Starting A Fight And Unlocking The System Inventory

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"You!!!", The king furiously yell.

"You don't have to worry about that insolent brat my king. Do you want me to silence him?", One of the royal guards says.

[Abyss Of Darkness]!

I chant and direct to all of the guards that are present in the throne room so no one else besides the heroes and the King is left in the room.

Some of the heroes except for the other goblin hero and baseman heroes are shocked after seeing me kill all of the royal guards of the King.

"Now old man, what are you going to do without your guards?", I rudely ask the king.

The King is feeling anxious and worried since he thought that everything will go smoothly without any casualties but he didn't expect that the one who destroyed half of his palace will also kill most of his royal guards without even feeling exhausted.

The King went silent for a while and spoke up, "Do as you please... You are headed to the eleven kingdoms to meet the elven hero. Make sure that you heroes won't do any pointless quarrels."

"Can I bring the level 2 human hero? He looks like he needs some leveling up to do. I don't mind helping him. He looks promising and I'm sure we will get along well.", I ask the king.

"As I said, do as you please... I won't interfere in your matters but I do suggest that you take down some monsters so that you can level up. It's best if you become adventurers so that you can earn money while defeating monsters.", The king says.

"So you won't give us money!!!", I ask the king while letting of my killing intent to threaten him which scared him.

The atmosphere is a little uneasy as I was letting of my killing intent. If I use psychology to read their minds then what the other heroes are thinking is how many people I had killed in my previous life which resulted in a very uneasy killing intent.

"I-is this guy even a he-hero...", The human hero with short black hair says.

"I will give you as much as you want, honorable Goblin Hero-same!", The king says while hiding the fact that he's scared and tries to keep his composure.

"Just give me a prized artifact of Eldon. If you have a legendary level magic stone for Intelligence then please do give it to me.", I say to the king.

"Ok hero-sama. Our nation has 2 legendary level magic stone that boosts Intelligence and I was planning to give it to the other heroes but since you need it and you are suited for mage then I'll give it to you instead.", the king says.

"Thank you so much!", I greet the king.

The King hands me two orange runes which are as big as an orange.

I receive it then I break it which then activates the magic stone's effect. Since it is a legendary level magic stone that boosts Intelligence, my intelligence is permanently boosted by 200k. It is very helpful for my growth and I can now at least match a demon general with my current strength.

*The host has a lot of Intelligence stats and the system is proud of your growth so the system will give you a gift box and it will be sent later to the host's system inventory.*

'Wait... I have an inventory?'

*The host has unlocked this feature just a while ago after the host has obtained a system-related achievement which is to atlas have one ability which has 1M stat.*

'I'll check my inventory later.'

"Tch! Why does that guy gets a prized artifact while we have gotten nothing?", The human hero with brown hair says.

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