golem with its head facing forward; the giant attacked the elemental golem with a headbutt.

The elemental golem punched the head of the giant with its full power which cracked the skull of the giant until the giant's head was destroyed.

Blood splattered across the forest as the giant's brain was scattered throughout the forest.

It was a gory scene to be seen.

I didn't vomit nor felt uneasy as I was already used to the gory scene that was back on earth since many started to assassinate me so I retaliated and massacred them all.

I kept on casting [Enchant] towards the elemental golem which boosted the elemental golem and the boost effect kept on stacking.

I commanded the elemental golem to slay the other giants and it heeded my command.

I flapped my rainbow-colored dragon wings and flew in the sky to have a better view of the surrounding.

I watched the elemental golem as it punches, kicks, and german suplex the giants which killed all of them.

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