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Song recommendations: From Eden- Hozier 
                                                    High For This- The Weekend 

Perhaps getting a little smutty again...

It was a slow progress, but it was progress and he was so proud of his little cat. 

For the entire first week, Yoongi had refused to go to school, so Hoseok had too, knocking on his door every morning.
The small boy went from looking a little uncomfortable, to shyly smiling, to throwing himself around his neck with a laugh. 

They talked, decorated his tiny flat until it turned into a warm home, talked some more and of course had to catch up on the classes they were missing.
Namjoon send them the files every day so they wouldn't fall too far behind. 

He took Yoongi out to eat and order coffee, reminding him more than once to stand straighter, to not lower his head, to greet people and smile at them, not being afraid when they greeted back. He came to school the next week and nearly had another panic attack when all heads turned his way, but Hoseok never left his side, reassuring him that it was fine. 

The others had been careful around him, starting conversations slowly, not looking directly into his eyes and giving him space when they noticed his fiddling hands and reddened cheeks. Hoseok was so incredibly proud of his friends.
Taehyung had become a regular visitor, hanging out with them all the time.

Three weeks passed since then and by now, Yoongi could hold longer conversations, laugh with them and even cracked his first jokes.
Everyday, he opened up more. 

Hoseok had been incredibly careful not to push Yoongi too much on the physical stuff.
The had kissed and hugged, laying in bed together while snuggling, but he knew the other had no experience and he was afraid to overwhelm him.
But he was slowly loosing his patience. 

He often wondered what Suga looked like, but Yoongi exceeded all his expectations. 

It was the gummy smile that left him breathless, the way his eyes glittered when he laughed and that cute little nose that scrunched together when he giggled.
He could watch him all day and still be left dumbfounded at how pretty he was.
And so cute. 

Yoongi opened up to him more and more, telling him about the orphanage and his loneliness. About the time he almost took his life and what made him go on. 

No matter how beautiful his body was, his personality was even more breathtaking.
He was truly selfless, caring, his eyes seeing things no one else did, reading people's hearts and giving them meaning.
He thought he loved Suga, but he loved him as Yoongi even more, his heart throbbing every time he saw him, his stomach fluttering like crazy when he heard or saw his laugh. 

They never made anything official between them, even though they were together all the time, loving every second they spend with each other, growing closer and closer. 

They lay in bed now. 

A bed he bought and they built up together, laughing more than they should and ended up taking hours to complete. He knew Yoongi was a little uncomfortable with Hoseok spending so much money on him, but he had just smiled.

"It's my parents money, so don't worry. They wont even care. And if you want to pay me back, then sleep in it and get a good rest, and it's all the payment I need." 

Yoongi had been close to tears when he told him that. 

Every time Hoseok did something sweet for him, the other looked so surprised, like he never thought anyone would want to do something like that for him. It made his heart ache to know no one ever had. He deserved so much better and he swore to himself that he would never let Yoongi think otherwise. 

Now I See You // Jikook // ⚠18+⚠Where stories live. Discover now