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     Over Saturday, Callas and Henry had been texting one another in order to complete their History project for good. Henry let go of the idea of having the costumes and decided to settle for just the actual project itself—after almost an hour of Callas telling him why it wouldn't be necessary, and the fact that they probably did more work together than the entire class combined. He was reluctant at first, of course, as he had his mind set on having Callas dress up like Henry VIII, despite the fact that they didn't even learn about him. She did ask whether he was going to be in on Monday, but he never gave her a straight answer, he avoided the question altogether, which she found suspicious.

     Reed had only gone into work for a couple of hours on Saturday, something about Chief Swan pulling a meeting together with the force—which included Reed. From the sounds of things—that Callas managed to gather from her eavesdropping on the other side of his door—a couple of bodies had turned up dead, only one person had managed to stay alive. She was able to hear something about the Thursday, around the time Henry had left their house, and how a twenty-something-year-old man turned up to Forks Hospital, delirious and violent along with a teenager.

     Callas had hoped that Henry hadn't lied to her, that he wasn't the injured teenager brought in with some man who had apparently lost his sense of reality, and that he actually did have food poisoning—although food poisoning wasn't that great either. But she wouldn't know, he wasn't answering her texts. There wasn't much to do, considering the fact that she had completed all of her work, and Reed still hadn't joined her in getting the place mapped out for routes. Her body was spread out like a starfish on her bed, her head hanging off the bottom as she stared at the open window with a glare.

     She heard a knock on her door. "Cal?" She hummed in response as Reed popped his head in. "You busy?"

     "Do I look busy?"

     Reed laughed quietly. "You have a visitor."

     "What?" Callas questioned as she lifted her head up. Reed pushed the door open a bit more, allowing for Zeus to trot in and jump up on her bed. "Oh," she continued with a smile.

     Zeus laid his head down on her stomach, sighing as he looked at her. "I'm not ready now, but do you want to go mapping in an hour?"

     "Yes!" She exclaimed with a groan. "I've wanted to do that for a week."

     "Okay." Reed nodded. "Let me just get something to eat and then I'll get dressed."

     "Hurry up, Reed."

     "Calm down," he told her with a chuckle just as he walked away.

     Callas placed her hand on Zeus's head. "Can you guard my room while we're gone, Bud?" She asked him, knowing she wouldn't get a response.

     All he did was wag his tail more and stretch his paws at her, shuffling his way up closer to her head while he stretched. He rested his head on his paws, closing his eyes. Callas pet his head before going to her wardrobe to get out her running clothes. She turned her head to look at her door, where Embry's jumper was hanging. She moved to the bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror, the bags under her eyes weren't as bad as they were before, at least her body was getting over the whole moving situation. After getting changed, she put her pyjamas under her pillow and moved to pick up her shoes.

     Her phone buzzed:

Hey, Cal, if you want me to, I can come over after dinner and seal your window for you?

     She had almost forgotten about Jacob telling her he would do it. She quickly replied that if he wasn't busy then it sounded like a good plan. With her shoes on, she stood up, looking at Embry's jumper. She looked towards the window, it didn't look very warm out. When she looked back, she unhooked the jumper and slid it on, rolling the sleeves up, so they didn't cover her hands, before putting her phone in the pocket. Reed peered his head into her room, nodding to her, she nodded back and followed him down the stairs.

AEGIS ↠ EMBRY CALL [R.U]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora