Void Skill And The System Malfunctioned!

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I kept on casting [Void] so that I can fully master it and also increase its level.

I practiced on how to infuse more mana on my [Void] skill

I discovered that if I kept on infusing my mana in my skills, the potency of that skill will improve.

I did a little experiment and cast [Void] while infusing it with 100 million mana and it resulted in making a huge slash into the direction where I slashed it.

I went into the spatial crack and I used [Gate] in there and for some reason, I can now activate [Gate].

A bright white light forms into a door which is the result of casting [Gate].

The spatial crack dissipated after a minute and I cast [Gate] again and now, I can't cast it.

I hypothesized that there is some spell that will not allow me on casting space magic but since I cast [Void], I cracked the space in this forest which allowed me to cast [Gate].

I cast [Void] and a dark slash was generated and after it hit the sky, a spatial crack occurred.

I cast [Gate] and a door made out of bright white light appeared.

I entered the door and I was teleported into the Sweet Pork Inn.

I went inside the Inn and saw Mathew at the dining room, eating his lunch.

I quickly went out of the Inn and cast [Gate] again to teleport back into the forest.

I was teleported into the forest and I saw Zale trying to flirt with Aerin.

'Zale! That son of a b*tch! Does he want to flirt with my Aerin? Then he'll get a castration instead!'

I cast [Ruthless Sun] then a huge ball of fire appeared in the sky.

"Wait, wait, wait! You got it all wrong! I'm not flirting with your fiancee! I was just talking with her about something! Please put out that skill of yours because it is scaring the lights out of me!", Zale yelled and explained while pointing towards the skill that I cast.

"Better explain what you are talking about or this small ball of fire will roast your d*ck! I don't want anyone to touch Aerin except for me!", I threatened Zale while directing my hand towards Zale which in turn the huge ball of fire went towards the direction I directed my hand at.

"I talked to Aerin since she asked me about-", Zale said but was interrupted.

"It is between us two so don't tell it to anyone! Or you will face a much worse predicament than what you have experienced right now!", Aerin interrupted Zale while threatening him.

"What's worse than a huge ball of fire roasting my birdie!"

"Multiple vines stabbing your body!"


'I don't know what got into them when I was away but they sure do keep a secret from me. If only I have something that can read someone's thought...'

"All I can say is that it is something not related to Zale flirting. I am not those harlots who kept on finding men to leech benefits from them. We also got permission from my mother and father to become future couples so I won't find another boyfriend since I have you.", Aerin explained to me.

"Why do you keep this a secret? Is it for my benefit?", I ask Aerin.

"It is for your benefit", Aerin firmly stated.

"Well, I guess that's it for now. I trust you Aerin so I won't push the matter further. You can keep this secret but make sure it doesn't harm anyone.", I said to Aerin.

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