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Song recommendation: Love On the Brain- Rhianna 

!Sexual Content!

He unlocked the door to their little apartment, the keys jingling in the lock. 

No longer just his and it was a far cry from the grey, haunting little flat it used to be. 

There was so much color now, the window no longer covered with heavy curtains, lighting up the space. 

The bed stood at he far corner, taking up almost half the space, but the soft pillows and blankets invited someone to rest there the entire day.
And sometimes he did just that, snuggling against Hoseok, the two of them talking, watching movies, listening to music and yes, exploring each other's body until they were breathless and spent. 

His sunshine also bought a little sofa for when the other's came around to visit and even invested in a table for seven, set low so the people could sit around it on soft pillows on the floor. 

A home. 
Their home. 

He looked sideways at his boyfriend who had already taken off his jacket and was currently trying to untie his shoes. 

The happiness hit him hard, as it did sometimes. 
When the truth seemed like a newfound revelation:
He had a home. He had a family, friends, a future.

He had Hoseok.
He was no longer alone. 
And especially today, when Jungkook finally woke up, there was nothing that could have possibly made him happier.

"Want some Jajangmyeon?"
Hoseok was still concentrated on unlacing his shoes as he said it, unaware of Yoongi staring at him with shimmering eyes. 
He cleared his throat to downplay his sudden rush of emotions and then only answered with a: "Sounds perfect." 

Usually it was Yoongi who cooked. 

He had discovered a passion for it.
A passion to be healthy and cook with fresh vegetables and herby spices, unlike in his past, where he'd lived off of ramyeon noodles and other quick, cheap fast foods.

 But not only was it late, it had also been kind of busy day, so a quick Jajangmyeon cup sounded like heaven. 

The little kitchen was probably the biggest change. 

He had used the little room as nothing more than a storeroom.
All he had needed was a microwave, a boiler and one set of chopsticks. 
Thinking back on it made him feel pathetic. 

How could he have ever thought living like that was acceptable? 
Sure, it was better than being dead- but it hadn't been living either. 

He followed Hoseok into the little room, the interior completely sponsored by his boyfriends parents, all shiny and new and highly equipped. 
And when he had thrown a hissy fit...

He smiled to himself. 
That day, Hoseok had only looked down, fumbled with his fingers, looking nervous as Yoongi freaked when he had seen how expensive it had been. 

And then he younger had looked up, scratched his head and asked in a small voice: "And.. what if I didn't just get it for you? What if I meant for us to share this?"

That was the day Hoseok asked to move in with him and it was the moment Yoongi realized how serious the younger was. 
And how he couldn't have been happier about it, agreeing with a tear-soaked face and throwing himself around his neck. 

No more cold nights, hugging himself to sleep. 
No more waking up to grey walls and leaving the house with an empty stomach. 

"You Okay, babe?"

Now I See You // Jikook // ⚠18+⚠Where stories live. Discover now