Demon Prince (2)

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I ran as fast as I could to reach Holy Church. It didn't take me 10 minutes to reach it.

I didn't use [Gate] inside the Killing Mountain since space magics that were used for teleportation weren't allowed.

It must be caused by an array of some sort.

The [Void] skill that I had used we're allowed since it wasn't used for teleportation but instead used for attack.

I was now outside the barrier that protected the Holy Church from intruders which were proven useless since it was breached by someone.

The person who had breached the barrier must be formidable or at least had some skills about intruding or assassination.

I went inside the barrier while activating the function of every array and it was only used by someone proficient in arrays or the one who constructed the array.

It was [Array Authority]. It would be used to modify the array by the creator of the array himself or someone much better than him.

I didn't modify the arrangement that much since I only allowed my entrance into the inside of the barrier.

It didn't take long. It only took at least 30 seconds of my time.

I was proficient in arrays since it was like learning geography, mathematics, and physics combined into one subject.

The most important aspect in learning how to construct an array was patience but of course, if someone was a genius like me, then they wouldn't need patience and just learned it in several minutes.

It was due to my knowledge of Earth that allowed me to fully understand the b*llshitery written in array guide books and interpret it in my knowledge.

Who would freaking wrote "Be one with nature so that nature will be one with thou." instead of "Take care of the environment so that you will understand the importance of it."

My understanding seemed to be more practical. It's not like I needed to ran around naked and shout "I'm one with nature! Freedom!"

Fantasy which sounds similar to cultivation had its similarities which were to make the guide book profound and made the reader understand such a thing even though only 20% of it was correct.

"Axel? Axel!"

I snapped back from reality and saw Mathew yelling at me. Looks like I was in a daze.

"What is it, Mathew?"

"Well... Sophie and Zale, we're asleep since they were too tired of who knows what they did except for lazing around and eating food provided by the church."

"What about Aerin?"

"Aerin didn't leave her room after you left."

"I figured that much. It was alright for her to not eat for a week, even for a month as long as her mana wasn't empty. The elves possessed a racial attribute such as longevity and one of the reasons why they didn't eat meat that much was because their body doesn't need to eat at all. They only need mana to supply their body so that they would be able to do their everyday routines."

"I had read about that in the Elven Library but sadly, we weren't given enough time to read most of the books in there. I was a bookworm in my previous life since my only entertainment in the hospitals was the books that my family had brought. After all, I was a sickly child and the virus made me breathe my last."

"It was a pity indeed but I know it may sound wrong but I'm glad that you had died since I wouldn't be able to befriend someone like you if you were still back on Earth."

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