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Song recommendation: Gasoline - Halsey 

He couldn't sleep. 

Even with Jungkook's large, naked body engulfing him in a back-hug, he couldn't find any rest. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Mrs. Jeon's eyes, switching from cruel to hurt. 
And Jungkook, staring his mother down, choosing him over her. 

He hadn't talked about it for the last two days, but every time his family was mentioned, he now saw more anger than sadness shimmer in his eyes. 

It didn't sit well with him. 
Jungkook shouldn't have had to make that choice. And he didn't want to be the reason, even if the younger told him it wasn't just because of him. 

He needed to talk to someone. 
He needed someone who could help him help Jungkook. 
And there was one person who would be perfect for such a situation. 

Carefully, so not to wake him, he slipped out of Jungkook's embrace. 
The younger turned in his sleep, like his subconsciousness sensed his absence, but his breathing didn't change, his eyes staying shut. 

He tried to not so much as breath as he collected his clothes and got dressed in silence. 
He grabbed his keys, phone and jacket and then slowly closed the door behind him as he left the little garage. 

Namjoon's house was silent and dark. No wonder there- it was one in the morning. 
He hoped Yoongi wouldn't be too annoyed that he showed up at his doorstep this late, but he just had to talk to someone. Now. 

He called a taxi, told him the address and stood in front of the run-down apartment half an hour later. 
He took the four set of steps up to Yoongi's little roof-top flat. 

Maybe he should have called ahead. 
There was a good possibility the black-haired boy was still at Hoseok's since he had had one of his bad days. 

There was no doorbell and no name tag, so he knocked on the door instead. 
He heard shuffling, noises and then the door was thrown open, the light blinding him for a moment. 

"J..Jimin? What are you doing here?" Yoongi asked with a shocked expression. But not as shocked as he was when he heard several sharp intakes of breaths from behind him. 

He craned his neck to look behind Yoongi, who wasn't much taller than him...
.... and met the eyes of all three Hyung's and Taehyung, sitting in a circle on the floor, sheets of paper scattered around them and both Namjoon and Jin a laptop on their laps. 

"You mean why is everyone else here?" He asked the flats owner, not sure what to make of this. 
"They.. I mean.. we.." 
Yoongi's stuttering only raised his suspicions. He was usually the best with words. 

And even more suspicion grew in his chest by the way Yoongi tried to stop him as he pushed inside. 

The flat was cramped, build for not more than three or four people. Opened ramen cups littered the ground and there was enough coffee and energy drinks in front of the boys to assume they were planning to stay up all night. 

None of them met his eyes as he stepped around the paper and into their middle. 
"What's going on here?"

Silence, until Namjoon sighed and got to his feet with a careful expression. 
"It's a little complicated. We- didn't want to tell you..."
"Tell me what?" He snapped, more confused than angry. 

That's until he took a better look at one of the scribbled notes that lay to his feet. 
The name stood out like the scream in a silent night, even as his mind emptied out. 
The world slowed down as he picked up the paper with trembling hands. 

Now I See You // Jikook // ⚠18+⚠Where stories live. Discover now