Another Day, Another Leveling Up

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It is morning right now. I am the first one to wake up and I go outside to breathe the fresh air and I go to the kitchen to cook some of the raw dragon meat that I didn't cook last night.

I prepare and cook dragon soup for today's breakfast and something unexpected happened.


*The [Mid Tier Cooking Lvl-1] skill has been acquired.*

I never thought that there is such thing as a cooking skill. It still helps me to cook better dishes and apply some bonus effect whenever we eat the food I cook.

After cooking the food, I call all of the heroes to wake up and eat breakfast. All of the heroes wake up and their mouths are drooling after seeing the cuisines I made on the table.

"Dinner is served!", I say to them.

Despite me saying it out loud, none of them heard it since they were too focused on seeing and sniffing the food that I prepared. There are some prime dragon ribs and dragon lobsters. The dragon lobsters are lobsters that have a dragon bloodline and they are 10x bigger than the average lobster.

Even though the dragon lobsters are level 2000, I still defeated it pretty easily using my [Black Hole] skill.

We all eat and gobble down our foods satisfyingly. We receive some buffs from the foods thanks to my cooking skill.

The buffs are a ten percent increase in attack for an hour and a ten percent increase in stamina regeneration.

After I eat all of my food, I go outside, stretch my arms, and head to the dragon mountain.

I ran very quickly so I can reach the deepest part of the mountain. After several minutes of running, I am met with a huge cave and I think that there is a dragon sleeping or a priceless artifact inside.

Thanks to my high luck stat, both the dragon and the priceless artifact are inside.


*The host has entered the dragon king's cave.*


*The host has triggered an S+ Task. Will the host accept the task? Yes or No?*


*The host has accepted the S+ Task. Task information will be displayed. Please wait...*


S+ Rank Task
Completed 0/2
-The host will need to accept the dragon king's request and the host must also be recognized by the dragon king as a powerful being.
Reward: A random mythical rank skill and the dragon king's blessing.

'This won't be easy and I didn't know that the dragon in there is the dragon king. If I had known then I wouldn't have entered this cave.'

I walk silently that there aren't any footstep noises that can be heard.

If I am correct then the dragon king must be at least level 10,000 or higher since this old lizard is living in this world for a hundred years or so.

Should I kill it instead? I am no match for it in my current state but if I use [Limit Break] then it will be another story.

But the task didn't inform me about slaying the dragon king so I think I don't need to do that.

The dragon king starts to move its body and head, opens his eye, and stares at me before uttering a sentence.

"What is your reason for visiting this old one? Better give me a decent reason or you will pay for disrupting my slumber!", The dragon king says to me with a domineering tone.

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