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     When Callas finally woke up the next day, on Wednesday, Reed was already packing up his bag, getting ready to go back home. He noted that the rhythm of her heartbeat had changed and he glanced over at her, offering her a smile when he noticed that it was because she had woken up. Callas grumbled and rolled over to face away from him and he chuckled, going back to packing his bag. Her slumber didn't continue for much longer when her face scrunched up as the light from the window shone into her face. Reed must have opened the curtains when he had woken up, however long ago that had been, so Callas huffed and turned to lay on her back, her eyes staring up at the ceiling. Reed picked up her own duffle bag and threw it onto the bed, over her legs, that were still covered by the duvet and the throw blanket that had been moved about during the night. Callas groaned quietly and placed her right arm over her face, shielding her eyes from the light that continued to stream into the room.

     "Should I take offence that you turned away from me that quickly when you woke up?" Reed asked with a grin.

     She shrugged rather awkwardly. "I'm too tired to care if you do."

     Reed laughed and zipped up his own bag. "Are you excited to go home today?"

     "Yes," she replied instantly, letting her arm flop down on the empty side of the bed before she sat up. "I can't stand sleeping under the same roof as the milkman."

     "Are you seriously still calling him that."

     "What else am I meant to call him?"

     "His name?"

     Callas waved him off and slowly pushed the duvet off her body, shivering almost immediately as the cold air rushed to her skin while she moved her legs to hang them off the side of the bed. She stood up and stretched, turning to face the bed to tidy up her side, smoothing down the soft, puffy duvet, shifting the pillows and straightening out the blanket at the bottom. It was tempting to just get back into the bed and sleep for a little bit longer, but Callas wanted to go home, she needed to go home. She pulled her bag towards herself and unzipped it, picking out her clothes for the day before she picked up her laptop and charger from the desk and placed them in the bag. Reed picked up his bag and placed it over his right shoulder, not making a move for the door before he began to speak again, Callas paused and glanced up at him.

     "I'll see you downstairs when you're finally ready. There's no rush."

     "Okay," she replied, sending him a small smile before she looked back down to her bag, putting the rest of her belongings inside.

     Reed left the room and closed the door behind himself. Callas changed out of her pyjama's and walked to Reed's side of the bed, tidying the duvet, before she left to go to the bathroom to brush her teeth. As she pushed open the bathroom door, she shivered, glancing up at the small, opened window. She breathed out, from both stress and relief. Stress from her own window and knowing Will had been there, and relief from knowing that Will wouldn't risk turning up at Emily's, outside of the bathroom window, especially not when he would be surrounded by the packs. Or, maybe if he was unhinged just enough, he would. Callas quickly brushed her teeth, looking at her own reflection in the mirror, wondering how the hell she got into the whole mess. She spat out the toothpaste, rinsed off her toothbrush and wiped her mouth. When she got back to the bedroom, she put her boots on, picked up her bag and flight jacket, before turning to leave. There was a faint smile on her face as she glanced around the room before closing the door. She made her way down the stairs and looked around the room. Reed and Emily were the only ones there, the others had more than likely gone back home, while Sam was probably out shopping again, although she didn't really care to ask where exactly he had gone off to.

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